You go to lots and lots of therapy because you have no business whatsoever being in a relationship
You just assaulted someone while it sounds like he’s been nothing but good to you. If you were male there’s a reasonable chance you’d be in jail right now, just to put in perspective how serious this is
Leave this poor man alone and handle your issues before you drag someone else into this mess
This is a sub for advice but your post doesn’t seem to ask for any
You go to lots and lots of therapy because you have no business whatsoever being in a relationship
You just assaulted someone while it sounds like he’s been nothing but good to you. If you were male there’s a reasonable chance you’d be in jail right now, just to put in perspective how serious this is
Leave this poor man alone and handle your issues before you drag someone else into this mess
Pushing through incompatibility doesn't sound very satisfying.