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36 thoughts on “Hanna-3 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Yep. She made OP pick up the dress on purpose to keep hurting OP and to make her think she is not good enough. The mom is a narcissist AH, most likely. OP should know her worth and tell her mom to go fuck herself with a crucifix. The end.

  2. I think you've gotten a lot of good advice so far. Counseling should be about the family unit, and separately for yourself. Definitely prepare for a potentially bad divorce, while hoping you don't have to have one.

    This is a crap spot to be in. Cohabitation may sound nice but you also have to consider, how are you each going to feel when there's someone new the other starts seeing? Is there even already potential infidelity on her side? (Not saying it definitely happened but I know a lot of people who “realized” they were with a partner of the wrong gender when someone else entered their life and made them see it clearly.)

    Make sure not to get into arguments about “Your” kids or things like that though. Watch your phrasing and keep to “our” kids. Judges actually do look at that in divorce. Don't argue or berate or dig at the past and stuff either, especially not over text or something she can show in court. Just do your best to keep things civil and fair. And if by chance she does any of the above in text or email KEEP it, just in case. We've been going through my partner divorcing her spouse, and it's definitely helped a lot that we could show evidence of things he's said or done. He openly told her he didn't love her anymore, didn't find her attractive, didn't want to emotionally support her or be there for her in any way. Then he tried to cry in court that I showed up and stole her away and ruined their marriage. We showed the texts to the judge and they've rarely believed anything he has said since. Any accusations we make in court we provide records of texts and things to prove.

    Hopefully things go easily for you as far as the divorce goes, but that's my just in case advice. I hope you both can move on, be happy, and remain great friends for your children.

  3. What is he, R Kelly? Punishing you for not having sex with him?! Run girl, Run! Most people do not realize they are being abused until it’s too late.

  4. Hello /u/Ready-Struggle459,

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  5. Do you think maybe because you’ve only been with him In person one time that might be why he feels like a little brother or close friend? he was a stranger online when you first met and now to your brain he’s a stranger in person. Your body doesn’t produce lots of love chemicals just by looking at someone. He was probably extremely nervous too based on how he threw up. So he might not have came off as confident as you remember on the phone. Id probably give it another chance.

  6. Damn that sucks, man. Take some solace in the fact she came clean to you about it first and is trying to make it right and distance herself from the coworker.

    People often develop crushes with others simply through proximity, but that’s what they are; crushes. They’re nothing compared to a long-term committed relationship. People sometimes think these crushes are more serious than they are when they project upon them something that is missing from their real relationship, and I’m sure the couples counselling will explore what, if anything, that might be.

    It’s perfectly reasonable to feel angry and betrayed. But it sounds like she wants to make your marriage work and is doing what she thinks will make that happen. My personal advice would be to take the time to work through this with her and only think about divorce if and when nothing works. But must importantly, look after yourself!

  7. Are you posting them on your social media? If you are, I would suggest using a block to keep her from seeing them because you're reopening that wound every time if you're doing that.

  8. Yeah she’s being annoying but this isn’t end all be all she’s stuck doing this. She’s just scared for them. No need to blow her exaggeration out of proportion

  9. You should not only cancel, you should report him to management. PTs should not be harassing clients for dates. The constant calls and texting is pressure to agree, this is predatory behavior. Guaranteed you are not the only woman he’s doing this to and you won’t be the last.

    Your friend is probably correct about him. This is no reflection on you.

    “He seems great”. No he isn’t. Great men don’t use their workplace to find and pressure women in to going out with them.

  10. Because you didn't finish paying the first car and decided to get a fancier car. So the new loan covered the new car plus the remaining balance of the old loan which is probably why you needed someone to cosign. Then you totalled the car. And now you want another car and gran wisely won't cosign.

    The rates you are getting offered are probably high and based on your past who knows what you will do. The economy is supposed to be heading into a recession and your fiancee and gran are concerned that something will happen and you will default on the loan. They are concerned about their own credit.

  11. He does often ask how I can love him. Which form my end, he supports me. I wouldn’t be so successful if not for him. He looks after me, dotes on me, picks up the slack at home when I’m working long hours. He in general will do whatever he can to make my life better. Why wouldn’t I love him for that? He’s given me the space, understanding and love to get through my own traumas and hang ups. I have communicated this with him though, I can’t control how he feels about himself unfortunately.

  12. Yeah thought he would be able to communicate but he got too much of a temper and to think that cause he older he would be more mature in the situation

  13. That's sad but the girl does not need help. This is someone whose psyche is hell-bent on recreating traumatic experiences (for a reason).

    You should get checked for codependent behavior. Sounds benign but codependent people are prone to get into relationships with substance abusers.

  14. So Bob broke up your marriage, your Alice's Man of Honour (so clearly, you're closer with her), and Alice expects you to play nice? If I were in Alice's position, I wouldn't have invited Bob in the first place.

  15. I think you are right, but it means he has cheated on you. No need to confront him, simply break up.

  16. If you go the trip is about the wedding, not dragging him off to your family. If its in another state, the travel there and back and the wedding will take the weekend up.

    He asked you, and you said yes, you are going. Why does it need to be unusually enthusiastic. When you bring it up are you cramming other things in that suggest you should just travel to see your family while he attends the wedding., you'll ruin the weekend cramming in both, with the travel on top

  17. Ha yeah my partner is 5 inches taller and I think nearly 6 stone heavier than me, with a LOUD voice like I said… Even though I genuinely don't believe he'd physically hurt me, when he's pissed off and his body language is aggressive it does trigger a bit of a fear response and there's only so much I can control that.

  18. I wouldn't expect my partner to take time off for something like that, never mind a roommate.

  19. It doesn’t matter the circumstances. If he’s upset that you were 8 minutes that’s just idiotic. 8 minutes?

    TLDR: wife & I had different schedules but made the best of it and we understand what that meant. But we made it work.

