Andrea-Fernandez live! sex cams for YOU!

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48 thoughts on “Andrea-Fernandez live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like guy has some underlying mental health issues: schizophrenia, bipolar or any other mood disorder and is “testing you” (seen my own brother sadly do this kind of behavior), OR like someone mentioned above he is cheating OR both. Thoughts like that and saying them out loud are for few reasons. Putting up with that kind of behavior, it escalates into domestic violence.

  2. Go back home ASAP…if you have your baby in the USA you are stuck there…you need to leave now…I don't how far along you are but after a certain week you need a drs note yo be able to fly. You might even end up in early labour…so go now…if you have to leave the dog then do be it…better then spending 18 years stuck in another country

  3. Girl my best friend is 26 now and is about to match. I have seen her go through hell and back these past 8 years. She was smart enough not to stay in a serious relationship and let me tell you how happy she is that she focused on her schooling over guys. The only guys she dated during med school were also in med school, because they understood the commitment. If he’s really making it an issue and not being supportive, I think you have to kick him to the curb. This is only the beginning of your journey

  4. Ask her which one? Having an affair or doesn't want to take care of her kid, it's one or the other guaranteed. With the amount she makes there is no reason she doesn't have a car and some day care a couple times a week, for a bit of a break.

  5. Not answering is basically saying nah you’ll judge me when you hear it.. so he got the answer he was looking for

  6. Wow, I’m sorry dude. One time my mom called my step dad my dads name when introducing him and he flipped out at her. I mean I’d probably feel pretty insecure about it too. I’m sorry but it sounds like you’re handling it really well.

  7. Find an attorney fast because she will! Don’t be surprised if your attorney says DNA. The fact that she basically stated you shouldn’t be surprised speaks volumes. Do NOT leave that house until you’ve spoken to an attorney.

  8. Hello /u/FrontTable4879,

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  9. Some truths about boundaries: They can't be “dumb” because they're personal and subjective. You can not use them to control the behaviors of others. They can only be used to control what you accept in your life. You can't stop your husband if he ultimately chooses to go to the topless bar. He can't stop you if you ultimately choose to leave him for a breach of your trust and boundaries.

  10. Please tell me there’s a way for you to leave in the event of a fire? I’m sorry for what you’re going through but this was my first thought after reading your comment.

  11. I don't want our son to grow up being violent.

    You're going to teach him that punching people in anger is acceptable if you stay

  12. You didn't mention any issues you have with your current partner. Are there any? If not it just sounds like you are self-sabotaging over a long shot that has no guarantee to even be better than your current situation

  13. That shows a lack of respect for the autonomy and capabilities of the person actually involved.

    The same autonomy and capabilities both people had to decide to have sex knowing it might lead toa pregnancy.

  14. You need to start running again. But away from him. Do not marry this man! If he hasn’t had sex with you for 9 years then he never will. He’s getting his sexual satisfaction elsewhere obviously. Please leave!

  15. Don’t let this ruin a long friendship. She has bride brain & is caught up in everything being perfect, including you. It also sounds like a lot of this is coming from her mom.

    Because you love her, let this go. You can redo your makeup after the ceremony if you don’t like how you look.

    As to your style – maybe it’s too much for her mom or for her wedding pictures, but it’s not too much for YOU – and before her wedding, it’s never been a thing at all.

    I know your feelings are hurt, but it is so clear that she’s your favorite person – just accept that she’s not herself at the moment & let this shit go. Pretend you’re dressing for a part in a boring play. It’s almost over!

  16. Don’t let this ruin a long friendship. She has bride brain & is caught up in everything being perfect, including you. It also sounds like a lot of this is coming from her mom.

    Because you love her, let this go. You can redo your makeup after the ceremony if you don’t like how you look.

    As to your style – maybe it’s too much for her mom or for her wedding pictures, but it’s not too much for YOU – and before her wedding, it’s never been a thing at all.

    I know your feelings are hurt, but it is so clear that she’s your favorite person – just accept that she’s not herself at the moment & let this shit go. Pretend you’re dressing for a part in a boring play. It’s almost over!

  17. I mean the more things your saying are you sure she still loves and wants to be with you because after most of these response it sounds like the relationship is on the clock

  18. She’s not playing guessing games, she wants someone to tell her it’s ok to go to her friend’s wedding without contributing anything.

    Despite taking a huge contribution and gift from said friend years ago and making a pact to contribute in the future, because she thought that, as a person with a disability, her friend would never get married.

  19. Thank you for your answer. I don't think it's entirely about the eczema; more a 'bigger picture' thing combined with my own mental issues. You're right about the clock ticking: don't want to waste her time.

  20. Lmao, I suffered no harm?!?! Okay, glad you know how my pregnancy and the first year of my kid's life went.

    And I'm not trying to denigrate it. The definition of a parasite is an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

    That's exactly what a fetus does. Not everyone views an embryo as a child. You're getting really upset by my verbiage, it's actually quite amusing.

  21. Now “home made treat/quality activity time” is a specific enough thing that a person HAS to have mentioned wanting, or else giving it as a gift shines a light on just how little you know about the recipient?

