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140 thoughts on “Ariana Taylor , ♥ live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. You have every right to go anywhere from LC to NC with your parents. I would probably not be interested in introducing them to any GF or future ILs. I am also not sure that I would want them around any future grandchildren.

  2. This right here. She has the right to be in a relationship where she can post what she likes. And you have the right to be in a relationship where neither of you post hot pics. You both have different values on this issue and may not be compatible.

    One response I’ve seen is to simply post a comment to her pic, like “lookin good baby”. Cheer her on and feel confident she is with you.

  3. Suffocating and clingy? Are you serious? She goes on trips all the tim. He just wants her to stay home for one holiday, not a big ask if your serious about the relationship you're in.

  4. I agree with you. It's questionable and confusing why he would just randomly get life insurance and then name his boss as beneficiary.

    He couldn't remember your birthday but remembers hers? How close a friendship do they have?

  5. Seems too desperate to find a “truth” that makes sense instead of telling you the truth that she cheated…

  6. Love, you already know what you need to do. If you are embarrassed by this, it's simply because you know. You know he is not good for you, your health, your future. You know you need to get clean, you know you need to fix some of your issues before being able to be a good partner and being able to recognize a good partner in someone else. You know you have daddy issues, you say it yourself, and you need to heal from that unless you want to bring those issues into all of your future relationships, romantic or otherwise.

    You know what you need to do, and you have the power to do those changes. You just have to decide (not recognize, not admit, not realize, not consider – you need to decide) that you deserve the best chance at life you can give yourself.

  7. This is the stuff of LTR legendary stories. I’d feel like a complete goof for leaving my bag out in jizzing distance, but it would be a great laugh.

  8. When we talked about it she said they were just friends and that she was helping him with a breakup. Which, I am fine with, but the fact she ignored me while doing it hurt

  9. I have no idea what to tell you. The relationship is over and he is pushing you away. I don’t think he is all that enthusiastic about being a father and husband. You two are too young to be married. You aren’t mature enough to handle the responsibilities. Maybe getting into counseling will help. If he is not interested just put him in child support after the child is born. Get him involved in his child’s life.

  10. The final letter won't be about this matter but… do you still think I shouldn't send it? I left there in hurry and I didn't really have any chance to tell the story from my side…

  11. You do know that some people consider that as cheating right? The message is definitely an issue and not the girlfriend. He cheated (in my eyes) and it doesn’t matter if he was drunk or not. That doesn’t justify anything. She has every right to be upset about that and her feelings were right, she couldn’t trust him as we can see.

  12. That's very unfortunate. I'd advise you don't wait around wasting your life in case he does change. He crossed a big boundary and shouldn't be trusted. No offense meant at all, but I hope you learn from this relationship and don't put your full trust into someone you don't know in the future.

  13. Sometimes I do. I can see why guys have a hot time with it. Part of it is sort of this understandable laziness of a sort, to where I bet he doesn't have a great understanding of how to get what he wants so instead he gets off on what he gives. A vibrator disturbs this dynamic.

    I actually get more jealous that I can't find a toy that works as well for me. I can kind of use a vibrator too but the next best thing to a clitoris on a man is the prostate. My wife has never shown an interest in doing that for me and I would be too scared to ask.

  14. I can too but what I don't understand is how she thinks threatening him is going to fix his medical condition. Like its a really shitty thing to even give an ultimatum over….

  15. I always say something like, “Nice try. I come to you with a real problem and you are getting out of discussing it quite successfully. I’ll give you five minutes and then you have to go back to talking me and my feelings seriously, no funny business.”

  16. i don’t think you need to explain that it’s hurtful, she knows that it is and that’s why she is saying it. don’t let her plant seeds in your head – not everyone only likes skinny white blonde girls. maybe she is insecure and projecting this on to you as well. do not take what she says to heart. personally, i wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who is mean for no reason. if you want to continue the friendship, start flat out ignoring these statements every time, she’ll get the message.

  17. The fuck, who hasn't dated a shithead before? This comment section is crawling with creeps who obviously want their pure virgins because they're such good, nice guys.

  18. Have you done anything that may have caused him to start to think this way? Eg: weight gain, letting yourself go, etc?

