Valeria ( Val ) , ❤️ My real Birthday 29 July. 10Feb -start cam here) the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD
7KValeria ( Val ) , ❤️ My real Birthday 29 July. 10Feb -start cam here), 25 y.o.
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If nothing was happening, he wouldn't be so defensive. Sadly, he's cheating at least on an emotional level and he knows it. Now he also knows that you are questioning his “friendship” with her and you should continue to do so. Don't let up on it. I've said this in other posts but my husband has predominantly female friends. They don't do this kind of stuff to me. No secrecy, he is an open book. Nothing is done behind my back. He makes sure I am comfortable in any given situation because I am his top priority. I am invited to everything. What your husband has going on with Jackie gives off major cheating vibes. He's being too attentive to Jackie and placing you in the back seat of your own marriage. The fact that he is so unwilling to be open and honest says it all.
Very helpful. Thank you
Thank you, it’s nice to know people believe in me even though I don’t right now
Dump him and coparent
As people have said toxic relationships are addicting and give you a high and terrible downs and withdraws. When people who were in toxic relationships enter healthy relationships they can feel boring. I’ve been in that position. In no way what’s being described is a bad thing about you. It’s absolutely better. I’ve been there and in no way do I think my relationship with my ex was better than my current relationship. That relationship gave me large dopamine hits because it was emotional abusive and unstable so the good get like the top of the world. The way you were described is truly a good thing.
Dude shut the fuck up about the tuition. How much did your dad pay to house you, feed you 3 a day, clothe you, shuttle you to every day of school, cost of every field trip, sports team, diaper, doctors appointment, every toy, for 18+ years. Seriously sit down and try to add that up on paper. Oh and don’t forget the monetary value of actually having a father to help with things like home work, and emotional and cognitive development.
I guarantee your mom and dads hush money lump sum did not come even close. Sounds like your dad grew a conscience in the last 25 years. Too bad he didn’t pass it on to you.
He clearly was going to have other plans that night or someone else over and wanted to make sure you were not welcome over there, so he pretended to imply that while you were coming over can’t do it tonight. Just in case you brought it up later. He was preemptively handling it. But then you called him on it and said I had no plans to come over so he got annoyed