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47 thoughts on “VioletJasminlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Like everyone else I say cut contact. However, if your son and brother have a close relationship like you say then I’m pretty sure (as teens do) your son will ignore that and continue to talk to him regardless.

    This is a situation where you need your son to understand the “why” of what’s happening and not just “because I said so” or some other arbitrary excuse like “he’s just not in a good place right now”.

    He’s 13. This is a conversation that needs to come from a truthful place to have any results.

  2. They found him watching it the first time it happened so clearly they are watching what he's viewing on the internet lol.

  3. That's an edit op added which didn't exist at time of my comment so not applicable to what I said. It doesn't change gauging how psycho someone will go if you do more than ignore them varies. But yes actually as sometimes cold politeness via liking photos but ignoring messages is the safer bet

  4. Your plan is to just on-line off him and let him support you financially until you have enough money to leave and find someone else? You’re going to fake being happy with him because otherwise he won’t give you money?

    My advice is to break up with him and get therapy

  5. Why on earth would you want to save this? Love isn’t enough. And I sure hope you’re in charge of birth control.

  6. Ew, your boyfriend sounds like a disrespectful little twat.

    He can absolutely not comment on how attractive he finds another woman, he just chooses not to to put you in your place. Tell him if he disregards your insecurities again, you’re binning the relationship. What an asshole. This is not small at all. This is blatant disrespect.

  7. if my personality is so bad why is he still with me?what does he think of me…is it likely that that rating will never change and ill always be a 6 to him?

    i have some much better questions: 1) Are you shitting me? 2) Where's your spine? 3) Why do you put up with this bullshit?

  8. Why would you ignore the IQ comment? Did you read about the 11 year old boy who scored the highest possible at 162, two points higher than Einstein? If yours is 172, you would be all over the internet and be the most famous woman in the world. Then Elon would seek you out because his IQ is only 155. However, he might be intimidated and not be interested because he has a big ego and wouldn’t want to be outsmarted by a woman. So be careful. I hear he has a temper.

  9. I mean i don’t really know why he told you but since he did, I feel like you guys need to talk about it. You need to tell him why it’s bothering you and he needs to open up about why he did it in the past, how to avoid it, etc. anything until he fully earns your trust

  10. If anyone reaches out to you on the internet and immediately asks to be your sugar daddy without knowing you or anything about you it’s a scam. And if it’s a pay pig situation they just send the money first in a normal way like cashapp.

  11. How much evidence does a man need to present to you that he's not ready for marriage again before you finally understand it?

    I fully believe that you two have a strong relationship, as you suggest, and that you're very compatible. But I think the two of you are struggling to really communicate what it is that you're feeling with each other. And that's not a bad thing. You're not bad people because of it. But you need to each find a way to communicate better on what you see for your future.

    I suggest couples counseling. Not because you need to “fix what's broken”, but because it's a process that can give each of you the tools you need to speak and listen effectively.

    Divorce is nude. Divorce with children is harder. Divorce with children from a cheater might be the worst. There are layers and layers of mistrust and baggage built up for each of you from previous relationships. It's there whether you want it to be or not. Perhaps you want him to commit to you so that you can tell yourself he's not going to be like your ex. Perhaps he wants to stay at this stage because he worries about what will happen if he ends up divorced again.

    All of it needs talked about, and it needs talked about in a safe space. Can you do it on your own without outside help? Maybe. I don't know either of your respective communication skills. But based on your post it sounds like neither of you are hearing each other.

    I think you can pretty easily get past this as an issue. You just need to find a way to talk it out without judgement from either side.

  12. Stop having him over. Tell him no. if you've paid him back then cool, you're all clear. If you're borrowing money to p

  13. What your husband calls narcissism is actually defensiveness. It is a trait narcissists have, but so do a lot of other people. Therapy can help with that, but if it’s not an option google defensiveness in relationships and solutions for it. Also google conflict resolution skills and fixed vs growth mind set as that’s often what’s needed to get over the behavior. And just fyi, defensiveness can be from past poor treatment but can also be in reaction to a partner who also does things that aren’t healthy. So make sure to pay attention to if your defensiveness is in reaction to past circumstances that no longer are relevant, or in reaction to your current situation, where then you’d need your partner to make improvements as well, I’m order for the relationship to be healthier.

  14. You say you are looking at her tits they are on the screen so what. If I was watching something and some jacked dude with nothing but underwear came onto the screen I wouldn’t get all mad at my gf for looking at him. If she said “omg he’s so nude I’d let him do anything to me” then yea I’d be upset. Your gf is being crazy and you need to tell her and stand your ground.

  15. Defo not, she will understand why you aren’t proposing when she’s let in on the plan. You guys can plan another trip and do it when you’re both ready, not because she’s pressured you into it.

  16. A child does not have to pick between their parents. Period.

    It's wrong for her to make you choose like this.

    I am a parent, and there are lots of “unfair” things that we need to deal with, lots of shit we need to eat. This is one of them.

  17. I tried to get back into a relationship with her she said no but still wants me to treat her as if we were together. I’m not trying to waste my time so if I feel like that’s happening I’ll just leave and she constantly pulls me back in.

  18. he's accepted me for my shortcomings.

    Someone else will accept you without being a stalker and admitting to want to sexually assault you.