  22. Poor guy. Go get some help from a therapist. Find out why you are so low that you would even consider this.

  23. Is she overweight? I assume so, given that she's 20 odd years old and has gallstones. If so, that unfortunately makes hormonal contraceptives less effective.

  24. Then GET active. If you’re just sitting around, you have more time to fill in the dead air with stupid thoughts. You’re not mad. You’re bored when you’re on your own. Fix that.

  25. You should get the fuck out, be completely transparent with your own support structure (if you’re lucky enough to have one) family, friends, etc – and start to make a plan for a life that doesn’t include him. Of course there’ll be visitation and so on, but remaining in this relationship and keeping the kid in such a toxic environment is going to lead potentially to them having the same issues he’s got.

    Give you kid the best possible chance, by escaping this while you can. You’ll want to go back, because the source of pain (him) is most likely also a source of comfort – and “we have a kid” and “x many years together” – is a sunk cost fallacy. It’s irrelevant. Move. On. It’ll be very hot as hell, but worth it in the long run for your kids sake, and yours. It might even be the fire your bf needs up his ass to pull himself together, grow up, and sort his shit out.

    Best of luck no matter what; it will get better, as long as you change these circumstances.

  26. babes, why are you still with him? why do you want to be with someone who doesn't see you for who you are? he thinks you're stupid. that's not going to change.

    you can do so much better. you deserve someone you loves you and sees you for who you are.

    and coming from a canadian, british pronunciation > north american pronunciation. also, why tf do we call it soccer? it's a ball you play with your foot.

  27. Just based off of what I've read from not only your post but your responses to other comments. Ditch them both. If the room can't be refunded take your best friend/mom/sister/whoever and enjoy your trip with them instead.

  28. i honesty don’t think she’ll ever stop i know i hate even saying that. I dated someone who was one and i had to get a restraining order for him to leave. He wouldn’t move out of the apartment WHILE he had a whole new gf. I don’t think she’ll let up. It sucks they had a kid together..honestly. i’m sure he knows what she’s like so he’s just wanting to keep her calm at all times. Have you talked to your partner about this issue ?

  29. This coming from a guy who's in his early 20s, unlikely to have real relationship experience, and has anime photos as his profile pictures. You also describe yourself as a 'Muslim', although a 'very bad one'. I don't think you're someone who should be dishing out comments on morality or relationship.

  30. You and your fiance need to discuss this pronto. I think there are grounds for canceling the contract, which Matt should not mind if he understands who he was to photograph. Maybe he did understand in which case you (as a couple) should do some arm-twisting to make this go away.

  31. You and your fiance need to discuss this pronto. I think there are grounds for canceling the contract, which Matt should not mind if he understands who he was to photograph. Maybe he did understand in which case you (as a couple) should do some arm-twisting to make this go away.

  32. Your daughter has to be your first priority. She has nobody else. Her life and her future depend on you.

    Now, it's possible that your wife cannot deal with becoming a mother. If that's the case, then perhaps there's a compromise to be found, if she cannot take on that role. Would she be open to living together, but not taking on a parenting role? How about living in a duplex or side by side apartments, so you can live with your daughter but still be close to your wife and spend time with her every day?

  33. Im terrible with girls so I wonder if i’ll find another one sometimes, I can always attract girls physically but when I start talking to them they lose interest

  34. You can cuddle and touch him, or whatever, you are a grown woman, you know what he wants, you will get caught up in the process. Do not kill your relationship over this thousands of women have survived this and gone on….I find the way you approached it an excuse, I would if I felt like it?

  35. Ask yourself this question. Is this how you want to live your life? It may be time to move on from a boy to a man.

  36. If it's publicly available (AKA on a Web site) just include the link in whatever you send people. It's the legal responsibility of the site that hosts it (as long as you can prove you weren't the one who originally uploaded it), and if you're just providing a publicly available link, you're not doing anything wrong.

  37. The problem is that instead of being normal and either breaking up with her, or sticking to his word and stopping porn/rp-ing (a month into the relationship! Just break up ffs), he lied to her and told her he stopped.

    And then he proceeded to do it in secret, she would find it, and he'd say he'll stop.. ad infinitum apparently.

    I havent looked at her post yet, so this is what im getting from his post.

    Like just break up with her. Why put the both of them through this

  38. You are 100% an unreliable narrator, you keep adding details you think frame you in the right but veer further away from your original post.

    If you are so beloved by his parents, his daughter, and himself there is no reason he wouldn’t be with you. Then or now. You are middle aged adults, not high school teens. This whole “I don’t wanna ruin our friendship ???” is bs at your age. If he was truly in love you would, he would be with you.

    You look pitiful right now.

    But again, I’m pretty sure you plugged a prompt into an AI chat bot for this. Nevertheless, I’m entertained ??

  39. It's not an excuse, it's a reason. If I call out work because I just didn't want to go, that's not an excuse, it's a reason. If he didn't learn, because it simply didn't effect him, and why should he care, that's a reason, but not an excuse.


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