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23 thoughts on “Vexx the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well clearly your feelings dont matter to her, and no having feeling and speaking them doesnt make you controlling or sensitive, as I am sure at least 1 person claimed by now.

    The idiots who go the “this is controlling” route pull this every time a guy doesnt want a woman to do something. After all you can say NO but unless you handcuff her to the house, its literally NOT controlling. But she refues to concern herself with your feelings at all, its all about her. Tells you a lot dude.

    Your feelings are valid, but you need to ask yourself what is it about these trips mean more to her than you? Let that sink in. Did you come the right conclusion? It isnt a girls only trip dude.

    Better than even chance shes having an affair, and as she cant NOT spend time with him literally under your nose at this point, its EA and PA.

    I may be wrong but how do you know its all females? You see them all get on the plane together? Thought not.

    Even if she isnt cheating (as if) she int really thinking of your future together, is she? Answer that honestly. Now maybe you need to see your future with her in the same way she sees it with you. BTW if she ever gets pregnant, ask for a DNA test.

  2. I have questions:

    40s for women are usually pretty sexual so I wonder if your wife is having horomonal issues?

    Low hormones can cause lack of sexual desire, especially her gaining weight…it could be early menopause or thyroid issues.

    You said you think she should know you are unhappy but she can't read minds, have you talked to her? Honest communication is absolutely key!!!!

    Your affair is concerning because it is not about your wife, although disrespectful to her & your marriage vows, that is 100% about your own lack of self respect and insecurity. If you have to indulge in attention from other women to feel better about yourself then you need to seek therapy. You can't blame your wife for an unhappy marriage when you yourself don't respect it nor her note yourself.

    Remember, in sickness and in health. I will always suggest therapy for you and as a couple. She may be going thru some hormone issues which could cause depression… Ask her how she is doing? Show her you care.

    My husband and I have gone thru ups and downs due to health challenges specifically due to emergency hysterectomy and female challenges that caused lack of intimacy but we worked thru it together…her supported me and then we got thru is and for the past 8 yrs have had the BEST sex ever (even better then when we first met when we 20). We are late 40s.

    I hope you give your marriage another chance and try to help her and at least communicate better and more often.

    Best wishes!

  3. honestly, I feel sth similar, in a similar situation, and tbh, part of my “processing”, is I’ve researched a lot options to check out of this, whatever. I’d say I fluctuate between workable and actually thinking about procuring cashing in. That’s “progress”, I’d say, because I’m still here for now at least. One thing I saw by chance, less than 24 hours ago in one of those random youtube reels, was sb commenting about when one’s mind is in that state, trying to think one’s way out is pretty much futile, and I’d concur with that. I’d also concur that doing something that changes the mode of your body, heart rate, breathing, e.g. running or cycling, over a reasonable duration, say, an hour or two, does in fact invoke some chemical changes which in fact do allow you to be in a different “place”, and though the chess pieces are where they are, one’s perception is palpably different, the situation becomes feasible in a practical sense, as sth you might be able to survive. Maybe you’re not in the same mindset, but if you feel down to that level, as I’m sure I will again, it’s one thing to try I’d suggest, imho. Good luck, as others have said, you deserve better, she doesn’t realise that, but gaslighting, albeit it’s a talent that can gain people advancement in various fields, personally and in business… it’s a short sighted and finite type of advantage, which as effective as it is, equally is inherently brittle, limited and bound to be found out / show itself for what it is, at some point. I believe such asbd cluster B type individuals, or what have you, know this themselves, (you won’t be the first or last in the trail of destruction, which coincides with the path of their lives), and I believe, at some level, this is troubling to them. The difference being, they will in all likelihood go on to manifest that hurt, that they must have experienced at some point, hurting others, serially. You on the other hand, have a choice, and don’t need to stoop to their level, hurting others who cross your path. That’s a win as far as I’m concerned. take care

  4. Weird. I’m in a similar situation with my 3 month new relationship- curious to know…why did you ask about the short fuse? Is there a bigger picture there?

  5. Like others are saying, she probably wouldn’t have been forthcoming about the results. I’m interested to hear how she asked you about it since. If it’s really out of the blue, then she might probably think you were the one that was doing the cheating. How did she bring it up?

  6. because i am probably somewhat close to what she wants from a partner and i wasnt very hot to get. we were in a situationship for 3months prior to getting together officially with her being on the fence at times whether she really liked me or not (not an issue anymore at all afaik)

  7. it’s hot to do that he’s literally close with my whole family

    So? He nearly killed you and you need to consider reporting this…

  8. she told me she doesnt fall in love with her friends while in a relationship, while we were still friends (so she said she wasnt in love with her ex while she had a relationship back then). but she did call me handsome couple times and was saying how she misses me a lot, time to time. she kissed me on my cheek once but we didnt make out or flirt much, it was all friendly.

    we also became best friends in like 4 months after we met if that matters. she was in a relationship for 9 months when that happened.

  9. Nope, you’re not a psychologist but I am and this dude doesn’t sound like he has PPD, he has NPD. He’s a fucking textbook narcissist and he will not change.

    Op get the hell out now and take your child with you. He is not ever going to be a good husband or father, and his abuse will only escalate

  10. Leave. You’re a nice young body for him to take to bed. Nothing more.

    Do t waste your life on him.

  11. I wish all the partnerrs who claim they are treated unfairly because their spouse/partner makes significantly more, would go back to school in a field that is well compensated and stop their bellyaching. Choices have consequences.

    You are living together but you aren't married. I don't see why your bf owes you anything more than sharing living expenses, and he has already agreed to do that with a bias toward him paying more.

  12. Strongly agree with this. I would also suggest explaining situation ( to your friends, family, work people etc.,) and advise not to give him any info about you. In the mean time, please be kind to your self and surround your self with love.

  13. That's such a bullshit compromise on her part. If she wants to explore her sexuality with people she's attracted to (ie women), she should also be ok with you exploring your sexuality with people you're attracted to (ie ALSO WOMEN)

    Take gender out of it. Sex with others outside your relationship is either on the table for both of you or neither of you.


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