Lilith-ross online sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “Lilith-ross online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Naw.

    One or both people need counseling individually, then probably couples counseling besides. I've never heard of a toxic relationship becoming un-toxic.

  2. JFC, you rarely get any and she had a FWB who was her sexual soulmate? You really need to think that through. She can fuck someone without a relationship but in a relationship she isnt too keen on sex? Ask yourself, if she wanted sex before and now she isnt having any with you. 2+2 sometimes does add up. She either is using you for emotional support, or using you for emotional support and getting her physical needs met elsewhere.

    Does the word doormat mean anything to you? Not being mean but……c'mon. You seem to have far more invested in this than she does. Let her be alone, though Im guessing her sexual soulmate isn't too far off to the side.

  3. It’s an absurd notion to think that morals and honesty don’t exist as a blanket statement. If you truly think that’s the truth, then this whole post is a waste of time. You logically don’t believe that, nor should you.

    You need to use dating for what it is; the process of getting to know someone to see if you’re a fit and you’re compatible. You shouldn’t go into dating with walls in the sense of being completely shut off and on guard. In the reverse, you shouldn’t go into dating being completely trusting and vulnerable.

    You should go into dating with the mindset that you’ll make decisions based on the facts at hand. Generally speaking, shitty people will largely show signs of being shitty early. Problems occur when those signs are brushed off and then we act surprised that the person we knew was shitty showed us they were shitty.

    The point is, take it a date at a time. Based on the information learned, don’t plan your wedding. On the other end, don’t just sit there assuming the absolute worst. Know what you know. As an example, if things seem good and you’re seemingly compatible based on what you know, continue on to another date. You don’t yet know if you’re right for each other. You’ve only learned it’s worth continuing to find out.

    If, however, things or something seems off, trust how you feel and be honest about it. If you realize you’re not right for each other, walk away. That’s not a failure. Failure would be knowing there’s a problem and forcing it regardless.

    You’re focusing far too much on “going too fast” or “taking things slow.” Go at the pace that makes logical sense based on the information at hand.

  4. He is looking for a momma for his twins since Bio Mom sucks at it. Run…he said Bio Mom is abusive. Why would you want to deal with that type of life if you were to move forward with him.

  5. Your ex is a 20-year old woman who wants to experience your life. She takes her career seriously, but lost weight, likes to party. She doesn't want to sit home playing video games like you do. You two are just completely incompatible.

  6. So, I’m half Hispanic and my bf immigrated from Mexico. His parents only speak Spanish and we see them a lot. Usually I stay next to him and he translates, but recently I’ve been picking up some Spanish while his parents have been picking up some English. They try and be understanding that I don’t speak their language well, and i learned how to try and communicate without words.

    Overall communicate your uncomfortable feelings with your bf and have him help work out a solution, even if it means walking around with google translate open.

  7. Hello /u/CovertNarcissists,

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  8. Happy to hear things have turned around for you OP and that you’re onto bigger and better things. You deserve it!

  9. You’re talking to 18 year old girls on here? Telling them you like their tits?

    And yes that’s cheating too… you are actively messaging them. anything you wouldn’t show to your partner is cheating.

  10. I have rationalized to myself for years, “if he doesn't love me he'd have left by now, I must be imagining things it's just my depression talking”

    Consider the possibility he may have been gaslighting you too, OP, to keep stringing you along.

    Take screenshots of EVERYTHING, and if you can, PROOF of his login account to reddit.

    Talk to a divorce lawyer FIRST before you do anything or let him know you know about him. He HAPPILY spoke to a divorce lawyer without talking to you first so feel NO GUILT for contacting one.

    Start to separate finances – get your own account at a completely different bank he doesn't know about and lock it down (so he can't social engineer his way by being your husband).

    Then take him to the fucking cleaners if you can.

  11. I love this feedback. Especially in how empathy and understanding is brought into the picture here. At the end of the day, I’d love to understand her point of view and respond gently and not sarcastically etc… Appreciate this! And thank you for the love on the video. 🙂

  12. My brother is like this and also autistic, granted he's 13 not 35, but I had to sit him down and say “dude you smell like a festering shit, you need to shower everyday or two and use deodorant or you're gonna get bullied” because he hut puberty and didn't understand what body odour was until then, hints don't work, short and straight is the way to go

  13. You trust your husband. I get flirted with by a lot women and I like to flirt back a little. My wife will tell you that one of the things she loves the most about me is that I love women. And one of the things she hates the most about me is that I love women! I’d rather talk to women than men in most cases. However, she knows that not in a million years would I ever do anything outside of harmless flirting. If a woman is flirting with me and she’s around she will come over and say hello and talk but I think she likes it that other women find her man attractive. As long as you trust your husband it doesn’t matter at all what other women do.

  14. Yeah that's weird. A few things could be going on:

    He's stressed about something in his life and isn't communicating. He's turned off by something. Would you consider yourself a confident person with their own individual life outside of the relationship or does your life kind of centre around him? If not, that could be the problem. Worst case scenario – he cheated or has someone else on his mind. Do not jump to that conclusion though – only as a last resort. Usually its something else.

  15. The only urgent thing I had to do was my doctors appointment at 3pm …I didn’t want to go in with half hair done , half undone. My biggest issue was the driving anxiety, I get panic attacks driving on that route and was too busy thinking of how to minimize my time on the road instead of showing up for my partner Definitely not an excuse , I see now

  16. Yes, I know this seems to happen pretty frequently. I was just surprised since he didn't say anything over the course of the months we were hanging out after having that conversation where I said I wasn't interested.

  17. Not meeting needs is an internal balance problem. Sexting is obviously going outside and nothing justifies that. If it was bad enough to justify it, he should have left first.

    I say this with love, you need some self respect to realize this isn't okay.

  18. Is she disabled or something?

    This is bizarre and definitely is holding you back.

    To be honest, if I were you I’d just move out. Do your own thing. The condo deal is between your mom and dad. You are not her emotional support animal. Most parents want to see their kids fly the next and thrive. This is not healthy.

    Book some time with a therapist so you have professional support: your mom is going to make this hot.

  19. Why are you with him?? What does he bring to the table? Because it sure ain’t food. Or cleaning. Or household management. Or grocery shopping. Or money. You are the soul provider and doing all of the household management and labor. All he does is watch one child and gets a break whenever he wants. You deserve a partner, not a leech.

  20. Considering u started with the insults, maybe you're the immature one?

    No one said she is gross, but he has the right to say he doesn't want to kiss a mouth that has just touched his genitals

  21. Disown your dad. He's a bad human and a bad Christian. I'd actually call him very ungodly and absolutely not religious. Just a mean bully.

    As a child the most power you have with you parents is your time with them. As you get older your time will become even more valuable to them. Don't let him have your time if he intends to act like a child.

  22. Sure, contact him (referencing the last day of your 2 week time out) but do not double text him. If he doesn't respond, let that be your message.

  23. at the risk of being overly charitable… is it possible the person is very insecure and thinks he has to lie for OP to be with him. We know nothing other than OP’s short summary, about all the other aspects of the relationship so I’d want to know more before throwing the baby out with the bath water.


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