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Vanessa, 18 y.o.

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43 thoughts on “Vanessa the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. After reading your post and comments. I’m so glad she is getting help because this is definitely not normal behavior and I’m glad you recognized that. As someone who had adhd and is also a woman in a similar age range I’m 29. And yes getting distracted and spending to much time on Reddit is a thing its the conspiracy part that is not normal. I spend hours on Reddit sitting in the bathroom cause I was in a time blindness hyper focus but I also can put it down when need be. I’m glad you are getting her help please don’t feel bad and honestly even though she said she wants a divorce once she’s better she probably won’t want that anymore so don’t take it to heart right now. I know it’s nude but I would take it like you would a child whose like 4 and mad about being put in time out and they say I hate you. I’m glad everyone is safe for now and I hope and pray that everything works out for the best for all involved

  2. > but said he didn't want to take me unless everyone else had partners.

    Also, why would it be awkward if he brought his partner to a partners welcome party just because others didn't?

    Maybe it'd be awkward to flirt with his new love interest with his current gf there.

  3. Just had a break up and hell no I’m not giving him a gift. He chose (even though his choice was valid and I still hold space for him) to walk away. I’m not rewarding that.

  4. I apologize for this if it’s stupid but wouldn’t it still show up on her regular checks even if it was dormant? That’s the only reason I can imagine that not being taken into account because op said they get regular checks.

  5. It’s common for people to feel a sense of comfort and familiarity with someone they have been with for a long time, even if the relationship is not ideal. This can be especially true for people with autism, who may struggle with social interactions and communication and may find solace in the predictability and routine of a familiar relationship. Being alone can be intimidating and overwhelming for some people, and they may prefer to stay in a familiar, even toxic, relationship rather than face the unknown.

  6. Not everyone who has a boundary around porn usage is doing it because they're insecure and/or controlling, and honestly this rhetoric is boring.

    Porn is not something that men need in order to online or feel fulfilled, in fact many men forego it of their own accord.

    My point here is that if this is a boundary that OP feels is unfair he needs to speak up rather than doing it behind her back. They may just have incompatible views on this.


    honestly he did you a huge favour. It's a great thing when the trash takes itself out.

    Advice? You're already doing A LOT better than you think you are.

    Give yourself time to get through it and then just don't think about it anymore!

    Replace any forensic thoughts with “something pretty”, a nice positive visual, mental image to reframe the negativity that thinking about him brings. Make the new thought pretty and cute, a butterfly on a puppy nose, for example.

    Reframing is an excellent psychological tool used to overcome negative thoughts.

  8. if a guy cares more about his income taxes than my right to bodily autonomy, I'm out.

    Also his anti-trans BS would be unacceptable to me as well.

    I can't tell you what to do here but if you feel like these issues are dealbreakers I wouldn't blame you and I think it's acceptable to break up over this. It's not just a squabble over public school funding or public television budget changes, he is disrespecting your actual rights.

    I'd also guess that since he seems to be shifting to the right recently, who knows how much worse he'll get. A guy who opposes trans rights today may oppose gay marriage tomorrow and then next year who knows what he'll be saying. That might depend on where all this is coming from (my guess is the internet or podcasts but idk).

  9. He sounds like he thought things went well and thanks to the internet age, he posted.

    So glad my teens did not come with a camera inches from everyone's hands. I would be so screwed in life.

  10. Thank you for responding with such a thoughtful comment. I know I’m an idiot for lying about us just being friends. But he had rejected me before and was really hurt by his previous relationship (over a decade long) and has said he’s not looking for a relationship right now, and was just fucking around with women (although he told me a few months ago he’d stopped that and wasn’t seeing anyone). But he still didn’t mention actually being in a place for a relationship now. so honestly I was just trying to avoid the situation that is happening by not actions like I wanted a relationship from him. And to be honest even though he said he felt nothing for me (admittedly a while ago) I actually didn’t believe it at the time…how do I explain? He’s a bit of a player and has had a lot of sexual experiences while I’m the opposite. I am conventionally attractive but I am very shy (when it comes to relationship) more introverted and a homebody that spends my weekends at home reading or with family taking care of my elderly grandmother. I’m not a partyer at all. I do get male attention and asked out, but I usually just decline and stay in my little shell. I hate hookup culture, haven’t been sexually active in years. So despite him having some player behaviors, he’s always treated me way differently, like I’m some delicate flower or jewel lol. Like he’s told me I’m “precious”, an “angel”, “one of the good ones” etc. He’s always been a gentleman with me. Our flirting was always heavy but more playful and sweet than his usual style, which hes said is much more dominant. Even in our hookup he was thoughtful and specifically did something he knows is a kink of mine. I don’t think he saw it as just a hookup but we were both feeling lustful and impulsive and things escalated quickly. Like if he didn’t want a relationship I still I didn’t want to stop being sexual with him despite my feelings lol, so I said some stupid things that in retrospect I shouldn’t have…but I didn’t want to be rejected’s not an excuse though for not being truthful…

    I think situation 1 is the likely case but then I feel maybe I’m just engaging in wishful thinking cause I like him and tell myself it’s #2. By the way he has not been flirtatious at all since then, even when I initiated.

