Rennata-S online webcams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Rennata-S online webcams for YOU!

  1. Your poor boyfriend is probably so in love with you meanwhile you only started dating him for cheap weed, seriously? It seems like you were just waiting around for another „better“ option

  2. That's likely why OP went inactive in the comments. I don't work in family law but part of standard client intake for any practice area is asking them about any public statements they may have made regarding the subject of their case, and instructing them not to make any more public statements while it's pending.

    Yep, a lot of the stuff that gets posted to this sub is likely discoverable.

  3. I’ve never considered plastic surgery, I mean kudos to the people who go down that route because elective surgery isn’t something I would do just to make other people accept me. I have no doubt that he cares for me a great deal, he would eat shit for me and even when I’ve suggested we break up so he can find someone else he won’t entertain the idea, which makes me wonder if I’m his beard? I don’t know

  4. But I don’t want to force her into anything she’s not ready for. And as well as it’s her body her choice…


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