  19. What in the world!!!!! How old is this man!?!? Does he know what being in labor and delivering a baby mean? Is not about him, is about you and having the support that you need and want during the whole process!

    Take that comment seriously and really consider if you want children with him, or a life with him. He already showed you very clearly that what is important for him are his feelings and what he wants and it has nothing to do with your feelings and what you want.

  20. Babe, you need some serious help. First off you got groomed/are still getting groomed. Second, it's incest (I read that he's your second cousin) . You can do better, go get some counseling and learn how to love yourself. This is coming from someone who has “daddy issues” believe me, he's not the one for you. I wish you the best.

  21. You know the trope of a midlife crisis for men where they go out and spend a lot of money on a sports car or motorcycle?

    This is that, but for a woman.

    Your wife is realizing she has very little time left before her fertility ends, and it's causing anxiety. This is a very real, ingrained biological response to waning fertility. She is not being rational, but there is some argument to be made that a large part of her can't actually help it.

    Did you know that it's a higher likelihood of conceiving twins as the woman reaches the later stages of her fertility?

    It's also a higher likelihood of conceiving a child with severe mental and physical deficits, especially with a male partner over the age of 33.

    That's if you can conceive at all. Many “geriatric” pregnancies end in miscarriage.

    When she starts talking babies, remind her of these facts. She does not want to be in her 60s dealing with the possibility of caring for a newly adult child that may have down syndrome and can't live! on their own, or a severely autistic adult child that can't speak or change their own clothes. Those aren't just scare tactics either – those are very real possibilities. Like 40% higher than average, in some cases.

    Sit her down and have a conversation about her plans to handle a disabled child. Make her make the plans for it – budget and all. Come to the acceptance that it's possible that child may never be able to grow up and live by themselves. How does she plan to tackle that as she ages and becomes incapable of caring for them? Does she have money set aside for a group home in addition to her own retirement? What about your other son? Will she expect him to help out?

    Make her see the flaw in her own logic, and then buy her a puppy instead.

  22. Youre both playing games. Youre both adults. You both need to grow up a bit.

    The way you both asked if you were seeing other people in your post sounds accusatory and not for a mature reason.

    It's only 11 days. You guys are getting to know each other. It's not uncommon to take a day or two in between. However if you want more contact then start it by calling him or asking him to call you more.

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  24. I think you're right with the stress because she has/had to attend 2 separate family dinners with extended family which means she was probably concerned about how those encounters would go. I can't really suggest anything right now, since she still has 1 more dinner to attend, after that she already told me her plans of doing some winter sports and meeting up with friends so it seems like I can't really suggest anything. However, thank you for your advice. I honestly didn't know if I was overthinking the situation or that I was onto something. I could still be pissed at myself for not revealing my feelings to her before she left, because I was hoping that the break apart would be a good time for her to decide with little to no pressure.

  25. That would be a deal breaker for me. Chronic lateness is rude AF and a total display of disrespect to others. There are ways she could fix this if she really cared. She could set timers on her phone to start getting ready earlier, then stick to that plan. You can give her an ultimatum but then you need to stick to it. If she refuses to change you have to decide if you can live! with this level of disrespect and annoyance.

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  29. Almost all of my girlfriends who left a relationship because they were unhappy, were accused of cheating. Guys like that can’t stand the idea that it was something wrong with them.

  30. 3 months in and he can't accept a celebrity crush? Huge red flags. Run away and don't look back. He will not improve with time. This is massive insecurity, and it's going to rear its head again and again and in more places than just this.

  31. You've been diagnosed with clinical anxiety?

    By your PCP and a psychiatrist/psychologist? Are you in therapy, working with a therapist, looking into CBT and other disciplines of practice and recovery? Reading books, taking medication under the supervision of your doctor?

  32. , just her focus on her condition.

    She's on her third pregnancy, and it clearly isn't easy. It's hot to feel “unloved”, however, if she's struggling, it's not surprising that she can't make an effort to romance you or show much affection

    My love language is touch and I am just withering without hers. I'm afraid this isn't going to end and we will not be able to exist together.

    You've been through it twice already….have you ever considered individual/couple's counseling?

  33. I agree with you, he is going to find other women attractive and that’s okay. I know he will look and have a snoop here and there. But to follow is one step too far.

