Candy-pervertxxx on-line sex chats for YOU!

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37 thoughts on “Candy-pervertxxx on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. No sorry i disagree with the comments it’s not the same. Books are are books, only words and in porn are real people, you look at other very hot women, how they get fucked and you masturbate to other real women besides your gf. So anyone who disagrees with that, feel free to explain to me why it is the same.

  2. Just get over it, honestly there's so much worse stories of things their SO has done in the past than this one! It's the oldest profession there is, after all…

  3. Even if it never escalates, is this what you want to live! with?

    This is absolutely not normal. Does he behave like this at work? If not then he absolutely can control it.

  4. Continued: I feel like she constantly tries her best to sabotage whatever love I have left for her and I feel like she says things to hurt me out of jealousy and spite for things that she still may be hurt about but also happened 6+ months ago that she says she’s chosen to forgive me for so I don’t think it’s fair to constantly have things held over my head when she sees fit. She’ll lash out at me tomorrow, and then use things from 6 months ago as reasons to why it’s okay or justified. After going through my phone a couple months into us meeting and her seeing a fetish i was fighting the urge of resisting, she told me then that she understood because of my childhood trauma why I was reaching out to those individuals but since then she’s constantly thrown it back in my face and made me feel bad for these sexual habits that I’ve built and have done a tremendous job of shedding and focusing on loving my woman and partner and appreciating what I have infront of me. As I type this, I truly feel like a lot of this isn’t my fault but I’m constantly being blamed for the way that I react to all of this mistreatment and it’s really frustrating because she’s basically said everything in the book. She’s told me in the past that I “bust in two minutes” which isn’t true but even i gotta chuckle at that one, besides that she’s really just emphasized in the last week that she’s done and she wants to break up so I’m hoping that she means it and we can go our separate ways but I guess I’m typing all this just to see what people think because I’m not trying to paint her as some villain but when she’s constantly degrading me and insulting my character it’s naked to know who I really am anymore to even be putting up with this. She’s emasculated me on so many levels calling me a “baby girl” and tonight she called me a “f*** p****y” for not getting that kids insurance. It really hurts to know that if this part of her personality wasn’t there, she’d be the perfect girlfriend in so many ways. I love so much about her but I can’t seem to justify this type of behavior anymore especially since my dad is getting older and so am I and I really feel like we should spend more time together because he’s 75 now and I don’t think this relationship is worth fighting when I feel like I’m living with someone who literally tells to my face that they hate me. She’s done a lot for me but she’s also done a lot to me and It’s hard to decipher which one matters most at this point. I saw the red flags when we first met and ignored them. Mainly her emotional instability. There’s been times where I really enjoyed her company but at this point it’s miserable. Straight PTSD. she’ll storm out for hours, turn off her location and then when she comes back she’ll listen by the front door to my conversations unannounced to try and find ammo to use against me. I do well for myself in the mortgage business even when times are tough right now in my industry I’m still making a lot more than the average American but she’s treating me like dirt, literally calling me a loser and telling me I’m a scammer and a swindler because I haven’t taken her on a trip yet. I’m not entirely sure what I did to earn those titles other than do as much as I can to fight for stability and happiness for everyone. The other day after I got us approved for an apartment, she never even said thank you or good job. We left the office with them saying they’re going to check with the regional manager about the transfer fee and that they would let us know when we can move in, the unit is basically ours and she left the office upset. Saying she wasted her whole day, nothing even got done, I’m not being a boyfriend or getting anything done, it’s insane. I do my best to be there for her but it’s gotten to the point where she will start yelling and then all of a sudden her voice will get a little deeper and it honestly sounds satanic. She’s even threatened me by saying “u want me to talk in the deep voice again?” When I was trying to stop her from claiming she was going to drive 9 hours by herself with just her and her dog when it’s snowing where she’s from. Ok I’m tired now I understand this isn’t worth my energy. Thank you for reading, more than happy to add any details where I can. I’m not trying to paint a one sided picture or leave anything out. I could list all the things I’ve done “wrong”but I feel like for the most part, a lot of them would just be things she convinced me of doing it being that isn’t really who I am or what I did or would do if that makes sense. She’s basically always pointing the finger instead of accepting responsibility. And when I say she never apologies she’ll give a bland “I apologize” she won’t say what she’s sorry for or say she won’t do it again, she just leave it at that and it doesn’t feel sincere and I’ve let her know that too. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

  5. Hello /u/throwwaymother,

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  6. That might logically happen. But unless it’s blatantly obvious that he’s “old” (I’m 36 lol so this is sort of funny to me), there’s no reason for it to come up in conversation early on.

    Age isn’t usually an initial question from parents. So he’d be meeting them before it comes up.

  7. It has only been a few days so I would advice you to try and calm down as very hot as it might seem.

    Being long distance means that you won't know everything that's going on in your day to day life because some things people just better talk about in person . Also he said he only talks about work stuff with his colluege so that sounds like he is just a bit stressed over work.

