Annetaylor on-line sex chats for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “Annetaylor on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. yeah i’m 37 and have been cheated on. Husband has a right to know who he is with. She cheated on him by her own admission. I would like to know who i am with so i can make a decision based on actual information instead of lies.

    If it’s not that bad and she didn’t do anything that bad then surely he won’t see it as a big deal.

  2. Well that's what she tells you so I guess it must be true , has she ever lied before?

    Oh yeah she did once , about this very night saying she never got hit on and there being no guys there.

    Hey you do whatever you can online with.

  3. How can I better understand tone and vocal cues?

    Ask. Say, “Are you joking? 'cause I can't tell.”

    How can I make my boyfriend not so mad all of the time?

    You can't change somebody else, you can only change yourself. Maybe this is not the right relationship for you. Many autistic people are so happy to get in ANY relationship that they settle for one that is not very pleasant. But I encourage you to consider whether you might be better off without all this anger in him.

  4. The gym has always been one of my favorite stress reliefs. Imma focus on myself after this blows over. Time to meal prep again and lift the weight.

  5. I see people in comments are all saying he is right, I kind of disagree. He has a point, you shouldn't be hanging out with your friends who ALL shut you out and made you feel like shit and reported you for mental health stuff. They purposely made you feel bad. I had my fair share of friend groups IRL I cut off because they hurt or deceived me in ways I could not get past. It's naked, but necessary.

    But I don't think it's fair of your BF to threaten breaking up over this. It's none of his business as they're your friends and you choose who you hang out with. He could be more supportive in certain ways, talk to you about this or suggest alternatives such as you and him going on holiday together instead of you with them. I understand in extreme cases people propose an ultimatum. But this type of stuff is not that extreme whatsoever.

    So I think both you and your BF are wrong. He is wrong to propose such an extreme ultimatum over something like this. And you're wrong hanging out with friends who fucked up your mental health and play mind games with you.

  6. I am always of the opinion that you should talk to your partner about your feelings, so for that part of your question, yes. Speak to him. BUT! Please speak to him gently. He very likely wanted to do this alone, based on their history, to see if his mother was even in a place to learn about you. He's on a fact finding mission, at this point. It sounds like he's trying to minimize the impact across the board by not telling you, either. You deserve to have your feelings heard, but he also has the right to take these steps with his mother as he sees fit, therefore doesn't deserve any negativity for it. I feel that based on her dislike of dating other cultures he's choosing to keep you under wraps til he gauges if his mom is even open to hearing about you.

  7. You tell your boyfriend what happened. I know you say the bed is the only place you can sit. But as others have commented, i would never be okay with my girlfriend going alone to a males friend's home, being in his bed AND WITH ALCOHOL? You should honestly know better. And as for your boyfriend.. i think his overall Awareness is similar to that of a blind fish. If his girlfriend gets invited over to another guy's bed at night, he should REALLY start ringing those alarm bells. Guys rarely invite girls into their bed without a motive. Just let that be a lesson

  8. Your issue is that he doesn’t see a problem and you do. You might try couple’s counseling to provide you with a space to talk about your feelings with a mediator that can help keep the conversation on track when he gets defensive. But this is the only relationship your boyfriend knows how to have with his mother, and changing this aspect of his life is going to be far more complicated than just getting him to agree not to give his mom so many details about your life.

  9. It was the alcohol that escalated this. It sounds like both of you were too drunk to be rational. Start by drinking less. Alcohol creates a lot of problems. Talk about it, then I would let it go, but both of you need to do better.

    P.S. I hope neither of you drove to the hotel that night. Do not drink and drive.

  10. That's not true… there are many women out there who know that men have feelings as well and and need to express their emotions and won't ridicule or berate them for it.

  11. You need to kick the phone out of the bed.

    Intimacy killer. Mind killer.

    No phone in the bed, period. Doesn't matter whether it is sex, sleeping, or just laying around.

  12. Don’t give in…it rewards his rage tantrums which are already a huge problem.

    Respect flows two ways. As a solution, if he’s looking for fairness and mutual respect, you can both sit down and create a list of all tasks and the time they take to complete. Add to that list the amount of time each of you work in your jobs. You each have 24 hours in a day. Starting with your jobs. Fill up your days with home maintenance tasks so that you each have equal time committed to the household. Pick tasks like picking teams for kickball as a kid. If there are any tasks at the end that neither of you want to do (like laundry), see if you can outsource those for a reasonable price. I’m willing to bet you come out WAY ahead on that “compromise”.

  13. Find a therapist to work through this, or you will ruin this relationship and any future relationship.

    Get healthy.

  14. My stomach flipped when I read the blow job line. I couldn’t believe it. I pray this is some sort of troll post to get people riled up, because if not… WHAT THE FUCK

  15. Honestly, this woman does not sound mentally well. Is she overly attached to your boyfriend? Does she feel threatened by you at all?

    But clearly the subtle approach isn't working, nor will it. She has no boundaries with you and seems at LEAST mildly obsessive about your relationship and what you two do. Unless she wants to change and go through the naked work of addressing her issues in therapy, nothing you do is going to change her behavior.

    So focus on what you can change. I agree with everyone else – swap out the doorknob to one that can be locked and unlocked from both sides. A keypad one is a good idea so you don't need to worry about forgetting keys anywhere. Make it physically harder for her to intrude, because that's the only thing I can see stopping this.

    If you're worried about eavesdropping, get a white noise machine to put by the door.


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