Martinna-28 live! webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Martinna-28 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I’ll tell you exactly what’s up. He’s abusive and selfish, he left you alone because he was tangled with someone else for awhile weather private or secret. Now they left him too or it’s ended, so out of feeling bad he thinks it’s a good time to try and drag you back in again. Absolutely don’t tell him you’re going to file a restraining order with the police and you want no contact with him ever.

    I know a narc that would do the same, tried reaching out to an ex from five years prior after the newest failed relationship he destroyed. She even owned a house with her current bf of three years and he went on about how he’ll never love her like he does. But when he was with someone? Go away, stay out of my life I never think of you, etc over bump ins etc.

    They always have back up plans and he’s sounds like the controlling type who will force whatever to happen he wants or die trying when he had nothing else at the time.

    I moved states away from mine anyway so I don’t have to worry, but on your case get police involved and tell him you’re serious. He just wants to manipulate you to come back to him again. I’m sure in a few months or so you’ll get nothing again when he meets a new girl to start the cycle over.

  2. Why do people need to cheat, i do not get it. Im sorry OP. There is nothing wrong with you, dont let her question yourself if you are enough just because she is not

  3. First of all nothing wrong with foot fetish, i heard one in 10 or 20 men have it, that aside

    Its a sexual thing, he is having romantic and or sexual feelings for another female, this is wrong especially in a relationship, not the foot fetish, but his feeling towards another woman in a relationship

    You need to get out of there

    His either being unfaithful or he has no clue. If he has no clue he can be taught however, i wouldn’t waste time on common sense but its up to you,

    Id run

  4. Yea at 13 I wouldn’t have respected someone I know is too young for my dad. Not sure how you trusted his word on this. It’s like every bad cliche she sees on tv

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  6. Yeah well OP is a woman. A lot of us want kids and families and our bodies have expiration dates. Or we at the very least dream of stable, committed relationships, someone we can share or lives and homes with. A lot of men think it's okay to string us along indefinitely because muh commitment issues but it really really isn't.

    They've been dating for six fucking years. That's like… 20% of OPs lifespan. And this guy isn't even ready to take the first teeny tiny step towards building a future together. It's more than reasonable to “pressure” your partner at that point.

    If he's “not ready” then that's okay. OP clearly is. I can totally understand why you'd want to stop wasting your time at that point. We don't online forever.

    This right here is why it's so important to be on the same page when it comes to relationships. The second things become serious, you should have an honest discussion about what your long-term goals are. So many people nowadays are okay with casual stuff, I don't know why people think it's okay to enter relationships with people looking for commitment and then just leaving them dangling.

  7. This is exactly what I am afraid of, I really don't want my personal life to be a show. Also part of me thinks, if something bad happens to either party, of course it will be a show. Why not sooner than later? However, I will see how this whole break up goes. May be I will decide later.

  8. Hi. Child of divorce at 13 here. My parents both dated after divorce. Dad did it in the gross rotating door of partners and mom did it with the occasional person, we met maybe 1 man 1 or 2 times before 18. I was never upset that she did that. I don't talk to my dad these days. It's okay to date, as long as your kid is the priority.

  9. Same boat but it was during the me too movement they I had been coerced am sexually assaulted by a boyfriend.

  10. Do not contact her. Just realize that you dodged a bullet and move on with your life. No one needs a partner like this. Find someone who appreciates you and what you do for her and let this one find someone who enjoys being just a walking wallet that she can dip into.

  11. “My husband has been acting like a shitty person who routinely mocks people behind their backs infront of our kids, and I am actively encouraging it because I find mocking people funny infront of the kids. Now my kid is turning out to be a shitty person who bullies people. I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS COULD HAPPEN AND WHAT DO I DO?!”

    Like seriously, what do you mean “I don't understand why he's doing all this”? He comes home, and he sees his father mocking people constantly, and he sees his mom encouraging it while laughing. What did you think was going to happen? That he would learn being a dick is wrong when his dad gets laughs from being a dick, and his mom encourages it?

    Number one, you cut the shit. You accept you and your husband have played a significant role in turning your son into a bully. You and your husband need to stop being shitty and treat people with respect, both in general and ESPECIALLY when you are around your kids. Your kids are a mirror of yourself. If you don't like what you see in their behavior, that stems from you.

    Number two, you clean his clock every time his bullying is reported. You take away his online access and other treats until he learns what he is doing is unacceptable. You need to clamp down, and clamp down naked on his behavior. He thinks his bullying is funny because you encourage it in his father, so you need to show him it isn't right with punishment.

    Number three, you make him write sincere apologies to the innocent kids he has bullied. They don't deserve to be caught in the crossfire because being shitty is funny to you.

    Number four, you tell your husband that the whole “kids will be kids” thing is bullshit. I didn't bully people as a kid, it is just that fucking easy.

  12. Something is clearly wrong and she needs time to fix it.

    Time? Ha ha, I think ut's something else, begins with a D, ends with a K. But IC your point

  13. I mean everyone here has already told you as much, cheating is cheating, regardless of circumstance, intent or reason. He made a series of decisions that led to the cheating, it wasn't out of his control.

    You have to decide if you're willing to forgive it or not.

  14. Sometimes we unfortunately realize what we had when it’s too late. If she can look at you with no emotion while you’re putting your heart out she has checked out of your relationship. Women will tolerate ALOT of shit but once they are done they are done. You should continue to work on yourself and become a better person for the future. You need to let her go because she’s already gone.

  15. No.

    Your friend is wrong.

    You were walking around campus with someone who at that point in time, was someone who could have become a friend.

    Definitely not cheating.

    Now had you said yes to dinner, even if you still thought it was as friends, that might have been cheating.

  16. I feel like it's ultimatum time. Give boyfriend a choice — (1) follow your preference, and uninvited the cousin, explaining that he never should have been invited OR (2) cousin (or bf can reimburse you for 100% of the trip, and you will plan a future vacation with someone who is a more reliable travel companion.

    I personally would not be able to go on a trip like this with a bf and his cousin. I would feel so disrespected it would be impossible to have fun. I would 100% break up with someone over this.

  17. But life still happens and lots of young adults have to deal with a lot more as well as being on their own.

  18. OCD (like other forms of psychopathology) cannot be switched off, only treated through medication and/or therapy. This strikes me as very strange, that he could so radically change his behavior at the drop of a hat. Even healthy people have trouble changing habits. It makes me wonder how long he can hold this for until he “switches back”.


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