Zandy-Thomas on-line webcams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Zandy-Thomas on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. As someone who’s gone through multiple breakups lol, my advice is delete all those pictures her contact everything, I’ve been staying up thinking about the same girl over and over and what I could have done differently but the fact is time doesn’t wait for no man, understand where things went wrong and start bettering yourself work out do things you enjoy actually live yourself I know it sounds weird but if you don’t love yourself how can you expect others to, there’s always someone else out there it may not seem like it now but I promise you when your happily married in the future you’ll look back on now and laugh at the situation, stop looking for the love you owe yourself in other people you’ll only hurt yourself time and time again, also before a woman ends a relationship trust me they had already made up their mind long ago so don’t let it get you too down, it’s ok to be sad but don’t let it turn into depression write the problem down and then work on the solution you won’t get anywhere getting hung up in the problem.

    This is all easier said than done at the end of the day you’ll never make everyone happy so atleast make yourself happy you deserve that much and your only 18 find something you enjoy and go at it because trust me you don’t wanna be 30 wishing you could go back, find out the man you wanna be at 30 then work on all the things you can do to be that person

  2. If it isn't, it's psychological torture for the ex. They split when she couldn't conceive, but then the decade younger replacement announces it at a work gathering, for… reasons?

  3. yeah I'd be fucking GLAD he was getting his kicks by watching videos instead ffs

    I don't get this post at all


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