  34. Oh absolutely. I can see having a fwb and then meeting someone you feel might become something more serious, but that’s the moment to stop seeing the fwb. Apparently they went on two dates before that happened, and IMO it should have happened after the first date at the very latest. I was just specifically referring to the idea that a fling has to be someone you have insane, irresistible chemistry with as something that is usually not true.

  35. Hello /u/No-Problem-6777,

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  36. It seems like you're uninterested in continuing the relationship, you should just 'grey rock' him. Limit your responses, act uninterested, and don't make plans. He'll get the hint. Or just be up front and tell him you don't think you're compatible. It's a lot nicer than ghosting.

    On another note. You should be more upfront with your expectations in a relationship, or how you prefer to date with those you do date. Without those boundaries this scenario may just repeat itself and you'll lose the investments you make.

  37. I can't help but see how aggressive he is.

    People are like “doing household chores is not a love language as oer se, it's contributing, what else do you do”.

    And OP is like “frick you, frick your cow, I know what I do, my wife loves when I do chores so I do a shitton, frick your questions and frick your frick”. And zero mentioning what exactly he does as some actual “love language “.

    I mean, I love my seeing husband doing chores – it's hot. Is it my “love language”, whatever people oversimplified it to be? No.

    But dude here is like “she's happy, shut the frick up all of you”.

    Well, seems she's not that happy to try and do some steps forward for OP…

  38. I told him that if he wanted to watch porn that he should sit down with me so we can set boundaries that both if us agree on.

  39. How delusional are you people? Benadryl is maybe the most commonly used deliriant and pretty much causes you to go into a psychosis (which is apparently enjoyable for some)

  40. Your post is incredibly judgmental and frankly, overstepping. Who are you to criticize someone else’s interests. Many would equate gaming to a child’s hobby, but somehow in your mind it isn’t?

    My husband and I have had similar issues with hobbies that are very different. We worked together to find new hobbies we both like. We still enjoy our own hobbies, but devoted time to trying new things together to find ones that were mutually enjoyable. It was fun. There were many that we would never do again, but the initial experience of exploring it together was fun.

  41. Stop texting him.about how you're feeling unless he can help minimize some way.

    Remove “do what you want” from your cache of expressions permanently.

  42. then you should know I have no intention of invading her spaces. the point of the post is she kept using a triggering phrase when I asked her not to.

  43. I work in a primary school and after ten years, have NEVER had lice from the kids and I am a super tactile teacher. They can't jump, it takes head to head contact.

    You only need to keep your hair up or keep it out of the way of the kids to avoid it. She's either fed up and this is linked to her shame/stress/embarrassment, or she genuinely doesn't care.

    If she doesn't care, that's an issue because it's directly affecting you and that shows a lack of respect. If she's overwhelmed, you might need a firm talk with her and to set some boundaries with offers to help again.

    Don't let this kill the romance without being abundantly clear with her that it isn't normal and won't be tolerated. Ask her to sleep on the sofa until they're gone if needs be.

  44. I work in a primary school and after ten years, have NEVER had lice from the kids and I am a super tactile teacher. They can't jump, it takes head to head contact.

    You only need to keep your hair up or keep it out of the way of the kids to avoid it. She's either fed up and this is linked to her shame/stress/embarrassment, or she genuinely doesn't care.

    If she doesn't care, that's an issue because it's directly affecting you and that shows a lack of respect. If she's overwhelmed, you might need a firm talk with her and to set some boundaries with offers to help again.

    Don't let this kill the romance without being abundantly clear with her that it isn't normal and won't be tolerated. Ask her to sleep on the sofa until they're gone if needs be.

  45. I think you need to prioritise yourself and leave.

    Go where you’ll be happy because it sure as hell isn’t with him and it isn’t in Utah.

  46. How direct have you been, when it comes to spelling this out to her? As in, “Friend, we've talked about this, and I simply don't have the free time it takes for us to see each other as often as you'd like.” Don't offer reasons why (since you've already seen she will try to negotiate those away). Besides – she KNOWS those reasons already!

