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36 thoughts on “Valen-scott on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. find a guy who is gay. problem solved. If you are an attractive female, then having straight guy friends is difficult.

  2. but, is he justified in doing this since we never talked about exclusivity?


    you arent in a relationship and you ahvent talked about exclusivity

    tell him that you dont like him taking out other girls and that you want to be exclusive since it sounds like that is how you feel

  3. When you say controlling my reaction, that's something that my bio parent says a lot. It's kind of comforting to see others with the same advice, in a way. I think it bothers me because I feel like I've gotten better and feel like it's not being acknowledged in any way. While I know that I can have moments where I get too sad about stuff I don't think it's anything close to the victim mentality it seems my step-parent is so sure that I have. Any time I react with tears or anger (pretty much anything outside of total neutrality or positivity) its “stop that! You're not the victim! You aren't a victim so stop the crocodile tears!” Those kinds of things. It makes me feel like I can't have any negative emotions.

    I think you're right about that never going home again stuff. My bio-parent will frequently bring up things from my past, especially high-school or elementary school (both times in my life that followed moves and super bad adjustments), when they want to make a point about my negative behaviors. I guess there might be a pattern there if I look closer, it's something I'll really have to ponder in the next little while.

  4. Didn’t even read this. Your “bf” is a pedophile. A 32 year old man attracted to a 19 year old is disgusting. Run. And fast.

  5. Should take only one conversation to apologizes and get closure. What is the reason he remains in contact with his ex? I find it disrespectful talking to an ex while in a relationship but that is just me; the past stays in the past…

  6. Ok so I don’t mind my bf watching porn, but if he chooses it over me that’s the problem. I’m not saying to disrespect her boundaries, but you shouldn’t have to change a habit that is not harmful Judy because of her. You just need to talk to her, and have her see how this is effecting you and come to an agreement

  7. She might start work later and want some extra cash. Not everyone is well paid. Or she's unemployed or has her own business with flexible hours. No need to be judgemental, how would anyone ever find babysitters if everyone worked the same hours.

  8. I can understand that depression can make it nude for people to shower/take care of themselves, but it's on a much higher degree. it's literally 10 minutes a day and his gf will be happier and with someone that actually smells nice

  9. u/randomlyscrolling47, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. At first, I would be upset but it's for reasons that didn't you choose, so I would respect that and understand. I would rather someone tell me they need to take time for themselves and heal mentally than just drop off the face of the Earth or reply with short text messages.

    Best of luck with your mental health! 🙂

  11. One of my boundaries is that I will not online in a house full of pet poop. The occasional accident? Fine. Constant pee and/or poop? Nope.

    Honestly, in the OP’s shoes, I would take my dogs and move out. I think it is only way to signal to her bf that the current situation is unsustainable.

    If that is impossible, I would refuse to care for the dog. Boyfriend needs to find someone willing to come to the house and medicate the dog and take it for walks and clean up the poop. This would at least allow the OP to redeem her reputation at work, which has suffered during this whole mess.

    When bf complains that this is impossible, I would point out that the alternative would be the OP leaving the home, and he would be faced with exactly the same problem—the dog’s care during the day when he is at work.

    The boyfriend is taking advantage of the fact that the OP is not going to let the dog suffer. And that is just delaying the decision he is going to have to make at some point. He wants his dog, but he is even unwilling to take care of the poop that happens when he is home.

  12. I have green eyes. Husband has blue eyes. Our oldest has dark brown eyes, middle has blue eyes, baby has blue green eyes with a grayish tint. They’re all his and they’re all his little clones. Eye color has more factors than just the eye color of the parents of the child.

  13. Thank you, I’m planning to talk to him about it and see what he says, just ask why he wants to go and how he feels about it. Also what he would want from me if I went out like this.

    Unfortunately I do have crippling anxiety in general so I can make up problems in my head that are not real and make them feel like they are ?

  14. But then you might be in the same spot and be too old to marry and have kids, if that is your end goal. But, If your goal is just to retire with your husband…then he isn't helping do that either. You guys are young….I never could quit a jib without having another one…even if job landed me on short term disability because the organization i worked for sucks. Therefore, I don't think the ultimatum will work so fond an exit plan.

  15. The first comment had it correct. I’m a woman band when I lose attraction to someone especially a man, It’s permanent. She probably thinks you’re too immature for her as she is 4 years older. It’s tough and I’ve been on both ends but sometimes people need trouble date people on their same mental, physical and financial level.

  16. Hello /u/Klutzy_Egg7705,

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  17. break up with her, have someone there to support/protect you, and record on your phone the reaction. so if she threatens you now you have proof. you don’t need to stay with someone abusive

  18. Yea I completely agree, at this point I just want to stay friends and if anything happens and I still feel like it could be worth pursuing then maybe. I just think time is the best thing for the situation.

  19. Jesus fuck, the more I read, the worse it got.

    I was going to tell you to leave him from just the title. Now I'm telling you to RUN.

  20. Keep the pedo away from the kid. She doesn't have to go see the family when he does. For better or worse its clear They are not going to reject the uncle, blood for better or worse can be thicker than water.

  21. I know my girlfriends passwords and she knows mine. I don't hide anything so i don't care. It makes both of us feel more comfortable so i don't see a reason to have each others password

  22. You should be able to tell if a woman is remotely interested.

    That's nude to know if a guy is socially incompetent, as is my case.

  23. Even as a guy. This is just gross. You can tell he's not doing shit as a father cuz if he was he would be too tired as a parent from taking care of a newborn to have sex the first few weeks anyways.

  24. I don’t fully believe this is real, but if it is, you’re demented. Your son did the right thing because you are clearly a groomer and a liar.

  25. Your friend was rude in my opinion. It's really not as constructive as she may have thought. You however escalated. You should have said “I'm happy with the result and it makes me uncomfortable that you are giving me unsolicited advice when I'm simply trying to share my new look woth my friends.” Or something to that effect.

  26. Yeah, that’s what I always tell myself. I want to believe it’s only a phase because she is stressed so much. But it doesn’t seem to improve unfortunately. I might try to talk with her again, thanks.

  27. Idk why everyone’s downvoting you, I agree with what you’re saying— at least explain to the poor girl why all of a sudden the people she thought were her closest friends are ghosting her. Shit, even just having a conversation could alleviate all worry. This resistance of communication from your partner made me think of one thing; bros before hoes. ? sometimes it is necessary to ghost people, but in this case where she’s badgering you for answers when you “can’t” give her any, I feel like it’d be more appropriate to sit down and talk to her. One method of problem solving doesn’t work for everything. While ghosting one person can work to give them the hint, it doesn’t always work for every one else. If anything you seem pretty mature and level headed and like your partner is being childish here, as you actually are trying to be considerate of everyone, not just your partner. Especially as you were technically friends with Kate before you and Lucy were a thing. And Kate is Lucy’s best friend; wouldn’t you want to make sure you’re not upsetting your best friend????


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