Elizabet Moore live! webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Elizabet Moore live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Leave her. She has way too many trauma from her past relationships. You deserve way better than this. You are not her therapist.

  2. OP, please keep your head above water and keep doing what you are. If anything gets further out of hand and he or even your mom lays a hand on you, please leave and get help. My eldest daughter is 14 and if I found her stepfather being a disgusting creep to her or either of my other children I’d probably end his life.

    Also, as someone who was abused her entire childhood and well into her adolescence, keep locking your door, I didn’t have a lock on my door.

    Please do your best to reach out to others. There has to be at least one person who is going to care. Don’t give up and keep yourself safe.

  3. Yeah, and my wife still doesn't know I'm Batman. You'd think she would have figured it out when she asked me to tie her up and I told her it would feel wrong if she wasn't wearing kitty ears.

  4. Hello /u/Adviceforaardvark,

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  5. There is no reason to still be mad: He did what you asked for: unfollow her on twitter. He did. Now you ask: What reason would there be to still be mad? Which sounds like you are mad at him for even following her in the first place and you want to be mad at him for the purpose of being mad

  6. Dude, you're the loser. She was venting about her specific situation with specific guys. If she'd thought this about all guys, why the fuck would she be venting to you about it? What kind of internet toilets have you fallen into to make your brain instantly jump to “ShE's So SeXiSt!” This isn't about you, it isn't about all men, it's stated as feeling and not fact, and it isn't even sexist because the entire reason it's about men is because she's interested in dating men. Admit it: You got mad and now instead of just admitting to it, you're doubling down to save face. … Or, continue to not admit it, but your face is beyond saving. Grow up and learn to prioritize relationships over always being right.

  7. He needs to find the words for what “ready” means to him. Even if his words are not what you want to hear. You need to know if he is going to stand next to you, because right now the both of you are on opposite sides. Dancing around a conversation you have not had. Where do you stand, where does he stand, and where this relationship is going.

    This is an impasse for the both of you. Start taking, and being honest.

  8. You’re young, you made a choice that didn’t work for you and now you can’t come back from it. It’s ok, but the relationship probably isn’t salvageable and it’s ok for you to choose that for yourself too.

  9. Yes it’s an unpopular opinion. You’re putting this all on OP as if he’s the only one in the relationship. There are two people that needed to communicate, not just one.

  10. Not crazy. She dragged it out past trivia so she could spend alone time with him in her car. That goes beyond saying goodbye to an ex. That's emotional cheating at minimum. There's no reason for her to be alone in the car with her ex for an extended period after the trivia is over unless he needed a right home. But sitting there, going nowhere, while you are waiting for her twiddling your thumbs is disrespectful to you and your relationship. She doesn't give a shit about you.

  11. I understood her for 8 months of our relationship. She also uncinsentuslly kissed me abd did stuff without my consent, she constantly lied and kept secrets i was meant to know. She never was on the same page. She is too dependent on her friends and what they think of her . She is immature in this department and im imature in another department. This situation finally opened my eyes and im actually glad this relationship ended . It will suck , it is painful but time heals everythinf

  12. Let's be real. This happens everytime vasectomy come up. Men seem to be completely unwilling to take on any of the burden that comes with birth control.

  13. It's simple, you've grown up and your bf hasn't. Life is still one big party for him and he's still in that phase where words should be trusted over actions. When you want a life long partner you will hear it but you will also SEE it. People who want long term relationship are willing to stop pretending to be single. When we all want long term partners, we can acknowledge that sometimes it is not good to put ourselves in vulnerable situations. This can totally be fixed but it means your bf has to grow up, and he clearly doesn't want to.

  14. You two are fundamentally incompatible. You're not an asshole. You just need to acknowledge reality. If you stay in this relationship, you're not going to be happy. Good luck.

  15. Don’t make your insecurities his problem. That’s unfair.

    And it seems like you need to cut back on TikTok and Reddit if all the posts are making you suspicious of your boyfriend who has never given you a reason to not trust him.


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