    I've invested so much energy these last couple years and let go of a lot of close friends in exchange for the time spent with him.

    Why is he isolating you? Maybe he's the problem.

    Come on, girl. Have some self respect. Also a restraining order and definitely something stronger than pepper spray. You never know when his ? strong urges ? will come back.

  19. I’m pissed and I want to break up with him. What do I do?

    You break up with him. Seriously. This is not an overreaction on your part – he is a leech and you are an ATM and a maid for him. He has no interest in pulling his weight. From his point of view, he found a sucker who is willing to fund his perfect lifestyle – i.e. games and parties, no work, no housework – and he is perfectly happy with that. He has 0 motivation to change since he is getting exactly what he wants from this relationship. He's lazy, selfish, and immature, and those are very valid dealbreakers.

    If you wanna stay in the relationship, you need to move out IMO. Asking him to pay his share and clean will not help – he will not do it. Even if you do not break up, move out. Then his mess and rent are his problems.

  20. We're all pretty close friends, so it puts strain on the relationship because I'm never home so they never see me/hang out as much

  21. Lady….. just go NC with this narcissistic Dad! He lives for your reactions, and for sure likes to still have some form of control over you! Check the r/raisedbynarcissists page and you will see many stories similar to yours!

    All in all, if he affecting you mentally then you need to cut him off. I was triggered just from reading what you described

  22. Honestly, the only one I can say for sure is on your poor dog. As much as I hate to say it- and as much as she doesn't deserve it- let her keep him. Unless you have paperwork with your name exclusively on it stating ownership, don't fight this battle. Seeing her every few days is worse for your mental health than not seeing your pet. I know it sucks to lose them both, but clean breaks heal fastest.

    If the paperwork is all in your name though, fuck her, keep the dog and file a restraining order in case she might try to steal him.

  23. just break up, you're young and have a whole life ahead of you. Find someone you are attracted to or at least don't argue with. High school relationships aren't meant to last.

  24. Hm. Did he ever enquire about your health when he learned about your accident? Even with seat belts and airbags, people can get hurt. If the shape the car is in is more important to him than the shape you are in…

  25. How do you say marriage is so sacred to you when your comments are all so nonchalant about how it doesn’t matter if you figure things out before or after marriage? You act like a divorce is just as simple and clean cut as a breakup when you are literally having to get the government involved for one of them

  26. Plenty of engineers get a job straight out if college. I’ve worked with engineering interns who didn’t even have their degrees yet. Being an ME at 23 is totally doable.

  27. Let's not forget doing a line of coke off of sone guys dick too! Lolol. I can't believe anyone believed that story even the first time around.

  28. First, get the pictures on a pendrive and save it somewhere. (even if he “deletes” them later, he can recover them on his computer)

    Second, photograph/record the folder on his computer (you clicking, opening and showing the file there). Also save on the pendrive.

    Only then you should think about talking to him.

  29. OK, let's say all that is true.

    What relationship advice are you looking for? YOU don't control her behaviour, and HE doesn't control her behaviour. If he's engaging with her it's because he chooses to. (And you don't control HIS choices or behaviour either.)

  30. Then you need to contact your local police department and let them know. Always stay alert. Let others in your classes know what is going on, use them for eyes and ears. Always be with someone at all times until this is settled and for at least 3-4 months after. Never let your guard down even after 3-4 months.

  31. Also people like this feed off reactions to their abuse, she’s sowing because she knows she’ll get a reaction and has “control” over you. I’d say it’s best to not respond unless absolutely necessary, have a 3rd party present whenever you’re together if possible and get all the court stuff figured out.

  32. thank you, she reasured me mulitple times she is moved on, and they haven't spoken for a year. part of the engagement was just that it was the perfect place/time to do it. so I didn't want to hold that up over something I am happy to work through with her.

    but yes I agree the root issue is her feelings if they are indeed moved past it or if there is some level of resentment feelings or wishing things could be different. I also try and be careful not to want her to be some careless robot that doesn't care about people she has known for 9 years. I want to accept that she certainly has history and that's okay. but it just needs to be appropriate and settled with what she wants now. which she seems to be settled on. she is over to moon about us getting engaged and shows the ring to everyone and is super excited about getting married.

  33. Bro fuck that

    Work is important but I drop everything for my bf when it comes to special events good or bad

  34. So you got a lame and useless proposal from a lame and useless man. Your fault here is expecting anything other than uselessness out of somebody who has proven to be nothing other than that. Do yourself and your child a favor and have higher standards for who you share your life with. This man will do nothing other than make you unhappy, overworked, and alone.

  35. Well at least for me, that completely changes it. Having the dress hidden so only you know it’s there sounds nice and would probably bring you comfort. I was picturing you walking down the aisle with the dress laid across your outstretched arms or something, and that would definitely be morbid. If they thought that’s what you were planning, they should have realized you’re not ready to get married and postponed, seeing as how you could stand to lose the money.

  36. Oh no. If I was ever told not to bring my husband somewhere there would be a conference call so everyone could say what they wanted and it can all be done. That friendship is over. Parties or not, you're a set, salt and pepper shakers.

    Your friends don't like her cool. But if you go you're as bad as them by choosing them over her.


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