Petitesmallboobs live sex chats for YOU!

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Pregnancy make me so horny ,haven’t squirt 2 weeks #lovense #squirtmilk #milk [1881 tokens remaining]


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35 thoughts on “Petitesmallboobs live sex chats for YOU!

  1. That just sounds like a petty thing to do though. OP wanted to help plan and throw a party for someone, but suddenly it's conditional?

    Not everyone can be in the wedding party and while it's okay to feel confused or maybe even upset that you aren't included, there is more than likely a perfectly valid reason. Why retaliate to what may well have been a difficult decision for the bride to make?

  2. Yep embarrassed. Honestly even in a relationship I prefer to be called by my name, sweetie or honey. I dont like being called baby, bae or any other pet name.

    The fact that he's ok with you doing it privately show he at least likes you tho

  3. Probably! Are they too tight? Sometimes lack of blood flow can effect the feeling, like he won’t be feeling a whole lot of friction

  4. Thank you for acknowledging that I know it bc I swear I do!! I’m literally choosing to settle and I hate that for me. But you’re absolutely right and I actually have been ignoring him for 2 days now until today and those 2 days were filled w being productive and working on myself. I backtracked today?

  5. Thank you! I've overall had lots of time to heal and a great life so luckily this is a blip. Just wanted to share that I know the situation, know how it feels and it took me a bit to parse through it but sticking it in when he knows he is not supposed to, without further discussion, not OK at all.

  6. You should not be with him. You should concentrate on you getting better, continuing therapy and not be with someone who disrespects you this way and making your recovery slow down. You should not be okay with your boyfriend sleeping with other women because you are not ready. Please break up and concentrate on yourself only.

  7. He's not disappointed because you've proven yourself to be exactly what he thought, for the streets. It's pretty much the new normal so young men especially don't expect much from you, but you also don't get much in return.

    Become a better woman, get a better man.

  8. Hello /u/Long_Let194,

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  9. Just because you don’t want to text her constantly doesn’t mean you don’t love her. If you want the best for her, admire her good qualities and accept the bad ones, that’s love. What it really feels like you’re saying is that you don’t want to put in as much effort at she does.

  10. I personally think people are reading to deeply into that line. As far as I know, he made it clear to me and his family that he plans to be married to me in a few years.

    I definitely brought up my examples of possibly “disgust-worthy” experiences he’ll have in future during pregnancy, childbirth and taking care of babies. I brought up the pooping during pregnancy during childbirth and he was so disgusted, he spoke over me to drown out what I was saying so he didn’t have to hear. He kept saying “that’s gross” “I don’t want to hear that” “please respect my boundaries” so I’m not sure what to tell him since he wants a family, he’s going to be in for a rude awakening.

  11. Ask her if she doesn’t want to be seen interacting with you now, what needs to change for her to feel comfortable? Is that something that can change quickly? Is she willing to do that? Are you comfortable with telling people “we’re not sure what this is” if you do start interacting publicly?

    If there’s any hesitation, now isn’t the time.

  12. You’re probably not pregnant. You have zero symptoms. Just go get a test but you’re stressing about something not confirmed.

    When you’re young you think every time it’s unprotected you will get pregnant. The older you get you realize that’s not the case.

  13. Nude truth, you are both wrong. You for believing she will be able to pay you back when she clearly is financially irresponsible. He is wrong for refusing to see how important helping your sister is. If you want to help your sister, you should expect to never have it repaid by her.

  14. The “cheating” aspect wouldn’t even occur to me tbh. I’d be more upset that my partner was capable of violating another woman like that. What he was doing was a non-consensual violation. I couldn’t be with a man who treated women with such disrespect. I applaud you for getting him into therapy, but personally, I would have left him immediately.

  15. It's weird and creepy that a man nearly twice your age keeps insisting he wants to do sexual stuff with you.

  16. Wow, what a terrible comment.

    No, OP is not obligated to be excited about a pregnancy with a partner with whom he’s had a six month rocky relationship. THEY had talked about what would happen if they got pregnant and she had agreed to wanting an abortion at this time. She changed her mind and is excited – and so he’s supposed to just get on board? NO. FUCK NO.

    I think OP did everything he could to support her, above and beyond what I would expect of him. I would be posed (if I were him) that she has so quickly reversed positions. This is a SIX MONTH relationship that hasn’t even been stable. These people are not financially stable, don’t have a good foundation to their relationship, and don’t even live together. They shouldn’t be bringing a baby into this world.

    So please, stop giving out shitty advice about how OP should just “fall in line” since his gf for pregnant. No, she should start using her brain…. because she’s the one who’s probably going to bring a baby into an unstable environment.

  17. To be fair, with five kids, it's probably really difficult to date without keeping 1-2 with you. At her age, with five, I'd imagine one is still very young.

    I briefly dated a mother of three, and her youngest was always with her.

  18. She is just as accountable as the friend is.

    When two people share equal responsibility for what happened, nobody is “predatory”

  19. Lol this man ain’t getting better. He gets mad when other people (women) do things better. And he can’t patch a ceiling but insists on doing this shit? You don’t have a handy man you have a not so handy boy.

    Imagine behaving like this around children? Is he gonna be mad a child emasculated him when the kid can do something better than he can? Which will happen like when the kid is 5 by the sounds of it.

  20. Grief isn't an excuse to be a terrible person. Honestly, I don't even know why she's with you. From the start you told her she'd never be as good as your dead wife. Now she isn't allowed to do normal things with your kids because it reminds you of her? Get therapy. If I were her I'd dump you. You're not remotely ready to date.

  21. Even as a mom I have never rubbed anyone’s leg as a form of comfort. Pat their hand, hand on shoulder, pat their back? Check. Your guy is very performative. Why? I’m not sure. Maybe he had some “script” in his head or was just creeping on her during a vulnerable time. Not sure he felt any kind of way actually. I also don’t know if the performance was for you or her. It’s only a month, I’d move on.

  22. What are you talking about? It has quite literally everything to do with this. She used the idea of a threesome, something you would like, to deceive you into letting her move her affair out of the shadows and into the light, something she would like.

  23. You forget to wash one dish in the sink and she goes nuclear?

    Yeah that’s not normal behaviour, You need to be encouraging her to go and get help for her anger issues or this isn’t going to end well for you

    Rational adults work through problems, they don’t act like a child everytime they don’t get their way

  24. I suffer from this also. It cycles through highs and lows but does decay with time. Therapy might help reduce the time it takes.

  25. Life is too short to play one and off again games. if your lookig for long term than keep looking for someone that knows what they want.

  26. I guess i am trying to figure out if it is fair for me to feel upset over this, and if this should lead me to question our relationship at all. Family is important 100 percent, but i feel in special circumstances that an allowance here or there can be made for the significant other, am i wrong for thinking that?

  27. You bought a house, a car, and you’ve asked him to do regular things people do for themselves all the time.. what is HE doing because it sounds like he’s neglecting his job as a husband

  28. My cousin had dark full hair all down her privates and legs, my aunt paid for her to have it removed by laser. It is fairly common for women as far as I have experienced. I'm a female and prefer men with pubic hair, but it is personal preference.


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