Cat Vega and Dick the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Cat Vega and Dick, 23 y.o.

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54 thoughts on “Cat Vega and Dick the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. It's not called a double standard if you're a male, it's called failing to meet expectation

    Just saying guys… stick to porn… it doesn't have any personal work to be done

  2. It sounds like you are feeling lonely and frustrated in your relationship. It can be difficult when a partner is not present or available, and it is understandable that you are feeling upset about the situation.

    In this case, it may be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with your boyfriend about how you are feeling. It is important to express your feelings and concerns in a non-confrontational way, and to listen to his perspective as well. It may also be helpful to discuss ways that you can spend more time together and to find activities or hobbies that you can enjoy together.

    It is also important to consider your boyfriend's ADHD and the impact it may have on his ability to focus and engage in activities. It may be helpful to seek the advice of a therapist or counselor who can provide support and guidance for managing ADHD and improving communication in your relationship.

    Overall, it is important to prioritize your own well-being and to make decisions that are in line with your values and needs. If you continue to feel lonely and unsupported in your relationship, it may be worth considering seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist to help you navigate this situation.

  3. You're 20, this is exactly the time in your life when relationships should be on the back burner while you focus on your dreams. I so, so regret giving up opportunities when I was your age for the sake of making my boyfriend happy.

    The person I'm with now would never ask me to give up my dreams. We're living in different countries this year for school, and our relationship is stronger than ever. He's doing what he needs to do for his dreams, I'm doing what I need to do for mine, and we're supporting each other instead of sabotaging each other.

    Don't learn this lesson the nude way like I did. Follow your dreams, he's either with you or he isn't.

  4. Look, he can afford to hire a part time helper for them, for at least a day a week. So, propose that to him. Sit and write down what YOU want. In as many details possible. Also, sit him down and have a real talk about what HE wants. Not you, not his mom, not his dad. What HE wants. You just listen and don’t interrupt. And then, give him the list and you are allowed to say “I wrote down this, but I haven’t thought of what you said, and I like it better, so let’s do that”. It would be a shame if you two want the same things but you allow generational trauma to split you up. Good luck!

  5. Because you wrote a previous post where you state that your partner is still attracted to his ex wife, then I totally agree that he shouldn’t spend the night sleeping on her settee. He lives close enough that he can be at her house within a few minutes when the children wake up. Him sleeping at the house overnight will confuse his children and make them possibly think that their parents are getting back together. Once his children have gone to bed he needs to either go home to his own house or visit you.

  6. She is keeping them slightly interested in case you don’t work out, but not so much that she doesn’t have plausible deniability.

  7. Wtaf this was me. Still is to an extent, my partner lashed out once and just kept saying how much worse i am for him than her and how she handled shit better, like she wudent remove herself in an argument whereas i have to leave to come back or take a breather because i cant handle it too much, or even looks wise i know he likes taller skinnier 2 things she was and im not, he liked that she was quite independent in her feeling and he hasnt directly said this but how shes clever like pursued a degree in something high whereas im doing something average, Even the way she was kind and nice, sometimes even just better than me overall and she was probably the “right” girl he jus was wrong at the time. He loves me trust me i know he loves me but my god do these little things haunt me so much, i genuinely end the call with him at night say goodnight and spend a little time just crying to myself trying to convince myself im okay, i was exactly like u i never compared i did nothing i jus wish i never knew about her at all i wish i never knew anything and tbf im venting too now i know that, but yeah i jus feel so ridiculously upset because he lives his life in regret of how he was and alot of other things and the constant fear that ill be a regret or i cant step out of line even out of emotion scares me man, i feel like im a prisoner to my thoughts because all these issues have been talked abbot but not a single one has left my head. Not a single one. Even-though i know he loves me so much idk why them thoughts have a stronghold on me. I want to be able to get over it eventually but in order to do that i need him to put me on a pedal-stool and stroke my ego jus literally bash this women out my head by him hating her and then never ever mentioning her ever again never in an argument never in general i dont want to know she exists anymore i want to forget she ever existed. ps still going through the mental trauma clearly but yeah jus venting

  8. I agree. my husband has a very high libido and I don't. My body is sensitive and it takes awhile to heal. My husband absolutely respects and loves me but he has needs I can't give him and it's unfair to him if I can't have sex when I'm either not into it or not healed yet. It's like asking someone to not get angry and just bottle it up. someone's going to explode. We also have ? trust that we'd talk to each other whenever we need to. There's a sense of freedom we have with each. We do have disagreements but it's extremely rare. I have no problem with him watching porn.