    But I agree we’re both shit at communicating which shouldn’t be the case as adults, but here we are. I just feel like I’m pushing the issue by insisting on talking, but this is eating me up inside.

    Thanks again, now I just need to muster up the nerve to talk to him. This is triggering some serious anxiety issues for me.

  11. I knew about the guns, We online in the south he has 2 shotguns one for hunting, one for home protection

  12. Please dont change for a man. They are fellow humans just like us. Your value is not dependent on your ability to get a man. Basically I think this man never had any intention to marry you but found it easier to get out of the relationship by blaming you. That is just game playing. Believe me, he did you a favour. Any man who behaves like this is not husband material.

  13. Do you really want to spend your life with someone who would cut off the only family you have and this person that she wants to cut off is vulnerable and has no other family. Yeah I don’t know if I would want to marry someone like that.

  14. And how did you determine she's moved on?

    You haven't talked to each other for months.

    Did you really believe that the solution to fixing your relationship was to stop talking to each other entirely for months? Because, that's not how you grow a relationship. That's how you end one.

    every relationship psychologist on YT and elsewhere is suggesting NC

    Yes, NC is used unilaterally to preserve the mental health of the person who goes NC, to bring a toxic relationship to a forced ending.

    I feel that I'll get shut cold again… I have been so many months in NC and it's been so difficult that if she still has resentment…

    Dude, read what you wrote. You're literally afraid to contact her because her reaction will be so negative that you have to cut off contact again to preserve your mental health.

    she's been fancying some really questionable stuff on social media

    So unfriend her. Her life is literally none of your business. You're not in a relationship with her, you're not entitled to a relationship with her, and you admit that your time with her drove you to cut off contact. Why would you even consider resuming that dynamic?

  15. Tell your mom if she can dish it she better be able to take it. If she doesn’t like hearing it then why the fuck would someone else? Honestly I would just tell your mom she can play her victim card all she wants but you’re over the game and will talk to her when she grows up.

  16. While I can't diagnose you, this sounds a lot like borderline personality disorder thinking. I'd advise therapy for you, and not datingvm until you get your shit sorted out a bit better.

  17. Every time I ask why he gets so defensive, he tell me it’s his privacy & I get a weird feeling. I don’t have kids with him. No.

  18. This is a really weird writing exercise, or your 3 kids in a trench coat. Cause I really don't see how a grown ass man can be this dense about his cheating wife.

    Sex toys that are ALWAYS with her in get vehicle. Actually sounds more like an escort than just a cheater.

  19. I just want to add something, in addition to her cheating to the point of having a full blown relationship and still being in contact with her affair partner…

    For me I’m thinking I definitely did something to piss her off and I’m like what do I need to apologize for.

    You realize this isn’t what a healthy relationship looks like, right? Before you even knew about the cheating, your marriage wasn’t in a good spot if this is your response to her giving you the cold shoulder for the night.

  20. no, she has made up her mind. i HATE cigarette smoke and would do the exact same thing as her. she got home and smelled it which would be absolutely infuriating. it's literally carcinogenic for fucks sake!!! and it smells awful. it's disgusting to many people, OP. you need to accept that and respect that she does not want to be with you anymore over this.

  21. I know my girlfriend wouldn't intentionally cheat.

    All cheating is intentional. It’s never an accident. It’s a series of choices.

    The issue is that he may successfully seduce her.

    Nobody can seduce someone unless they want to be seduced. They can say no and shut it down. Seduction can only succeed if the overtures are welcomed, encouraged and accepted.

  22. You didn't do anything wrong. You might want to stop reaching out to talk to him. He hurry YOU and yet he's more upset about his own feelings and won't talk to you? That's childish. Stop trying to comfort him after he hurt you and dismissed your needs

  23. Which part of her entire post leads you to believe that being able to safely express her feelings is reasonable? You’re not looking at the whole picture here, just focusing on one aspect and ignoring the context. The issue is that she didn’t talk about it first it’s that she – obviously with good reason – felt too afraid to do so.

  24. I see what you did there, buy my intension was to do actvities I wanted to and do some other activties with her like theoter and all but seems like no point in thinking this, I am alone and have to deal with it:)

  25. That’s a really big lie. Not only that but he’s not been at all truthful about saving money during your relationship. On top of that….he has criteria/expectations about your saving while he was doing fuck all on his side, because at 30 years old he’s still wanting to ….”live in the moment”

    He seems very immature, and also unreliable and untrustworthy. Definitely not anyone i’d want to own property with and moreover , someone i’d be seriously reconsidering my relationship with. There’s a world of difference between having $300k that you can pull from your bank, use tomorrow and not have to replenish is the complete opposite of having half that money and the other half needing to be paid back because it isn’t even his.

  26. I am confused as to why not a single person has said anything about the antisemitism and white supremacist racist ideology that your cousins fiancé spews every chance he gets. Your silence reads as agreement to them. Say something. Don’t be the silent coward that says nothing.

  27. Built up hates towards the dogs = hate to him He already made it clear that he won’t get rid of them.

  28. Absolutely false. The vast majority of women who have abortions do not regret them. If they caught it early enough she can just terminate with a pill. Abortion is healthcare. Not everyone wants to carry a child or be a parent.


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