    Here are my suggestions (in addition to the above):

    Just because she calls or pings you are whatever, doesn't mean you have to answer. A ringing phone is an invitation, not a subpoena. If she complains or guilts you (“You don't want to be my friend! You're mean!”) assure her it is not personal. It has nothing to do with her and everything to do with what your life is like right now. Be clearer on your time constraints. If she wants to hang out, she can do it on your terms. “I can't go out tonight, I'm going over to my brother's to check on him. You're welcome to come with me!” Can you decide on a standing day/time that will work? You have brunch the first Sunday of the month or something? And if she gets pushy at other times, reply with “Wow that sounds X! Let's talk about it on Brunch Day. I have to go but see you then.” Keep in mind that if she is not listening to you, and is not respecting your time or your boundaries, maybe she's not the friend you think she is. It is also not your responsibility to make her uni 'experience' a good one. That's hers.

    Good luck OP.

  47. It’s not his fault. He had no idea. If he wants to be in his child’s life he must take action. Support him the best you can. This will be hot on you both.

  48. Block and move on.

    He sounds like he has decided that the reason why he hated himself when skinny was because of you and not because of his body.

    He has a new body and has shown who he really is, once confident.

    I'm glad you see a therapist because your text reads as someone who is really in crumbs. At the end of the day, you are 25 and it is only the end of a toxic relationship. I swear it will be fine.

  49. 3 years and a huge lesson learned, you can't trust her, she's immature and has narc traits. I'm so sorry she didn't value your dignity enough and the intimacy of your relationship.

    I honestly don't know how to move on from that betrayal. Isn't that against the law?

  50. If I put them on hold, I’ll only get ridiculed more for being a virgin as I age. Might as well get it over with

  51. Ask him if he cares that he's making people uncomfortable. If he says no, ask him if he cares how you feel. If he says yes, then tell ask him to learn etiquette together. If he says no, then why would you even want to stay with him in the first place?

  52. I dressed like your gf when I was 18. I didn’t do it for anyone else except me. I seriously wish people would just dress how they want and not care about what everyone else is wearing or judge.

  53. Noted. But honestly she says she is sad but it is so overused that I am beginning to doubt it. She is home-sick yes. But there is honestly no other reason to be depressed.. I know her life back and forth.

  54. When she’s grumpy and exhausted, have you tried leaving her alone?

    If she texts you something, you can respond with something like ‘I’m sorry your day has been so tough/tiring (whatever). I hope that you can get a really good sleep and feel better tomorrow.’

    Then sign off with ‘I love you’ or whatever your thing is.

    If she’s exhausted and venting, she doesn’t necessarily want jokes or ‘cheering up.’

    You mean well, obviously, so you haven’t done anything wrong… just, time to change tactics.

    Good luck.

  55. First thing first, here is what I consider the most important lesson to keep in mind when it comes to relationship: their best doesn't excuse their worst. Sure you can overlook some small flaws and annoyances if someone is caring and respectful, but if they hurts you, isn't there for you when it matters, or worse abuses you, it doesn't matter who great they are in other situations. You can't buy yourself the right to treat someone like trash with enough good deeds and gifts. I am not saying this applies to your girlfriend (yet?), but it's important that you figure out as soon as possible where is the line you can't let anyone cross -she included- out of self-respect.

    I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she may not realize how distressing those family situations are. Do you think a safeword of sort could work? A phrase that either of you could use -since you seem to be both susceptible to social anxiety- whenever they want out and the other follows suit, no resentment nor question asked.

    Now, this would be a very temporarily solution because in fine she should talk to your mother about the way she talks to you and to tone it down. If not, take care of yourself and stop going. She can go on her own see her family, you're not glued at the waist. The opposite is also true of course; if your family keeps triggering her and you're not doing anything about it, she has no reason to keep showing up.

  56. That's straight up abusive.

    Saying “I want a baby and if you don't, then I will leave” is not abusive. You're being ridiculous.

  57. Tldr: you’re a horrible parent and your wife is trying to give your son slack in order not to belittle his 10 year old ego and brain. Get some friends and play with them instead, your obvious lack of self awareness and lack of empathy towards your sons base of self evaluation is so apparent any 1st year psychology student would draw the same conclusion.

  58. Yeah, so that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying I don’t think people should be excused for disgusting behavior, such as the boyfriend in OPs post, because they’ve had sexual trauma.

  59. Yeah.. I had an ex ask to meet up after a few years and I went innocently to catch up. He ended up up abruptly kissing me and I was deeply uncomfortable.. there was no thought in my head about reconnecting like that, but I guess he had other ideas.

