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35 thoughts on “ZarinaMisterylive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. This is not going to be easy and I’m sorry you’re having to make this decision, but you have made the right decision. Neither of you are ready for marriage or being a parent and thank G-d you realize this now. I would not want to have a baby outside of marriage, either, because it’s not easy financially, emotionally, or physically. Good luck and don’t second-guess yourself; always listen to your instincts.

  2. His reason for not committing is BS. He’s not “working on himself.” He just wants to sleep with other people. He doesn’t want something serious with you, he just wants to have sex with a lot of people.

  3. After reading through the post, the edits, and all of the comments, I still largely believe him. And snapping a few pictures of his friend and the girls in their underwear was probably for lulz. But if you're hell-bent on dumping him for reasons unrelated to this event, I guess this is your golden opportunity to do so in a way where folks are guaranteed to rally behind you regardless.

  4. It is naked to break any relationship up, especially a marriage. But you only have one life and one chance to become a mother. Please don't change your goals and dreams for your husband, it's not the year 1900 anymore. However you decide, I wish you strength and wisdom ?

  5. I think she needs to find someone more compatible. The idea that a partner should wait indefinitely doesn’t jive with reality.

  6. You don't have any obligation to buy the baby a gift. Your sister made it clear she doesn't want you involved with her baby. Your Mom and sister should understand that.

    Personally, I would buy a small ($10-$20) present, wrap it and tag it “Merry Christmas (niece)”, have your mom give it to your sister and say “Hey OP left this here for (niece). She said Merry Christmas!”

    I know it doesn't feel like it now, but you would be happy you did it. Sometimes being the bigger person feels good.

  7. Your coworker could have been a psychopath, don't put yourself at risk again. Avoid this dude like the plague. Not your drama.

  8. Hello /u/Narendar_22,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  9. Stop arguing with them, stop fighting, communicate as little as possible.

    Make sure they have no access to any banking information or accounts that are yours. When you are financially able, find a roommate abd move out

  10. Who we are is the sum total of our past.

    You cannot truly love who someone is while not accepting their past (good and bad). That past shaped them into who they are and how they are.

    This isn't a “if you want my best you have to accept my worst” kind of thing. This is simply accepting the experiences that shaped the person and getting over your own silliness.

    It is your choice to accept this person in totality or not. It is not your choice to delete or change their past.

    Can you accept that?

  11. I think you put enough into this. Now it’s time to get the lawyer to get the papers ready. Your wife is an alcoholic and a cheater. Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life.???

  12. She’s only hurt because he gaslighted her , he made her feel like she did something seedy fo him and confused her . If he was just cold and distant whatever she would of gotten the hint but he planted that seed of doubt that maybe she acted inappropriately and made her second guess herself , when she did nothing wrong , which I’m glad she is being validated here . Woman are allowed to want to ha be sex and we can be okay afterwards and being ghosted by them . It’s not great but I don’t think she would be on Reddit freaking if she wasn’t honestly conceded if perhaps she did cross a line . And thank for everyone else can see that he did indeed gaslight her .

  13. If I were you I would do a basic cost/time analysis and send it out. I assume (hope) she doesn’t expect ALL the boards you shared. Bacon, sausage, and Scotch eggs, etc all take time to cook. Then there’s the chopping and arranging. Not to mention, when are you supposed to shop for ingredients? Tell Friend A that by your estimate it’ll take X number of hours to prepare and that you can either go out Saturday night or you can wake up at 5 AM (or whatever) to prepare boards but you can’t do both.

  14. I do. I have a MacBook Pro, a Toshiba, an ultra portable, and a prototyping device.

    Many people I know have at least a Chromebook type device, a tablet, and laptop

  15. You sound like the people who are all “being gay is fine!” As long as it’s not their kid. You have a lot of judgement and have internalised purity culture. Good luck with all of that.

  16. She didn’t “make him” believe anything. She shared a belief that she herself had. If he wanted to be certain to never father a child, he should’ve worn condoms or gotten a vasectomy. Your phrasing is misogynistic.

  17. Everyone can chose who to be with.

    But not sharing the same believes with someone, doesn't give you the right to make them stupid.

  18. You are worried about your dog, but you have a baby in the house who is being exposed to this animal abuse and volatile man. You have no business putting your baby in harm's way by forcing them to online in an abusive home. Your child has no way to escape or make decisions for themselves. Your selfishness of needing to be with this man will result in anxiety in your child, and mental health issues along with behavioural problems.

    Children only have one chance to have their brains develop in a healthy way. You exposing your child to this man will cause life long issues. I grew up with a dad like that. My mental health as an adult is fucked because I'm stuck in fight or flight mode from my dad being unpredictable.

    And you better believe that if your bf can beat a dog, he can beat on your child too. And scream at them, and throw things across the room to smash them. He will terrify you child the same way the poor poor dog is terrified. Stop chosing your boyfriend, and chose your child's wellbeing. You want your kid turning out as abusive and fucked up as your boyfriend? Cos that's the example you are providing for your child right now, and you refusing to leave teaches your baby that abusive behaviour is acceptable.

  19. She cheated on you. Why are you even talking to her, let alone trying to rationalize not helping her? Tell her to fuck off and block her.

  20. I know it sounds better to you when you keep repeating it with less and less details so the tiny slice of the story you repeat makes you look better, but you can do that with any story.

    If the original story is “I am so mad my GF missed a date without calling. Even if she was in the hospital after her massive car accident, she could have used a phone before they amputated her leg” and the posted gets told in every comment that they're a moron, it doesn't make the poster better to answer “Really, I'm a moron because I like people to call me rather than stand me up?”

    With the details you gave in your first post, it's clear what happened to every person but you. You deleted your post so you could keep arguing without people referencing the full story, because every comment is telling you how stupid your reaction was, and how ridiculous your line of thinking is. If every person you talk to thinks you're the unreasonable one…guess what that means?

    But please do break up with her. It will be one of the best things that ever happened to her.

  21. “they’ve agreed the situation was nowhere near flirtatious” (emphasis added)

    You need to work on your reading comprehension.

  22. she doesn’t feel like you accept her- she doesn’t want it for the value, she wants it because it’s tradition. You and your sister should start a new tradition now, maybe get the ring separated into two and create necklaces?


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