  9. Okay my dude, if i was raped, i sure as fuck wouldn't let that slide, its not like she got randomly raped by a dude, she attended a party, got drunk with a friend of the opposite sex, went upstairs with him and then got caught by someone else, she refuses the kit and also doesn't wanna find out if that happened or not, aka doesn t want herself or her bf to find out what really happened, its funny cuz the gfs of my friends who got CAUGHT cheating all claimed being raped and intoxicated, when in fact i saw them all over those other dudes making out and kissing them before being “assaulted”.

  10. You do realize that this is life and sometimes things don’t work out the way we wanted them too… are you just gonna keep making unneeded comments or give some actual insight. Let me know when you find out

  11. Also attend an na meeting encourage her to join It’s really for you though.

    “I’m gunna go to this na meeting so I can learn about addiction, would you like to come with me?”

  12. Yikes. Major red flags here. Glad you're not in that relationship anymore.

    Ordinarily, the person whose idea it is to break up forfiets the ring. It sounds in this case like that would be you. But you mention that the ring is an heirloom from your mother, and that changes things. He didn't give you the ring to begin with, so the normal “conditional gift” rules don't apply.

  13. And comments like that ARE HOMOPHOBIC, so, OP, he has shown himself to be all of those things. You just haven’t fully opened your eyes to it.

    If you stay, he will change you. You won’t change him.

    So ask yourself, who do YOU want to be?

  14. He sounds like a flake. At any rate, he doesn’t get to use your abortion as some sort of cudgel to continually punish and shame you with. Who is he to judge you? It’s time for you to stand up for yourself. Tell him he either accepts you and permanently drops the subject of your abortion or you’re done.

  15. Have you considered that he was attracted to you as unhealthy and underweight because that's what he was looking for and now he is trying to nudge you hack in that direction? If he is only interested in your eating disorder it'd not really fixable or worth fixing. If he is developing his own disorder in reaction to you getting healthier than you might need some space

  16. He keeps everything very neat and tidy and cooks for me . Also he is very personable and loving towards me

  17. So he just wanted to unload the guilt he was feeling and is now upset at how you’re handling the information he’s been sitting on for a year BEFORE you started divorce proceedings? No, doesn’t work that way.

  18. Just checked that sub to enjoy cheaters getting their karma but was just annoyed at how nice the comments are

  19. Read your title again! You're admitting she's hurting you. And unfortunately people chose sides during break ups. If it gets so bad that your reputation is being influenced then you should do what I did when my ex and I broke up and that's get a restraining order taken out against her, or you should sue her. But go for restraining order first

  20. Make sure to see a therapist ( I really mean that, so that you can keep yourself on track and break the cycle ) but if you feel safe, reach out here and there, this could be a sign, if you feel safe, sometimes we regret the things we didn't do. It honestly depends on your father though.

  21. This “Emily” is way too up in your dad's business. It's just not her place to tell him anything about how he chooses to live! his life. This woman is a wrecking ball and if you don't stand up for yourself you're going to be lost and friendless without even your father speaking to you and alone in the world except for her (just like she likes it). Be very careful here.

  22. Your dead wrong on that. It’s more expensive to have child care then to stay home depending on how many kids you have. Childcare is 1,000+ per kid where I’m at, and more for babies ?

  23. My cousins husband switched her birth control pills around. Perhaps his sister could talk to him about adopting the child?

  24. I can think of a really easy way for her to lose… wait, how much do you weigh?

    Who the fuck do you think you are, dude?

    Head out of ass, please. You don't get to craft people into your ideal. Try to learn not to be such a shallow, controlling, judgmental douche.

    I bet you're not even all that.