    For some people it takes more energy to text so maybe he is just exhausted from work.

    Important is that this behaviour won't go on for a longer time and that he will not stop talking to you at all.

    That said: you might want to look into the whole thing again. If a few days of low contact alread, have just a huge impact on you chances are that long distance isn't for you.

    Long distance means that it is harder to get a lot of attention. If you need that you might not be the type of person for that kind of relationship

  8. I think you’re being a bit naive. It sounds 100% intentional, you don’t accidentally touch someone’s breasts by masturbating while the other party is asleep. What makes you think it was unintentional?

  9. You are confused because no loving partner would ever do this. You wouldn’t do it to him.

    Sorry bro but the people here saying to dump him are correct. Find someone who is nice for real and not just for a few weeks

  10. this person also thought it would be nice to respond to 10 or so comments i made with snarky remarks, so i just dished out what i received

  11. I don’t know if I’d want to date him. Maybe I’m not attractive enough for him so I’m not someone he’d ever date

    But, just like to continue getting to know him.

  12. You sound financially irresponsible and your dad is trying to tell you something: stop spending your money frivolously.

    You’re 24. Learn to drive. Learn to budget. Learn to be responsible.

  13. As long as you are ok with her bringing a man in for a 3sum as well them shoot your shot but ask her how she would feel about it or her opinion on tha type of stuff istead of saying you want to have a 3sum! Make it a comfortable conversation

  14. What would he say if you booked a family holiday for you all? And you demanded he come too and leave all work behind. 10 days. Can you afford it and would he do it? Maybe when he is relaxed and in a neutral space away from his day to day work stresses he may be more open to having a reasonable discussion about your family/work life balance and future.

  15. Yeah have literally never heard of anyone doing this. Most women are superstitious about setting up a nursery even halfway through their pregnancy. Fake af.

  16. How would you feel if your partner cheated and kept it a secret and goes on Reddit to tell people they cheated. Gross. Tell your husband so he can find someone he deserves and you can go do whatever you want. Way to ruin someone OP.

  17. It means she is stressed and overwhelmed, and is making the only change that she CAN right now. Accept it and walk away gracefully.

  18. It could be possible that he's asexual. He also could have trauma around sex that he hasn't wanted to go into. I think all you can really do is try to convince him that this is an important subject, and he needs to try and open up to you about his feelings about it. If he won't talk about it then nothing will change, and nobody can really give you more advice without knowing his feelings about things

  19. Some people consider holidays like Valentine's Day to be purely commercial. A made-up holiday to drive spending. I don't disagree with that myself.

    If you have to hound someone to do something you want, it is a useless gesture at that point. They are just giving in to your demands. How is that going to make you feel special?

  20. Why are you married to an immature child? Tell her she either grows up, gets a job and starts contributing or she can go home to mommy.

  21. Every barbershop I’ve ever walked past have not had partners sitting and waiting while other half gets hair cuts-in fact-I’ve not even seen mothers waiting with their sons…. He’s entitled to get a hair cut without you needing to hold his hand.

  22. So she tested yesterday and 1/3 of the tests read positive but the other 2 were negative so I don’t know what to think at this point

  23. You’re a 34 year old man, and this is how you talk to people? I had a civil discussion with my boyfriend about this situation, and I in no way acted dramatic by expressing my discomfort in a calm manner. It seems like you’re more immature than I am.

  24. He said that he must not know boundaries well and doesn’t know how to act around women. So I asked him why should I trust him and he insisted he wants to learn for me….

  25. I’d say it’s enough of a gap that they have a huge difference in maturity. 19 is someone who just started college like a year ago, and 24 is someone who has probably been in the work force for a couple years at that point if they did the standard 4 years of college.. but yeah. Guy is messed up regardless of the age gap :/

  26. He didn't lie. He said he went out with one of his girl friends. You are the insecure one that went and hunted down a photo to find out which girl friend…you assumed which one when he told you and then discovered it was another…and then decided he lied.

    YOU need to check yourself, fast because your insecurity is making you into the crazy girlfriend. You see it, you call yourself it. This isn't a healthy relationship and if your boyfriend knew this was how you were behaving, do you think he would want to keep dating you?

    Do you think you are even ready to be dating? Honestly? You sound like you could use some time to focus on you. Get to know who you are without a guy in your life. Enjoying you. Free of drama, dating and stressing over all of gestures at OP

  27. The problem is not that he couldnt be there for that day. He has to work, you have to be a grownup and accept it.

    The problem is that he didnt offer any solutions. – baby I have to work on monday, but how about we go to a nice restaurant, picnic, hike, whatever you like and spend the day/few hours together?

    You cant really expect him to take a day off just for your birthday (maybe he could, depends on the work) but you are justified to expect an effort from him. Make a cake for you, spend few hours with you an other day, or at least try.


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