    Just don’t do it, OP.

  60. You are in an abusive relationship and feel trapped in part because of the power imbalance. You’re saying that you stay in part because you need a place to sleep, but she isn’t even letting you do that. This is not worth it. Please contact a shelter and get our asap. You deserve better.

  61. If everything is as it appears on the surface, then it should be fine.

    Be warned though that I've known similar couples. Many of those couples find out their partner is vastly different from what they expected so end up scared and isolated in a foreign place.

  62. My husband was like that I told him straight that I had no interest in getting to it until he washed himself. Did the trick – there is no easy way to deal with this so you will have to be blunt

  63. Don’t sleep with a person who won’t even give you the basic respect of using protection if you’ve asked. Your body, your choice and leave this fucking clown.

  64. I recommend changing positions, then going back and forth with foreplay. It makes it last longer.

  65. It's called the need to be right.

    Shame, insults, guilt, need to be right.

    “the only reason you've ever been nice to me is because you're attracted to me”.

    “No, the only reason I have been nice to you is that I view you as family because with that attitude you are more of a turn-off than a love interest. And honestly it's getting annoying so stop with that rhetoric or find help somewhere else next time you need it.”

    Speak up man.

  66. It's so strange to have him put submissive in this relationship context. I'm pretty much like op, loud, quite often the leader etc and I don't even wear makeup a lot and dress in mens clothes and I still enjoy being submissive in bed with my partner, those things have exactly nothing to do with each other

  67. You’re getting in your head. He made a joke in poor taste. I’m sure he still loves you and your cooter no matter what shape it is.

  68. Med school. I love my boyfriend, who I switched schools for. I still have “what if” moments of wondering what would have happened had I stayed at my original school

  69. Seems she’s playing you a bit. She’s overemphasizing everything wrong with her primary but bumps into him? Also, you don’t sound equipped to deal with a poly if you end felling for her (and you’re halfway through).

  70. The most urgent thing to stop is the wedding. So, that is what you discuss first, that on the basis of the issues between you, you can't go forward with the wedding. If you're already in counseling due to relationship problems, you may find that she's as relieved about that as you are.

    Then, you move forward based on that discussion. Note: civil , thoughtful discussion not argumentative fight. Don't bring up that you talked with your dad, although you certainly can bring up your issues as a child of divorce and that isn't what you want for your child. Good luck to you both.

  71. Btw I’m only seeing a couple comments but I’m getting the notifications for them on my phone… anyone know how to fix?

  72. Sometimes when something affects me deeply, I can't talk about it right away. I'm generally considered a good communicator. But sometimes I need to just let an emotion dampen down.

    My advice to you is give him the time he needs. Don't be demanding about him not communicating everything immediately. Some people can't always do that.

  73. There are going to be incredible medical advances within the next few years in this field, if you think you can hold on that long you'll be ok I promise

  74. I was in your position.

    After the “exclusivity” talk he told me he had kept going on dates with people for a few weeks. Yeah, it stings. You got to decide if it's something to move on from or not.

    Been with him 5 years now. We're planning our wedding. He's never done anything to make me question his loyalty.

    Some people just really have to have the exclusivity talk before they solidify down, then they're locked down.

  75. I don’t think he’s enjoying it. I think he met a coworker he thought was friendly, and he’s excited to be finally working in his field. He didn’t think she was into him until they went to the concert, and now he’s avoiding dealing with the problem because he’s afraid of causing awkward conflict in his workplace, and awkward conflict in our relationship. The problem here though is that the conflict that arises later by not dealing with it early will be worse.

    And my issue with this is he isn’t able approach it head-on. Maybe this girl is in fact trying to “steal my man” but that’s not for certain nor is it something I can do anything about.

  76. It’s difficult when you’ve gone through so much together, we was best friends before we got together, and I keep asking him if he will change and he does change for about 2 weeks and then it goes back to this, I feel bad because I feel like it’s not his fault due to his mental health ?

  77. You're a grown up, do as you please.

    The only thing I'd say re the age gap is understand what you each want out of the relationship.

    If he's 42 and single, he could either be committed to staying single, or could now be ready to settle down, and either could be fine with you, provided you KNOW the score.

