Hannabekar live! sex cams for YOU!

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Do you want to help me wet my chair? so nude for you


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29 thoughts on “Hannabekar live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Do people on reddit get off on writing this type of fanfic? Babytrapping, starting fights, false assault charges, sociopathic tendencies, lol wtf some of you need to detox from this sub for a while.

  2. Read the edit: it’s a role reversal… it’s actually his wife’s friend coming back into his wife’s life.

  3. It's hilarious to me that you cooking a dish for your shitty husband is what you consider rash.

    Fucking go snip the cords to those Bass speakers. Dip all his shoes in water. Tell his family his shitty behavior is why you're no longer attending at all.

    By cooking for him, you're telling him that you're willing to sweep all this under the rug so he can go play presentable to his parents. You're hiding his bad behavior and if it turns into abuse, you'd probably hide that, too.

  4. She's too young my dude. You are reducing yourself to teenage type anxiety.

    Don't act like a boy, act like a man. She's probably not ready for a man.

  5. u/uk_subby_cuck, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Yes, I live! with my parents. I've been looking for a job so I can save some money and rent a place for myself

  7. My advice is to dump this guy, get a therapist, and spend some time alone. This is not a good relationship.

  8. Op respectfully your poor sister got fucking groomed. I understand you’re hurt but this man is a man you should be wary of mostly around your kids. You’re better off fighting for child support or staying with him to endure school so you can get a better job. Anything but permanent make amends with this guys. And for your sister you probably lost her but don’t blame her was literally a kid still in high school ima assume she was actually 17 when it happened

  9. What a misleading title. It seems like you’re trying to frame this as “my gf is being picky and prudish about I dress in MY house” but there’s a whole child involved, and you mention that like she’s an afterthought. That is crucial context. I think this is less your girlfriend being unreasonable, and more the case of you being a little naive for thinking that you can move a whole child into your house without experiencing significant changes to your lifestyle and how you inhabit “your” house. Put on some clothes, it’s not that hard.

  10. I never understand people who say I want you to do x to show you love me, like what if you both feel the same way? Lol

  11. Someone might change their mind about a major life choice over the course of a decade? Egads!

  12. She definitely needs to protect the financials. He could wipe out what little they have left with another episode. I hope she takes this advice

  13. Pressuring you not to wear a condom is a major red flag. If she's 29 and doesn't want to bother with effective contraception methods, that's a major red flag.

    The rhythm method is hugely ineffective. If you don't want to have a baby with her, stop having unprotected sex with her. You have the right to say no to unprotected sex.

    Have you discussed what you will do if she gets pregnant? Do you really want to have a baby with someone who isn't responsible enough to engage in basic contraception?

  14. There was a seinfeld episode where george's gf couldn't get in contact with him to break up , so she told his friend kramer to tell george and to do it at pomodoro where people go to breakup.

  15. What a disgusting POS would look at that photo and say that? You're gorgeous and look happy and fun to be around. He on the other hand, sounds like a doucheand a drag. He and his friends sound like horrible company.

  16. It sounds like you're already suspicious.

    Even if he isn't cheating, the fact that you're suspicious is a problem and not a sign of a healthy relationship; it's just the error is on your part instead of him (if he isn't cheating).

    “He knows better than to cheat on me” sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.

  17. Do you want to wait until he does it? He is already visualizing it and creating reasons to do it. The action won’t be far behind. Get out now. Don’t be another statistic with his poor mum on the news saying that her son was such a sweet kid and she never saw it coming.


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