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Alhanna_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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Room for live sex video chat Alhanna_

Model from: ve

Languages: en,es,fr,it,de,pt

Birth Date: 2004-01-10

Body Type: bodyTypeAthletic

Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureStudent


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5 thoughts on “Alhanna_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. i couldn't look it up, i was driving. the whole argument took maybe 20 seconds, and she was pissed about it from the get go, there is no way she would check it, not even to shove it in my face :p

    i admit i fumbled with my words in the post, but i tried to edit the post to explain that this was not a normal situation. i take the words as gospel when i know i know nothing about it. in this case was a relevant piece of information that i thought i would've known about it before(it wasn't something i forgot, i had never heard it before in my life)

  2. I dated someone once who told me (I was fresh out if the shower, fully dressed and perfumed and getting in the car to leave) before going to an anniversary work ball that I smelled like piss.

    I spent all night on edge staying away from everyone and near the end of the night one of my colleagues came to check on me and as she hugged me exclaimed how lovely I smelled (she could smell my wash soap as it was rose scented).

    Some people are fucking cunts and you ain't gotta pay them no mind.

  3. You are still young. Don’t accept this behavior and stay with him because of sunk cost fallacy. You are still young and in your prime. You can find someone who is loyal. He will not stop what he is doing. He will just be better at hiding it.


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