  25. Yeah, this is my mom with our family's money, none of which she had a hand in earning, and most of which she has spent on herself. You're never going to be able to convince them that that money isn't theirs to waste as the want. That's just the boomers. Just cut them out of your family's life. They obviously don't want to be in your life they way they should be and watching them fritter all this money away is just going to drive you mad.

  26. I guess I don’t understand the time constraints involved. You cook & eat your dinner before going back to a meeting, but when he cooks, you magically have no meetings?

    Do you generally cook at the same time daily?

    Is there a particular reason you can’t say “Babe! Dinner’s ready!”? Text him a food emoji when dinner’s 5 minutes from done? If he has to continue working, so be it.

    This is a very small thing, and I know I’m not getting it bc telling him dinner is ready is such a nothing request that it doesn’t even make sense that that’s what you’re asking.

  27. I think he only saw the parts in the movie he wanted to just like the parts of this job he wants to. I'm waiting to get to my parents on Friday with my stuff, but he's been quite mean this week since accusing me of being on his boss's side and everything. Hasn't yelled at me or hit me, but pretending I'm not there and eating and sleeping alone

  28. People change overtime and 10 yrs is a long ass time, especially as you two started as adolecents.

    Sometimes the change is for the better, sometimes for the good. Sometimes there's things you can do about it, sometimes there's nothing you can do about it.

    From my limited perspective, it looks like he developed into an asshole as an adult and you're being dragged around.

  29. Now, this is just me…..BUT, hire clowns. Striaght up, hire some clowns. Do it stealthily, hire them, and hire them to wait. Wait until he shows, if he comes normally send the clowns home. If he shows up in a clown suit, have them come in with him. Then when people ask, make an announcement “BIL threatened to wear a clown suit, so I figured he needed friends”. FORCE him to double down on being a clown. Make it so that it is fully on his actions, not yours.

  30. Why would he allow this journal to be added to the attic collection? A journal like that isnt something you want falling into the wrong hands.

    And have you considered that if he has to write this out ten years after the fact that he has some guilt and trauma over this himself? Perhaps he has tried to become a better person and atone for his actions? Who is to say that the criminal justice system would have done a better job of punishing and rehabilitating him? Surely its worth talking to him since this can destroy your family on top of the poor girl's life that twenty-five or thirty years ago?

    I'm not saying you should not divorce him, but shouldnt you at least allow him a trial in your own mind?

  31. Had some experiences with men before who were only interested in soccer and cars – boring! Absolutely nothing for me.

    So it's okay for you to say that but not for me (as a man) to say the same thing? 😀 And you dare call me sexist?

  32. That's a reasonable response.

    When you say something like this:

    I think to a certain extent I don’t deserve someone like her, and assume the worst. Just low self esteem in general I guess.

    That leads people to believe this is an internal battle.

    For a relationship to last, there needs to be an unconditional level of trust. If you're always on edge thinking the worst of your partner, a relationship won't be able to stand on that.

    However, that doesn't mean you're not entitled to communicate with her:

    Right now, I am feeling down on my luck and could really use some reassurance.

    I could use a deeper level of support that would help me through this slump that I am in.

  33. No, your mother is not right.

    The women she knows who are in that situation were either poly before marriage and the husband's other lady got pregnant by accident or they all planned it together OR they were manipulated into believing this what needs to happen.

    It's probably best to distance yourself from your mom for the time being.

  34. Almost all cosmetics are cruel.

    Cruelty free only applies to certain types of animal testing and even then it's poorly enforced.

    Beyond that, even the nicest cosmetics are made in the absolutely most detestable conditions by forced laborers, children, and people dying of inhalation of chemicals and powders.

    If you're really concerned about suffering going into your beauty products, you're not going to be wearing any.

  35. Owing or being owed money destroys relationship very easily. Guilt on one side, anger on the other.

    I can't imagine asking someone I have known for such a short time for such an amount of money.

  36. People like that are emotionally manipulative at best. She’s probably not having as good a time as it looks like. We just don’t typically advertise those parts of our relationship. I know I didn’t when I was with that particular partner. When we split I had friends who were legitimately flabbergasted.

  37. Thank you for saying this. This helps with my feelings of inadequacy. I am able to please him in every other way and I try so nude to please him. This just felt like the one missing link that I couldn’t master.


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