Ummm….. This is patently false (source: I do criminal background checks for a living).
“Simple Assault”, even when initiated against a police officer, government employee, or emergency worker, is generally a misdemeanor.
“Felonious Assault” is usually charged in cases where there is an unusually severe level of injury, or when intent to kill or grievously harm (maim, disfigure, etc.) the victim.
I have a daughter who is 9, and I will not let anyone I ever talk to or date seriously until I feel I'm ready for that.
2 months is entirely too early for her to want to met your child. Nah
Ummm….. This is patently false (source: I do criminal background checks for a living).
“Simple Assault”, even when initiated against a police officer, government employee, or emergency worker, is generally a misdemeanor.
“Felonious Assault” is usually charged in cases where there is an unusually severe level of injury, or when intent to kill or grievously harm (maim, disfigure, etc.) the victim.