Valery Joness online sex cams for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “Valery Joness online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Well you say you went on an app made for strictly for hookup dating for more experience. You were seeking a hookup, experience, and even giving each other oral sex. these are literally your words.

    The concern is valid however, you knew his age before meeting. Him being he’s in his 40s theres shouldn’t be a big surprise you’re old enough to be his daughter. It’s common sense, Meaning if this is a concern now, why didn’t this cross your mind before meeting with a stranger?

    This is why my original comment said your too naive to be putting yourself in a situations you cannot control. for future reference so you understand, Expecting honesty from a complete stranger is dangerous, going into a strangers home is dangerous. Trusting a stranger on this level with your body is dangerous.

    Have you acknowledged you feel he forced sex on you. You’ve seemed to be on good terms with him and even thinking about visiting again. This shouldn’t even be crossing your mind. Are you still responding to these sexual messages. Stop speaking to him. This is what you needed advice on. Yes it’s weird on both ends, he shouldn’t want to be with a 20 yr old and you shouldn’t want to be with a 40 year old. It’s been weird from the start.

  2. Well once you put that together on your own (hence space is for figuring out what you want / for yourself.) You talk to her about it & say what you believe is healthy and if your views align you both put in the efforts to make it healthy.

  3. So this whole diatribe was written to simply point out how he called you autistic or how you don't like his mom? Because now I'm fucken lost. Your title makes it seem you're mad at him. But the rest of it makes it seem like a hate towards her.

  4. May be an unpopular opinion, but it’s not your fault. Your boyfriend literally kept doing something that he knew was upsetting you. He’s right on that, it’s his fault.

  5. typically within 2-7 months

    Damn, for real?! That's not enough time to get to know someone properly! I know of a friend's friend who HAD to get married before she was 30. Guy she was dating got given her grandma's ring for him to propose at “some point” (no pressure). Long story short, they got married before she was 30 and they got divorced by the time she was 30 because apparently he was a douche and they were not compatible……

    Anyway, if that's the goal of your exes and your current one, I wouldn't do it unless you reeealllly want to.

  6. It could be she finds you attractive but is with someone.

    Could be she didn't want to go on a date at the gym. Why your move was to ask her to go to the gym instead of dinner is beyond me, lol

    I hate going to the gym with a partner. I'm there to be in and out and listen to my music.

  7. Sure, but then don’t tell her to save the date ON Valentine’s Day. He should have said he made a plan for the weekend ahead of time. It all seems half ass.

  8. If he thinks that’s abuse, he’s incredibly delusional. And self-centred. Don’t cater to this.

  9. What does he say when the topic of getting an apartment of his own comes up? And what do you do when you sleep at his office, just have a normal date, but crash there? Watch movies?

  10. I understand what you’re saying, but it does sound like “oh think of the poor men who want nothing more than to fuck their female friends, whatever shall we do to protect those men”

  11. Okay. As a woman who had a child 18 months ago, in a very traumatic process that has left me with severe life long issues, and went through the hormones and “hisband-hate” post birth…none of what you're explaining of his behaviour is normal, and I would be contemplating divorce too.

    Fighting more is normal. Being upset about changed expectations of what your family will look like is normal. Yelling at eachother over stupid shit and resenting what you view the other is/isn't doing is normal. Figuring out how fucking hot it is to be a parent and losing sight of your relationship is normal. But so is falling significantly more in love with your partner in a tiny window of time because “holy fuck, look at this tiny life we made together”. So is talking through the fights and trying to find solutions when you're a bit less tired and the baby is asleep. So is crying together over how fucking very hot it is to be parents, and mourning the loss of how easy it was before baby was born. Coming together as a couple in ways you can't properly see, is as normal as the pulling away from eachother.

    But the fact that this behaviour is post-birth from him, the fact that he isn't putting in effort, the fact that he is berating you and flipping out at you and is deeply unsympathetic to the trauma you experienced….none of that is normal post birth hormonal crap/life changes.

    Your partner is an asshole. And considering he was one, prior to your son's birth, I can't imagine that he's going to not be one once he settles into being a parent. And I would be considering divorce too.

    So, from someone who has been (physically) in your shoes fairly recently, I want to validate that while your feelings may be heightened by hormones, what you are having is far from a hormonal reaction. I want to say that you are not crazy for your response here, and what you are feeling. Your partner is being an asshole.

    I recommend urgent couples counseling, if you two still want to work on this. I can't see how you can possibly work through him being such a jerk, otherwise.

  12. I think the only thing you really need to hear is that, you already seem like a good father and whatever happens, you should know that.

  13. Be upfront. Something like: I like you, I’d like to date you, like a couple , not just FWB, like monogamous .

  14. It’s not your insecurities. Don’t listen to this person. Tell him he needs therapy to get control of his addiction. Having a maxed out credit card is going to get him into a lot of financial trouble. But don’t stay with him. You deserve so much more.

  15. You tell her off, put her in her place, and put some distance between yourselves.. Actions have consequences, let her experience some of those consequences.

  16. Don't be a doormat! Grown a pair and move on. If she wants you, she'll come calling. The fact that she hasn't is proof enough. Even if overwhelmed a text here and there is no big deal. She's either found someone new or is looking for someone new. She's ghosted you.

    Move on. You're young and have plenty of time to find someone who won't ghost you and have the maturity to end it like an adult. Not like a 12 year old.


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