Victor, Sabrina and Maria the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Victor, Sabrina and Maria, 22 y.o.

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21 thoughts on “Victor, Sabrina and Maria the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Yes, even that. But she should have been honest about it when they got back together. She didn't cheat since they were not together at that time.

  2. F that. I'd feel like I'd just been cheated on. Especially after telling you he didn't want anymore kids. Well guess what, he has another biological child on the way. That was an awful way to find out. I would seriously consider leaving. There is nothing you can do now and every time you see that kid, you'll see your husband's other child. He should have talked to you about this before doing it. I'm sorry. I hope you can heal and move on from this.

  3. Porn is extremely damaging to both the user and society. If someone can sexualise a complete stranger at home, there's nothing stopping them doing it in public. It is a huge reason why women can't go anywhere without the fear of being objectified and sexualised by men. Porn teaches us that it's okay to jack off to random people. It is a gateway to addiction, getting off on more and more toxic kinks and images. The industry is filled with abuse, child sex trafficking, and all sorts – which you are directly supporting by engaging. Watching porn is NOT a victimless crime and you are selfish and ignorant if you think you cause no harm by doing it.

  4. Man everyone is vicious.

    Ok Do you usually go for the jugular when you fight? How do you plan not to do it the next fight. How can he accept your apology if this is how you fight? That plus an apology might help.

  5. He doesn't want more than friendship so what more is there to be said? If you can't accept just being friends then you should tell him that and then move on.

  6. Oh come on. There's a difference between what her mum did vs her dad. Are you young? You shouldn't see the world so black and white

  7. So for me, therapy is a critical tool in my arsenal. Seriously. I go weekly and have done so almost consistently for about 8 years now. The riiight therapy with the riiiight therapist can be incredible. A bad therapist or the wrong modality can cause real damage, though. I have had excellent therapy. I had PTSD, thanks to EMDR and trauma therapy, it’s in remission. I also have fought depression and anxiety most of my life and a combination of therapy (and the right medication when necessary) have absolutely saved my life. I’m living a life I never could have if it wasn’t for therapy. Now, I go to manage my ADHD and I even have a great psychiatrist who is always making sure I go to therapy because that’s where the real growth happens, the medication is another tool but therapy is the game changer. My mental health has improved dramatically but it does require maintenance. Because of therapy my medication needs have been reduced significantly as well.

    Too many people, imho, go to therapy and don’t have realistic expectations or it’s a bad fit or a bad therapist. So that puts a bad taste in their mouth and they never go back. It’s absolutely worth it to do the leg work and find the right professional for you. I’ll never stop saying “I recommend therapy” because it saved my life and my sanity. Without therapy my life would have been in shambles, genuinely.

    And thankfully I live! where therapy is affordable.

  8. You know that the interesting thing here about boundaries is that they are YOURS to enforce. Your boyfriend crossed a boundary and now he's trying to make it your fault for having a boundary in the first place. You shouldn't accept that. Just tell him “Boyfriend, this isn't the kind of relationship I want. I don't want to date a guy who doesn't have boundaries with his female friends and since all it took was your friend to become single to become that guy, we need to go our separate ways.”

    Just put your standards first here. You know what they are and you know he isn't meeting them.

  9. I'm sorry. He sounds pretty awful. Nothing more attractive than a man that responds to hurting you by saying he doesn't care at all about that or communicating or quality time together or making you feel unwanted.

  10. In my country there is an extreme bias against fathers in divorce settlements, to the point where even if the father is a saint and the mother is mildly abusive, the judge will probably give main custody to the mother.

    My monthly checkup is due to a stomach problem, which isn't serious but doesn't rule in my favor. She is a good mother in perfect health. If I go to court and things go bad, I risk losing my son and being able to see him maybe once every other week.

  11. Dude is probably desperate to break up with you but feels like a total piece of shit for even thinking it (even though he shouldn't).

    another great jump from 0 to 100 from relationship_destruction lmfao

    just because you cannot imagine caring for another person that way does not mean everyone else feels the same way

  12. I only posted because I feel like most people divorce as a first resort/like it’s no big deal…but at the same time, you have to know when enough is truly enough for both of you…and I feel like we don’t know when it’s justified enough/when we need to try harder, etc…if that makes sense. Thanks, though! ?

  13. You are an adult and what your parents think is irrelevant.

    Don't start off a relationship with lies. It never ends well.

  14. Yeah, Sis, he is not the issue here.

    You are coming off as extremely controlling. All I see is me me me… I want, I want, I want.

    Most people want time in their own personal space regularly. Its his home. Why wouldn't he want to spend time there? He was just with you for 5 nights. What is wrong with him wanting 2 nights to himself in his own space with his own stuff? And if he is an introvert, he NEEDS space so he can recharge – he can't do that if he feels he has to be glued to you.

    It doesn't sound like its homesickness – it sounds like he is a home body. A lot of people are. I'm not a home body. I could vagabond on the road. My husband is a home body and is good for a week max. Then he needs to be home to recharge. You find your compromises in a relationship without judging.

    When you two move in together in the future, then wherever you move will become his house, too. He'll have his bed, his space and his stuff… he'll have his routine, his food, and will feel like he can relax and not have to be “on”. But, right now you two don't live! together. You just stay at each other's places. There is a difference in comfort level when its his or your place and when its “our” place.

  15. TBH, it sounds like they already knew what they wanted to do and went to reddit to validate how they were feeling.

  16. That's what makes you think it's fake? When

    1) in our culture there's a strong belief you can't love two people at the same time? Obviously the fact that she has some feelings now for someone else is why she doesn't know if she loves him.

    2) arranged marriages exist? People get proposed to and just go with the flow all the time, to the point where some people don't even know their partners first.


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