    If it's the case that he wants permanency and you don't, you might want to be cautious, because he's getting to an age where he might be possessive and jealous if you aren't ready to settle down.

    If he's a confirmed single, understand he's unlikely to change, and you need to not get your hopes up that he will.

    If you are both in the same page- enjoy!!

  78. I’m sorry that you’re so stressed out instead of being able to enjoy the excitement of pregnancy.

    It sounds like your family just sucks, and I think you have to accept that and control the things that you actually can control.

    It does not sound like you’re going to have the bonding experience with your mom that you hoped for, and instead, you were attempts at bonding will just be used to hurt you. That is so unfair and I’m very sorry, but I think you should take that knowledge and use it to protect yourself.

    You know that your sister is going to take over conversations, so don’t have conversations that matter to you when she’s around. Don’t spend time with your parents when she’s there. You know your family is going to disappoint you, so don’t ask them for things and keep your expectations really low. You know that they will weaponize information and use it against you so put them all on an information diet. They don’t need to know anything about your pregnancy or how you’re prepping for the baby going forward.

    Lean on your friends and your partner’s family for support and to celebrate your pregnancy. You’re going to be a mom soon, which means that you are making your own family, and while it sucks that your family of origin is a big disappointment, look at this as a beautiful opportunity to create something new instead of letting them drag you down.

  79. For real, was gonna leave exactly the same comment. Childhood friend in love with well-established adult woman who treated him with kindness when he was down on his luck growing up? Ignores her established relationship to shower her with lavish gifts and demand more and more of her time? Rents a prop mansion to impress her, and makes his money from some kind of vague startup with a web of mysterious connections? Takes her to a gala?? Disappears after ultimate rejections?? Fails to achieve the American dream??? IS NAMED JAY!?

    I'm fairly certain OP has simply been doing some on-line Great Gatsby roleplay with these posts for entertainment, but I'm not mad. It was fun putting the pieces together.

  80. honestly this is kinda funny, we always do the live! wheel u can insert stuff into, and you spin and it randomly picks so this idea is kinda perfect. it’s like our tradition to do the wheel whenever we can’t decide on dinner or something to do lol, i’m gonna let him know we can each make a list of like 5 and we should sadly probably scrap “Fable” and “Fresca” for now and see if we can agree on something else, we get the cat in a couple days so i’ll update on the name we decide!!

  81. Make sure to have someone supporting you ready when you rock the boat or hand him divorce papers. These types can escalate and you need to trust your gutfeeling. If you suspect him flying off the handle then see if you can have a friend in a car parked close by to escape to or call in to de-escalate.

    I wish you and your boy all the best.

  82. She is still sleeping and I’m wondering how I should ask and what should I say. I don’t want to immediately assume she cheated on me

  83. Okay, I'm not gonna go out and say he's a dick immediately. Since we need to factor in you're not telling him your entire story, maybe we need to factor in he's hiding something as well. Maybe he isn't very understanding of social cues because he's on the spectrum, or maybe he's just not great with people in general. That said, I think you just need to have a talk. Tell him about your ED and that his comments cause you quite some pain because of it. And ask him, without being judgmental, why he can't shut up about it. Just communicate better. If he knows about your issues, and you know about his potential issues, you can decide whether or not to stop seeing him. Because let's face it, there's also a chance he's just being a dick about it for controlling reasons.

  84. Thanks for your input. I agree with you, I think it's a dumb tradition which is partly why I'm against it. It feels tacky and just promotes a culture I dislike.

    It's mostly from her family where the pressure is coming from (inviting relatives etc.). I have literally never wanted a wedding, however am doing this so her and family are happy. I am happy to pay for it. Her family is not in a position to contribute significantly. it's already a huge extravagant thing which I'm highly uncomfortable with personally, but I've made peace with that. The only things I requested are to not have all these other 'mini celebrations' which I find pretentious and over the top, to have a garden wedding, and to not want gifts. To be clear she is in agreement with all these requests and doesn't have a problem with it, she just doesn't want the wording to be strong. It's just in my experience for previous invites the wording has always been 'your presence is the greatest gift, here's a wishing well though.' I find it disingenuous and feel weird with it.

