Sonia-sander live sex chats for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “Sonia-sander live sex chats for YOU!

  1. How on earth are you going to handle kids if you can only be bothered to have short conversations with people?

  2. No offense but you sound like the kind of partner that would just let this fly in your relationship. It’s perfectly ok to call someone out on their bullshit. OP had every chance to say no don’t come over, but she chose to let him come over with the understanding they would have sex even though he had a girlfriend. That makes you a shitty person. Don’t blame this on a “power dynamic”. OP is an adult and had the opportunity to decline, but she didn’t.

  3. That is a subjective matter. Only she and her friends know her true intentions. Since you can't mind read, you either go with the flow or ask her.

  4. Glad to hear! OP needs to see this and realize that she is likely doing him a favor as long as he carries lessons learned into his next relationship.

  5. You don’t want her to screw this relationship ip, so what you decide to do it for her? Take a big step back and apologize.

    Stop punishing your sister for her past mistakes.

  6. No offense to my question…just trying to understand…but if you are in a relationship don't have a right to know?

  7. But I think my partner also sees some things as part of having a relationship.

    Right, it's a two-way street. You're going to push people away if you pick and choose what parts of a relationship you want to adhere to without full agreement from your partner.

    He's not mad for the hell of it, you're literally saying you don't enjoy sleeping with him. That's a deal breaker for most.

  8. Is this the life you want? She has shown you who she is. Believe her. This would be your whole life with her.

  9. I’ve never done this before, and I would never hurt her no matter how much alcohol I’ve had. Also, the pushing her was entirely unintentional. There’s more to the PTSD too. I can’t go through another heartbreak man. It might kill me

  10. You at the very least need to be honest with your husband. There's simply no way around that. Show him the respect he deserves so he can make an informed choice. You've been incredibly selfish and disrespectful.

  11. My ex would call it gaslighting if I listened to her and then shared my side of things. It's not something that can be reasoned with; she would hold strongly to it even in couples therapy. I got tired of having my feelings being read in the least charitable way possible. Better communicators are out there.

  12. Honey, you sound like a gold digger when you say things like that. Stop doing this or you'll end up not posting anything about these luxuries anymore because there won't be anything to post about…

  13. My girlfriend isn't feeling any pain at all? I'm not sure where you got that impression from. She loves the threesomes (it was mainly her idea) and she loves her friends company just as much as I do, try reading some of my replies to the other comments to get a better idea

  14. Thank you for the really kind message. I think I have a pretty good sense of humour and happily will be roasted and take it, but sometimes it crosses the line and I don’t seem to be allowed to have that boundary/feelings when it’s gone too far. It’s automatically my fault that I couldn’t take the joke, even if it hurt me, and I’m blamed for creating drama over nothing. My heart has really sunk today as the reality has kicked in that it’s highly likely he hates me/doesn’t really care about me. I feel desperately sad about it though.

  15. Not one thing it's something that a bunch of highschoolers and weed heads learned about it got into the brain and now everyone is like oh it's secure.

  16. Thank you for your answer!

    I know I can't fix it for him, but I want to try. I'm trying to be very careful around his feelings but he needs to understand that he's hurting me with what he does.

    Everytime after it's over we agree to not let that happen again and that he'll talk to me next time but he never does. It makes me sad.

  17. Okay. Who you are at 16 isn’t who you are now. Staying because you are afraid of being alone isn’t fair to her or to you. You know this isn’t forever. Be grateful for growing up together and that she was your first love. But. Move on. It’s the right thing to do because you know it’s going to end and sooner is kinder than later.

  18. His ex is apart of that group? There’s your answer! He’s cheating on you and your “friends” are behind it!!! Wake up ma’am

  19. No, it's 100% cheating even if she's trying to convince you it's not. Go get tested and also find yourself a better girlfriend.

  20. Wooooaaaahhhhh, 3.5 WEEKS??? Not trying to be flippant, but you desperately need therapy. That’s not even enough time to call someone your boyfriend. This is totally insane

  21. I mean, I appreciate that you think your opinion is a rational argument for being a bigot, but go owf. You don’t have to agree with someone to respect them. Do you also refuse to call friends by nicknames? Refer to your parents by their first names? What about kids who were adopted, I mean their parents didn’t physically give birth to them so while their opinion is that they’re parents, you make sure to let them know that a pig doesn’t quack and make you a parent, right?

    We didn’t miss the point, we’re downvoting you on purpose.

  22. Just because you can't go on a group trip without having a temptation of cheating does not mean OP can't control herself.

  23. No no, smutt is basically writing sexual stories, like erotic writing with made up characters. At least that is what I meant when I said I write smutt along with fanfiction.

    And yes you are absolutely right about the fact that they aren't compatible, both of them are at fault and they need to leave this relationship coz it's not worth it.

    My entire point was, people blamed him in the original post and then when is wife is equally wrong, they are still blaming him for an addiction which is a medical problem and needs to dealt with that way and the wife isn't helping him heal in his addiction by being equally vindictive. Not everything lies on him nor everything lies on his wife is my entire point.


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