Priincessbellaa1 online sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Priincessbellaa1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I've tried that before, but she always guilt trips me, saying she misses me and needs me to help comfort her and so on

  2. He finally admits to cheating but says you can't get mad? What next, is he going to shoot you and get mad when you bleed? You're life is only going to get better without that kind of BS in it.

  3. You're absolutely right and I am aware of that fact. It's just that my kid's mom is insanely insecure and was also 'suicidal' the last time we broke up. When I went for a visit, she had cuts in her wrists and I had to tell her that she has a child and should not be doing this at all. I don't know if she was doing it to get me back or manipulating me in a way but that's also one of my fears. She knows about me cheating on her after all that she did to me and that made her even more insecure because now she makes me turn my location on wherever I go and I can't blame her. The girl I cheated on her with happened to be “prettier” and more fit than her too which makes it all worse. We tried co-parenting and it worked for a bit but if I ever go back to the ex I met, she will absolutely take away my daughter OR harm herself…

  4. Yeah that’s definitely my biggest fear is that she feels pressured to do it. Cause that’s not attractive either. I just want her to do it because she wants to, but that could mean if I bring it up at all then clearly at least part of it is not her wanting to do it and my interference would be at least partially responsible. I think your comment may have answered my question. Thank you

  5. Youre 19. Send her to the streets and move on. The odds you were ever going to have a future together were miniscule. Highschool sweethearts getting hitched and having a kids and a house with a white picket fence was a reality in the 50s, in the 2020s, you are more likely to get struck by lightning than marry your highschool gf and have a sustainable future together.


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