ConnieMontiel on-line webcams for YOU!

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39 thoughts on “ConnieMontiel on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Lady, seriously if your guy is willing to throw your entire relationship in the trash over that, he's not the guy you want. It doesn't matter if it was a boundary of his. It's just a hug. It doesn't matter that he told you that before. It's stupid. We are allowed as people to call out stupid things when we see them, it helps us maintain our sanity. This situation and boundary of his was stupid. You're 30 years old you can hug someone if you're probably never going to see them again. A real man wouldn't bat an eye at that. He's probably mentally underdeveloped in some way, seriously.

  2. Wedding parties are so hot to pick… There's probably a reason you're not in it and it probably has nothing to do with you. Don't take it personally.

  3. I gave up what would have been a truly life changing job training opportunity for my then girlfriend (now ex wife). It was a bad decision. Follow the best path, if he is not excited about your future he is not the one.

  4. If I was financially support a woman and her kids from another relationship and she did that to me I would be PISSED.. so I understand how you feel. I would just want to know why after you paying all the bills in the house she feels like that is okay?

  5. IMHO, in memory of the person who she was, who is metaphorically deceased now, you might want to just bite the bullet and consider the money lost.

    You really need to stay away from the new person. That’s not the person anymore. You did the right thing by cutting off & getting out. That needs to be 100%.

    I understand it’s really naked to not get the money back. No one likes to get taken advantage of. Every time is a learning opportunity. Very hot lessons can be very expensive lessons.

  6. Your hopefully soon to be ex boyfriend was out of line. What did he expect to happen at a funeral? An epic dance battle?

    I find it naked to believe that this is the only instance of him being a self absorbed delusional AH.

  7. Sure you could give her another chance but honestly why… relationships are suppose to be a safe space.

    If you have to convince yourself to go back just don’t. This time next year you will probably be a lot happier.

  8. I get that it can be uncomfortable and it’s her face so it’s very noticeable to you.

    I would advise you not to fixate on it. It’s only one part of her. Remind yourself about all the reasons you are with her. Her nose is only one small part of her. You might just get used to it or it might look better over time

  9. You shouldn't be using numbing cream. The pain happens when something is wrong. When you're hurting yourself. There shouldn't be any pain. If anyone wants anal the butt need to be prepped first with stretching and lube. (Not numbing lube)

    If you don't trust him why are you with him?

  10. Reddit is nutty. Read her comments. I'm suspicious, and I don't even know her. I'm guessing her boyfriend might have some good reasons to suspect.

  11. Why do you need a label? Enjoy your time together and go from there. Time will help both of you sort things out.

  12. I guess what’s good for the gander isn’t good for the goose. Honestly anyone considering open relationships really should read Reddit posts. I will never understand how anyone thinks open relationships are a good thing long term. At some point the novelty of sex with others wears off, or someone falls in love, or jealous creeps in. All that’s usually left are a ton of regrets divorce, and broken families

  13. I appreciate you saying all of this. I am actively trying to reflect on if she has merit when she called me cheap. I feel like I have taken her on dates at least 1-2 times per month (its tough because I work Wed – Sunday and she works M-F and has to put her son to bed at 830 every night). I am unable to recall the last time we went out and she paid for my meal. I can't recall the last time she made a date night for us. I feel like she is gaslighting me and its naked because I know she is 99% of the time very accurate in her memory while my memory is not. But when I ask her for clarification or examples she says “this is ridiculous I have already told you numerous times”. I'm just hurting badly. No deep seeded issue at hand, I just don't have a lot of money.

  14. Change all the details & passwords to all your Social Media or any app that has your crucial Data you don't want to risk including your bank details. Get a police report & case no. Hire a professional cyber expert to collect evidence to justify where the data got uploaded. Hire a Shark Lawyer & sue them for whatever you can. It might be highly expensive for now but will help you alot in future. Take this as a lesson & make wise decisions in future. All the best Bro & Good Luck. Stay Safe.

  15. So sorry you are realizing this now. I have found that there are givers and takers in this world. It doesn't mean she is bad, but she is a taker. She is not mature enough to be in a relationship with you. It has been said by experts that people are not fully grown until 25. This seems to ring true.

    I can feel for you, because you care. You are going to hurt more than she will. But, it's best to cut your losses now. You already are starting to resent her. This feeling will only grow.

    Imagine if you marry her. You will do the cooking, you will clean the house. Finally, you will not be satisfied sexually and resent her for that. Because she doesn't even want to try. Because there is nothing in it for her.

  16. U really helped thank you we eneded up getting down to the root of it and sorted it completly turns out it was acctually quite sweet the reason she was moody at me

  17. If this is real and this is out of character for him, send him to the doctor to make sure he’s ok medically.

    Maybe he can go back to his old job and say something medically happened to cause that and apologize and beg for his job back.

    Or get his ass applying for jobs left and right, right the fuck now.

  18. Restraining you – abuse Hitting walls – abuse Yelling – abuse (so yes you are abusing him as well when you yell)

    When you add everything together, it’s all abuse, though spitting on your car and crying are not by themselves (one is a disgusting habit, and the other can be manipulative)

  19. Why do you treat young women so poorly? Why do you demean the intelligence and maturity of adult women? Do they not have their own free will? Their own autonomy? The freedom to make decisions that are in their best interest? It may not be your dating strategy to date an older man, but many women worldwide do so and profit greatly by doing so. They get mates that are mature, financially stable, and secure by doing so. Not everyone has to live! their lives as you dictate.

  20. She's for the streets brother. She disrespected you 4 different times. In the span of one night.

    Let this one go.

  21. Before jumping to conclusions I searched how to tell I've been restricted from someone's stories and that's how I exactly knew

    How did you tell you were restricted?

  22. The only reason that would sound logical to me for writing such a text would be if he helped out a friend to come up with a pickup line like that. But since he didn’t say that… logically I would come to the conclusion that he if he can keep himself sharp, you can also keep yourself sharp


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