Drea-miles live! webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Drea-miles live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I was in a very similar situation a few years ago. I fell in love with a new friend the longer I spent time with him, and he ended up becoming my best friend. I never told him how I felt out of insecurity, and regretted it dearly once he started dating someone else. It hurt a lot. But I didn't want to lose my friend. So I kept being friends, got to know his girlfriend a bit, she was a very nice person. I started having ONS so that I wouldn't do anything stupid out of horniness.

    Eventually he would start occasionally discussing their relationship problems with me. I tried to give as neutral advice as I possibly could, not wanting to be selfish. And then he broke up with her. After that he and I started dating. I'm pretty sure she had known about me having feelings toward him, she sent a message to me after they broke up and asked me to look after him.

    Dating him was wonderful. But not perfect and we eventually broke up too. Felt like there was just one problem too many for us to keep going. And it hurt 100 times more to see him find a new partner than it had hurt with the previous girlfriend.

    My advice is that for now you focus on becoming the best version of you that you can be. Have not-so-serious relationships/ONS whenever you crave intimacy. Focus on your hobbies. If you have any kind of health issues, work on making them better. Learn to be fine in your own company. Do not under any circumstances let yourself do anything to sabotage their relationship. Just be a friend. If he has feelings for you, you might end up dating if his current relationship ends at some point. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE that you'd end up together, and even if you do it's unlikely that it'll be your fairytale “and they lived happily ever after”. But if you focus on yourself, there might be less problems if you start a romantic relationship, or you can attract someone else wonderful in your life too.

    He seems like a wonderul friend. Losing a wonderful friend can be even more painful than unrequited love, so I would think twice before ending that friendship. But in the end it's up to you to decide what is best for you.

  2. You aren't gonna fix this one, although, given the circumstances, I wish you could. My heart goes out to you.

    The minute that you blocked her, if you wanted anything from it, you already moved on.

    Now its time for you to pick up the pieces and move on yourself.

  3. He's garbage and you should get whatever belongings you need from his home and block him. Perhaps he'll feel some form of suffering when he can't reach out and beg for you, or worse verbally abuse you.

  4. If this was your first relationship and you moved in together after four months, it makes complete sense that you would fall into whatever patterns she set for you. Also makes total sense that you didn't realize this was abnormal if you didn't have any friends around to give you an outside perspective.

    What do you think you're going to do next? It sounds like this relationship has been holding you back.

  5. You online fully dressed at home?

    I wander about in shorts and that’s it (albeit actual shorts not boxers).

    Can’t imagine having to be fully dressed all the time. I used to be topless half the time when I lived in shared houses with my mates and they all seemed fine with it

  6. So what happens if one of the women you pick up is actually a prostitute and you get busted by the cops with her in your car? Then you have soliciting prostitution on your record. Yeah, it might be hard to prove, but you have to be careful of the situations you put yourself in.

  7. Look I do believe in second chances. You can talk to him and maybe he will change.

    But the reality is that you are in a long-distance relationship and he probably gonna think you were just mad and do it again.

    I'm a hopeless romantic. But I only think that long-distance relations only work when everyone is mature enough to handle it and less than 6-8 months.

  8. You should take a break from dating and sort out your self esteem issues. You’re not going to find a quality person to love you if you dont love yourself.

  9. I disagree. As someone who loves to travel and has done so with all sorts of companions, this is a bad situation and OP should absolutely avoid it. OP has herself and a small child to protect in a situation where she cannot avoid a proven creep and all the other travel members are people with stronger relationships to the creep than to herself, and at least one (creep's wife) is already hostile towards her. It can go badly for OP very, very easily.

  10. I was in a flustered mood writing it.

    He is my best friend who asked me out 3 years ago and I said no bc I had never done anything with a guy before. We remained close and eventually I trusted him enough to have my first kiss with him

    Fast forward 2 years aka 2 months ago I loose my v card to him. I gained enough trust to do that and he treated me good and did things to make me feel comfortable. Then he went back to school which is 8 hours away and treated us like we were in a relationship

    Three weeks ago he told me to basically move on from everything we did and to just get over it. It was a horrible 3 weeks and I cried and tried to understand why he was doing it and I didn’t get any explanation that made logical sense

  11. It sounds like most of this crap is in their head. I’m curious to know if the gf even cares tbh. Like you have a gf not leprosy.


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