    My wife is a nurse and I was a police officer when we married. I worked 3rd shift 10p-6a and off Tuesday & Wednesday nights. She worked 8a-5p Monday- Friday and on call one week every month. So we were literally coming and going passing each other in the doorway basically for many years. I couldn’t take any weekends off because the department I worked for was small at the time and we had 3-4 officers on duty at night. 3 patrolmen and a supervisor. Depending on what night it was and the way our off days lined up there were only 2 patrolmen on.

    So Tuesday & Wednesday were our nights to go out if we wanted to but it was a workday for my wife but we did try a few times. Also I had to sleep Tuesday almost all day because of Monday’s shift and then stay up Wednesday night and sleep Thursday to prepare for Thursday nights shift. So basically I had only one night off. Only got to sleep in bed w her one night a week because of all the sleeping Tuesday I couldn’t really sleep at night. It was crazy trying to spend time together. And since she was in home health she didn’t get off exactly at 5 if she was on her way to see a patient or at a patients house or just finishing up etc. So it was hot to plan anything as well w our schedules. But we were both in the industry so we understood any plans we made were always tentative.

    I was promoted to criminal investigators after our daughter was born. I then had the same work hours as her but was on call every other week. But really I could be called out anytime depending on what happened because I was also on the SWAT team. I had training once a week so that threw off sleeping patterns and schedules. Still plans we made were always tentative because either of us could be called out.

    Add a newborn into the mix and we were really scrambling looking back. I wonder now how we ever conceived the way we missed each other coming and going. Lol.

    So for years we understood that any plans made could be squashed at the last minute. Other than pre-planned vacations we just did what we could do w no set plans. It worked because we both knew what could happen.

    I was called out on a murder one night that wasn’t my call night and wasn’t able to come home for 72 hours because we were trying to catch the guy and every minute counted. But there were other times she was called out as she was also her works hospice nurse. She would also be gone from a few hours to a few days because she’d built a bond w her patients and families she would go and stay with the patient & family until they passed and made arrangements for the funeral home and would wait until the funeral home picked up their family member. Then sometimes she’d stay after helping the family by help cleaning up because more family members would be there after the funeral etc.

    So my very long point is we both had demanding jobs and plans were always penciled in. But what we didn’t do was argue at all when we were together. Her father was a mortician and her mother a nurse. So we knew life is short and any time we were together wasn’t worth wasting time arguing.

    You have an extremely naked job. I didn’t see your first post because it was gone but I gathered enough info from this one to understand that he is selfish. He could have driven, he knew you had a death, he knew you were tired but he got upset over you being a few minutes late. That is just selfish. Even after all you been through for the last 24 hours you were still trying to carve a few minutes out to spend time w him and he threw it away.

    He will never understand your schedule. Not sure what he does but if he has all weekends of I don’t think he’s a 1st responder or dr/ nurse etc. So he will never know what it’s like to hold a dying child in his arms , never know what it’s like to give everything you have to help someone in need and put all of your wants & desires last so that you can help someone else. He’ll never know what it’s like to work 24 hours straight or 36 or 72 still wearing the same clothes. Adrenaline pumping very hot one minute and none the next and how exhausting it is.

    His work hours are set so he can make all the plans he wants and can stick to them. He can promise someone he’ll be there at 8 and be there at 8 all the time. He will never understand your work. He will never understand your schedule. He may say that he does and can work around it but he’s shown that 8 minutes in the grand scheme of things is just too much for him.

    Y’all either need to have a long conversation about all of this to see if it’s something he still wants to try or break it off. But he has to understand there are times you’ll be late and sometimes won’t be able to go at all at a moments notice.

  20. Ideally, the create shouldn't be treated like a punishment. It should be a safe and comfortable place for her. Turn it into a cozy little den-like space at first

  21. If it isn't something like SA or outright cheating, I would wonder if she partook in some drugs. While I haven't taken any in my lifetime, I've heard they could be life altering.

    This is coming from someone has has no experience in that department.

  22. Do you intend to cut them off permanently or just until you're in a better place emotionally?

  23. Fuck that guy, seriously. How long u been together & lived together? I aim for every other day.

  24. Tell her now. Before she quits. She lacks the maturity to be in a relationship. Does t even sound like she is In Love with you just likes your monetary support. Meanwhile you are losing your best years to her.

  25. Break up. I know it's not what you want to hear, but there is someone out there who can't wait to go out of their way to do nice things for you, who will love you as much as you love them.

    How long will you tolerate pouring in all this energy and getting nothing back?

    You've communicated your needs, and his (lack of) response is telling. He's not willing to change, and will never be what you need.

    So go out there, and find someone better.

  26. Don't worry, it's normal for you to be angry on his behalf, I'm angry too with this girl and I don't even know her or your boyfriend! But he needs therapy. I hope he can afford it. If not, he should try to find a support group for addicts. And he needs to be patient with himself, therapy helps but it's not magical, it takes time and effort and there might be some relapses. And you will need to be patient too… but do ask yourself for how long are you willing to be patient, or if you want to stay with him even if this issue never gets better.

  27. I don’t think there is a future together where you’re equals and you get equal opportunity to make decisions for your future.

    If he freaks out and tries to bully you and emotionally deregulate you any time you don’t let him make the decision, it’s not a partnership. It’s a dictatorship.

    It probably just seems like a dream relationship when you keep all your opinions to yourself and let him decide everything since it’s not creating conflict with his abuse.

  28. Kind of seems like he’s giving you the answer here, then. He’s fixated on bringing in others; if you’re not about that, then this is likely an end of this chapter of your life.


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