Tataguzman on-line sex cams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Tataguzman on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Tell your mom, the ex's parents, talk to a school counsoler/therapist, and cut contact with your “dad”. The ex's parent's need to know because this could have started when he was under age. Remember that you don't owe either of them your loyalty or your silence. Being gay doesn't mean you magically get a free pass to direspect, hurt, and be of pos. Trash is trash no matter who they're sexually attracted to.

  2. Lol he is being ridiculous. He is absolutely old enough to know what sort of a vibe this gives off and what it makes him look like, even if his intentions were innocent. Personally I wouldn't waste any more time on someone who a) does this and b) argues about it trying to make you feel bad

  3. Can you have a separate shower separate from your family? Can your bf’s family throw you a shower? I’d try to do things separate and away from your family. They’ve already shown you that they don’t care enough/care about her more. It’s time to walk away. I’m sorry you won’t get the same treatment as your sisters. I’m sorry you won’t get the pregnancy bonding time with your mom. But they made their choice and it’s not you, and they simply don’t care that they are hurting you. So to protect yourself, your mental health, and your child, you need to take a step back from them. If your bf’s family is supportive, look to them for what you need emotionally.


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