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24 thoughts on “Sky the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Google battered women's hotline and find a phone number for your area. Get to a safe place and call them, they will help.

    Some time after you are safe, buy and read the book Why Does He Do That. It will help you understand, and avoid abusers in future.

  2. Hello /u/ChefBoyarmemes,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. You’ve got 2 options, so here’s what I think you can do:

    Option 1: Ride it out and have a good time while it lasts. You obviously feel there no hope for this relationship to last. You said yourself you usually cut and run. This time don’t. Stay with your gf and see where it goes. She sounds a little like a manic depressive girl I knew. We never dated, but she dated a lot. So go where this takes you and maybe you’ll grow a bit as a human after being hurt, we all know it’s going to happen, unfortunately. But take the experience as you love her, and Ben if she doesn’t love you the same way.

    Option 2: Cit and run. You break up with her. She might try and get back with you, but you can’t. She won’t commit long term. Take the L and move in with your life. Your friendship will definitely be over as someone, the way you described her, cannot be friends with an ex who dumped them. You find someone better suited for you. And so does she (or she doesn’t) and move on with your life.

    Which option is better, that’s up to you.

  4. You are 22 and want to be submissive to your guy while also not being like your mum? You will be in the exact same scenario as your mum and your bf is already making it clear. He is “joking” to see how far he can go. And so far he is getting away with it. He actually told you in as many words he wants you to be a SAHM and that he doesn't know how to clean and you somehow are blind to it? Run.

  5. I think they are all pretty nasty. Best know now than later. Jessica humiliated you first. No one tried to stop her. Not funny being the butt of all their jokes.

  6. Yeah that's what I'm assuming too, she kept saying that she didn't look for anyone else and just made new friends and stuff, but I'm sure she's just making up bunch of lies besides it would be impossible for me to trust her again even if she's telling me the truth. Thank for the advice.

  7. So then…what exactly are you going on about? They both made a mistake, that ended in a baby. It happens. Both people are capable of raising a baby, and she seems more than capable of raising the baby without him. You’re just another person on reddit who thinks their hateful opinions on here are more important than anyone else’s lol grow uppppp

  8. But you know why.

    You were talking about your nose and he saw a window of opportunity to mention that it could be smaller. He said this because he thinks it’s big and he wouldn’t mind if you got surgery. Like it’s exactly as it sounds.

  9. No way, she sounds very high maintenance to expect something from some that she has been casually seeing for a month. My partner of 6 years gets me flowers twice a year Valentine’s Day and my birthday. I think if you want to continue seeing her you need to ask what her expectations are moving forward…like national pancake day and so on if she is elevating these made up holidays to a status she gets angry about them not being recognized. If you are on the fence about continuing to see her I think you need to end things.

  10. Some of my guests are acting up. I'm the one who invited them, I'm the one who needs to sort that shit out. I've known my family all my life, OH hasn't even met some of them. He's not in a position to sort things out without coming across as an asshole, whereas I have 30+ years of knowing them and can be more frank with them.

    With the MIL, there's a dynamic that's really important to balance. People get stupidly heated about anything wedding related and it all too easily could descend into animosity that outlasts the wedding.

    So basically, it's about protecting relationships.

  11. I've only ever taken one med that had a serious chance to affect my hormones as a man and never again. It's fucking hell if it goes sideways on you.

  12. Good luck, I hope things work out. Just make sure you actually have somewhere to stable to stay (can you go stay with your parents for a bit?). You need to get to the bottom of this matter as it is hardly like you can pretend things didn't happen (and certainly nothing has been resolved).

  13. This is not the way to go you can’t just abandon a child when you obviously didn’t care enough to prevent one and I never said it would make him want one but he needs to step up abandoning a child is not the way at all

  14. Let me guess – they didn’t tolerate this appalling behaviour and left you? You need to increase your emotional intelligence

  15. Would you feel better if you send it? Do it. For your sake. But sometimes ignore and block is better.

    She doesn’t deserve an answer


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