    I just don't understand if I'm okay with literally everything else in terms of wedding – people, catering, day/date/time, dress code, itinerary, music etc. literally it's all up to her and I'm happy to roll with it. The one thing I want is for one of my values to be respected and according to reddit I suppose that's not okay. I thought weddings for were both people, not just one, and out of my 3 requests it's the only thing she isn't agreeing on.

  85. You should not be dictating how the bride prepares and celebrates the wedding – so fck off with saying SHE can't have a bridal shower or bachelorette.

    You want to give prior gifts because your want to, not because it's expected.

    But you don't want to allow anyone else that choice for the wedding.

    The idea that you'd put “or don't come” on a wedding invite for this is indeed rude and absurd and will not stop gifts – hell you might find people either come or gift!

    Just have a Wishing Well and clearly state you are going to just donate the money and you do not want gifts

    You are being rude, selfish, ignorant and argumentative about how other people want to spend their money, yeah?

  86. Honey. A good therapist can help you with your resolve.

    You and your children deserve so much better than this.

    What has he done to actually change?

    What effort is he actually putting in? Did he find therapy? Anger management? If he hasn't done anything concrete, that means what he's doing now is just a show. Say no to him, he'll show you how he truly feels.

    You deserve better. You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that. You are worthy.

  87. I understand it’s coming from a place of insecurity. I fully admit to being a chronic over thinker. That’s why I want to get over it, because I understand it’s probably not fair to put the onus on him to change his preferences. We’ve talked a lot recently about what gets us in the mood etc and he said he doesn’t have a type, he likes all women (and he played Calvin Harris “The Girls” to assert his point). But I guess the specific way of dress puts him in the mood? Kind of mild fetish? I don’t mind that I’m just trying to understand.

    I appreciate the comments, I need to hear it when I’m being A Dick (I don’t want to be). That’s why I haven’t brought it up, nor have I been passive aggressive or anything in the meantime. I love him a lot and don’t want to fuck things up!

  88. You’re absolutely right . When I did my bf understood and set boundaries but over time it’s like he’s not happy with the boundaries because he thinks I’m being irrational

  89. I do also show affection that isn’t sexual, admittedly maybe not as much as I probably should. Then again, I feel like there’s been a decline on her behalf as well, and I kinda get the feel that I just annoy her and there’s a small amount of resentment from her.

  90. Best friends have tights, but to claim she needs 6 months of space is ridiculous. She needs to sit down with you and you guys sort this out. If she refuses your wife needs to pull back. I assume you’re still friends with her husband? If yes, have you talked about it? He could easily speak on your behalf so that she could change her mind. The 6 months thing sounds strictly as punishment and that’s just as bad as what started the whole thing. As I said, true friends don’t do this. They make amends and figure things out. If she absolutely refuses you should both think about moving on.

  91. It may hurt now but one day you will wake up and realize she did you a favor. Can you imagine having to tolerate John for the rest of you life because your SO refuses to call him to order and let’s him just walk all over you?

  92. What were the reasons you broke up is probably the more important question here? That's really what can determine the chances for rebound and whether or not her actions were okay or not.

    If it was a mutual break up, she was distressed (and did something she regrets) or if she already had this dude lined up makes all the difference.

  93. Men and women absolutely 100% can be just friends, not every man is a pathetic horn dog. If your boyfriend is saying that then it is just projection, HE can't be friends with a girl without wanting to fuck her. So no, he definitely wants to fuck every single female friend he has, but not all guys are like that.

    Also, what he is saying doesn't even matter because even if we accept his projection as fact for all men, just because they want to fuck you, doesn't mean it's going to happen. So who cares what secret thoughts they have as long as nothing happens, it doesn't matter.

  94. So, your ex-GF wanted to have sex with someone else, so they demanded a “break” (aka hall pass) and then fucked the other person.

    You can do whatever you like, but it is unfair they are gaslighting you into thinking this is normal and okay. It doesn't matter the word used to describe the fucking, it only matters how you felt after hearing about it. If you feel hurt, then the relationship is over. If you are okay with it, then it's not over, unless they don't return from their fucking expedition.

  95. Jesus Christ why do us women accept the absolute bare minimum standard men?! This guy sounds like a loser and you need to cut him loose

  96. You mean your “ex”. Don't lie to yourself, you know that “it” happened. Part why she thinks she could behave like that is because you're so accommodative.


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