Jess on-line webcams for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “Jess on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm fine. I'm worried about her. I don't need time away from her I want her to be happy and not explode all the time. It can't be fun or good for her.

    Yeah I'm complaining because she's treating me like crap but that's because it's just not like her. I'm worried for her mental health for her to be behaving like that.

  2. You made the right decision.

    When people tell you this:

    she doesn’t know how to think of our relationship and that she’s not ready to be in a relationship

    That is a good cue to leave.

    Its okay to spend time to figure a person out (she doesn’t know how to think of our relationship), what is not okay is when the person tells you they're not ready for a reletionship.

    If you're on the dating scene, you need to be capable of delivering. You would be selfish if you dated others looking for relationships and always play the I am not ready card…. you're wasting their time.

    The only time when you should entertain someone who makes that comment, is if they followed it up with: I am not ready to be in one, but I know our connection is great and want to work through it. Can you be patient with me?

    That has direction and a door open. The other way is blind and closed doors.

    I could be forgiving on the incident. Shit happens. You're new to each-other. But I would need some type of acknowledgement and reasonable explanation for me to continue. She failed in that regard.

    Ill point this out for your own benefit for next time:

    she could only see me on the week… we'd be over.

    That is 100% a min requirement for relationships, but a month in, I think that is too naked of a demand. You need to keep things light while you figure each-other out and layer this in over time. The early stages, you're trying to blend your personalities, not forcing yourselves into their lives.

    Anyways, you made the right call. She didn't seem fully invested in getting to know you. That's a good reason to check out.

  3. That’s the thing, if none of you care too much, to the point of being fervent then it works. But both of you have to be pretty lax in your position, plus what you have in your favor is that as an atheist, there’s no competing religion to muddy the waters

  4. Please don’t beat yourself up over what you “should have done.” When you’ve had trauma, especially the type you have shared, it’s common to make yourself the “reason” it happened because that is what you’ve been told or led to believe. Not being able to tell your BF no does not give him the okay to initiate sex when you’re clearly not doing well. You’re learning how to communicate. Communication is NAKED, no two ways about it.

    Are you able to contact your therapist outside of sessions? This might be a good time to seek them out so they can help you through this. Keep your chin up. ?

  5. Literally anyone you are friends with on Facebook being connected in any way to someone can lead to them being suggested

  6. so, just to be clear, he was okay with receiving a decidedly one-sided sexual act without you receiving pleasure? is that right?

    my answer overall is, it varies. extremely insecure people will feel extremely insecure. if you are having to use a vibe/dildo for most/all of your sexual acts, you're either completely incompatible or need to talk about how to GIVE EACH OTHER pleasure equally to satisfy each other.

    if he's upset you're making yourself cum while making HIM cum, i would personally seriously reconsider the arrangement entirely. either we both discuss our sexual needs and expectations and go from there, or i am gone. the end. he is either selfish, extremely insecure, or both, and i don't have time for that. he can play with your pussy or let you find a way. the end.

  7. OP, you seem really stuck on your son’s birth and the fallout. It seems like this has traumatized you deeply. That’s understandable – to plan, to anticipate, to prepare, and to wait for something so profound and then have it just … be taken away? Probably one of the biggest betrayals a person could experience. You will absolutely need help navigating this – because no matter what happens next, you certainly don’t want to get stuck in this anger and have it poison your dynamic with you, your son, and his mother. One of the basic, deepest needs I children is to see their parents get along.

    There’s another piece OP is blatantly ignoring here, and whether they deal with it or not will decide any ability to love or trust another woman in the future.

    Most people when faced with something that appears like a betrayal (like this poisonous text about the “affair”) react with disbelief. Complete disbelief and often a desire to quickly be told that the betrayal didn’t happen.

    The only exception to this is if trust want had already been broken. For example – you suspect there’s cash missing from your wallet and someone tells you they saw your parents taking it. Common response? Either they saw wrong or the parents had a good reason.

    Unless the parents are known to take their kids money, steal from them, etc.

    The most common responses here are telling OP the obvious – the girlfriends response was wayyyyyyyy off kilter and extreme.

    Massive understanding why would help OP process through the trauma. Maybe not. But unless that perspective is added, it would be difficult for anyone to “convict” her off responding badly.

  8. You are an awesome person for wanting to be supportive.

    Him wanting to open the marriage now but saying he will stay marriage at least until the children are grown is showing he is okay with moving away from you.

  9. Dude she doesn’t love you your basically her alternative to paying the bills run for your fucking life! Flee you fool! Run Luke run!how many ways do you need this spelling out once your out of money she will find a new man with a fresh wallet she can empty

  10. yupppp I also think people's personal sex drives also influence this- I've always had a much higher sex drive than my partners, so I'm pretty much always receptive when they've initiated, but it's difficult to take if I initiate and am turned down because from my view that drive is pretty consistently there unless I'm particularly upset with my boyfriend or am myself ill. Unfortunately enough I've dealt with this by just being intimate whenever my partner initiates and just gave up initiating myself.

  11. Sorry man, but she's already done it. She met someone at that retreat and wants your permission for what she already did.

  12. Sorry man, but she's already done it. She met someone at that retreat and wants your permission for what she already did.

  13. A relationship is a 2 way street. Depression is not an excuse to treat one's partner like shit. You need to take a naked look at his situation and try to consider that maybe he's not even depressed, maybe he's a narcissist instead.

    I'm not saying that he is, there's no way for me to know that, but you should read up on what exactly are the signs and look at it with a new perspective.

    And yes I was in a somewhat similar relationship when I was 18-20, but atleast he didint try to isolate me from my family.

  14. If he doesn't use hair straightener and no one asks for it back, I'd be like..NICE, free hair straightener and hair dryer for me lol.

  15. You're hanging onto an idea that's not reality. She's not into you sexually and assaulted you when you tried to kiss her. You haven't been together long enough for it to be this bad. Let it go. Move on and find someone who wants to be with you.

  16. your bf is very immature and is projecting his own issues on you. Take a few years break and see if he has matured after that.

  17. If she still wants it, you will be a dad. At the very least, she’ll file for and get child support. You need to be prepared for that. You probably need to do some real soul searching. The other option is you signing over all parental rights but that’s only if she offers that. It would mean that 10 years from now, you can’t ask to see your child. You need to figure out what you are willing to do before you talk to her. Chances are you are going to have a child.

  18. This is so absurd considering she broke up with me

    Yes, it is. And just imagine what a nightmare she would be to deal with as your baby mama.

  19. Unless they are virgins or the most selfish of lovers, you’ll be naked pressed to find a guy who hasn’t given head.

  20. You can remove the quotation marks around the word crazy.

    I honestly don’t know what you should do, but you could ask for another chance, and heavily validate the fact that your family is seriously weird, and then not bring him around them anymore.

  21. Sis, if you have to beg a man to not cheat on you, you have trust issues. And for good reason. Leave and work on yourself before getting in a relationship. Not cheating is a requirement, not something to beg for.

  22. You need to break up with this puke. And then, make it a personal boundary, no one speaks to you this way. If they do, you’re out. That’s it, that’s final.

  23. “It's your fault for not reminding me” is some childish BS.

    He's shown you who he is. Don't put up with his nonsense. Kick him to the curb


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