Missaleenna live webcams for YOU!

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Salee!! OnlyToday Control Me Once for my Snap and a Video!! 🙂


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3 thoughts on “Missaleenna live webcams for YOU!

  1. Well you sure won’t find someone better if you waste time with an asshole. And if you don’t find men sexually appealing, maybe you’re asexual, or demisexual, or bi, or gay. Heterosex or any type of sex isn’t a requirement for romantic love. And sure it sucks dating, but these are your options, stay with an abuser, be single, or risk the awkward process of dating to find someone better. Out of the three options, staying with an abuser seems to be clearly the worst choice. Also as you know what is normal and comfortable to you is what’s causing you pain, and since so many people are no where near as shitty as him, if you can survive his bullshit, you’ve got little to be afraid of from most other people.

  2. Also it’s not porn that upsets me I get upset cuz he watches girls nude and fucking themselves instead of porn. Says he can’t stop but I told him I don’t like it and to fix it or I’m done I’d feel more comfortable if he’d just watch porn not girls by themselves. I genuinely think he just hides it now tho instead of not watch girls cuz it’s “normal” to want to watch girls with a nice body and big tits and ass

  3. As you said, last resort. Not first resort.

    My advice? Write a letter, or make a list, of what you want from this relationship, what upsets you, and what will be a dealbreaker if it continues. List out the unacceptable stuff, with dates and times if you can. When you're at whatever intervention/therapy/etc you're at, you'll probably be too emotional to remember everything you want to say. And, since you love the man he once was and you hope he can be again, you might forgive or ignore something that should have been on the list of unforgivable things.

    You can also make a game plan of things to try. You tried just talking to him, didn't work. You can try therapy. You can try an intervention. You can try something else if you can think of it. But at the bottom of the list, there's divorce. He should know that if he doesn't change his ways, losing you is on the table.


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