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67 thoughts on “V A L the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. My ex was exactly like this. Took 3 years for me to finally do it officially. Guilt trips were horrible. Horrible time all in all then he stalked me for awhile. Soo happy I was finally able to get away and meet the now love of my life. Never been happier.

  2. Her wanting to go out and enjoy life shouldn't bother you this much. She's young, she's not married, and has the money, why not? Wish I could.

  3. Widower here ( 2016/19yr relationship) It's nice to have someone to talk to who knows the whole history, so if she was flirting, she is probably interested. Ask her out to go to dinner and a movie.

  4. You need a new therapist. Any therapist worth a damn would tell you you can't cling to a past that's gone, especially when the present version of this man is escalating his abuse of you.

  5. You did the right thing. The only other call you could have made was emergency services as he was clearly in an altered mental state and actively suicidal.

    Many people that are suicidal or in a mental health crisis often blame the person that seeks intervention and help. If he is receptive to treatment, you will come back from this angry outburst. If he refuses treatment, you did everything you could

  6. Only noted it because I can’t believe all this shit is happening. Like we have been together for so long for me, I just can’t believe it might come to an end.

    For reference both of us are generally very on top of anniversaries, we wish each other every month happy n month anniversary, so I’m always generally aware of that number.

  7. He wants to “get married in secret” because he wants to be unofficially married (doubt he's interested in a legal marriage) so he can sleep with you and then leave you.

    Seriously, you're smarter, kinder, and wiser than this. You know better. Don't let yourself fall for such an obvious trap.

  8. Guess what he's gonna swing for next then? Your face.

    Being sweet is an act, being angry is his default. Don't become another abuse statistic, angry people quite literally never just stop being angry without first escalating.

  9. Why do you think you’re selfish? And I explain all that to just illustrate how peoples type is often but not always impacted by emotional connection. And love is just a strong emotional connection. So someone saying you’re not their type at all, but that they love you, is some serious mixed signals. So whatever reason for her giving you those mixed signals, it’s nude for anyone to feel secure or have a healthy relationship when someone sends mixed signals.

  10. The only way to get answers in this case is to ask her directly. We can't read her mind…neither can you.

    She could just be trying to be nice.

    There's no way to know.

  11. Maybe but there should absolutely be a line drawn. You can be friendly with people at work (like at a restaurant in your example) but if you're a teenager hanging out with your 20s and 30s coworkers outside that work environment can get very sketchy very quickly.

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  13. Excellent answer! I did this with my ex husband, who was a master at coercion. When he realized I absolutely wasn’t going to take him back he wrote me an email telling me he was going to “go to sleep forever”. I asked the police to do a welfare check. He’d just gone to his office. I also forwarded the email to my ex’s psychologist explaining that I’d left him due to decades of documented abuse, that I would not be taking him back & per the advice of my therapist & my lawyer, was No Contact. My conscious was clear. I did send help but I want nothing to do with him ever again.

  14. Yeah I had a lot of family members in it, even put the mark on their gravestones and nobody knows a thing about it. I never got a negative vibe, just always seemed odd.

  15. Closure. Always a good one. How long was he going to need for his closure? If you still need closure from your previous relationship then you shouldn’t start a new one.

    Regardless whether you stay with him or not, you should let his ex’s now partner know about their texts. He too deserves to know his partner has been having an emotional affair with her ex.

    What you’ve written doesn’t sound as if he’s very remorseful at least at first. Looking remorseful and being remorseful are not the same thing. Blaming you for the problems in the relationship, trying to gaslight you, waiting before confronting you, still talking to her until you forced him not to. None of these things are the actions of someone who’s remorseful. Merely those of someone who’s sorry they’ve been caught. Maybe his behaviour has changed since. Maybe he realises just how much he’s hurt you and fucked up. I sincerely hope so, but you’re the only one who can determine that. Just make sure you observe his actions not just his words.

    And it’s ok to flip-flop in your emotions. You need to take as much time as you like to decide if you want to stay. All the best.

  16. I am going through the exact same thing right now…..thought I was going to marry this man and have his children and everything. But our fights never resulted in ANY change so I had to end it.

    It’s been the absolute hardest thing of my life but we are both doing the right thing. You are truly honoring yourself in this decision and future self will thank you.

    Take care of yourself- you’re allowed to be hurt and heartbroken so let it happen! But remember that you WILL be better for making this decision

  17. They definitely had sex. They're both adults and they went out and did nothing. A big fat lie. She broke it off to see to go out with the other guy and when things didn't work out, she came to you. Don't be any body's back up plan. If you're not her 1st choice don't be her 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice. Break it off with her. You owe her no explanation.

  18. Don’t listen to this person. Both parties wronged you. You don’t make a move on the woman your boy invites to drinks, you don’t keep a secret relationship, and she absolutely should have told you. She knew she was secretly dating your bff, and then she sent him to deliver the humiliation. Fuck both of them. They are garbage humans and you don’t deserve any of their shit. Break the lease and run. Do what you have to do to get out of it. This guy will treat you like shit alllll year. No doubt. He starts by stealing and fucking your girl, day 1. Only goes down from here. You will be so much happier if you cut ties and run. Garbage humans attract each other and you just dodged two shitty bullets that could have fucked your life up for years. Run, forest, run. You sound like a really good and considerate person. I’d be spitting venom in your position, but that speaks to your good character. These shit stains don’t deserve you. Hit tinder again, don’t share this shitty story until a year into the next relationship, and prosper. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

  19. Your being with him for such a long time isn’t wasted. You have learned what you don’t want or need in a relationship to be happy and productive. Good for you to spend Christmas with your mom. Please stay far away from this man. He is manipulative, conniving and toxic. You owe yourself a better future. You can do it. Block him for good.

  20. *you’re

    I mean there’s multiple republican bills going through state houses right now to challenge same sex marriage with expectations that your republican Supreme Court justices will overturn it based on the same positions as Roe. So I don’t know why you would continue to keep your head in the sand, but I’m just looking at the facts, you’re the one who can only say “no it isn’t.”

  21. Let it end. To smooth things over, the most I’d do is send her a gift card for her favourite coffee place (enough for her usual order), and a card thanking her for her companionship while you found your footing in the new workplace, and just wish her the best. The last thing you (or she) want to deal with is workplace drama.

  22. This helped so much, I meditated on this sentence with 7,5 grams on mushrooms and it helped me to accept that I don't have to do anything and I know I am a good person. I have to let go and love from a distance. At least I tried and showed that I cared.

  23. This helped so much, I meditated on this sentence with 7,5 grams on mushrooms and it helped me to accept that I don't have to do anything and I know I am a good person. I have to let go and love from a distance. At least I tried and showed that I cared.

  24. This helped so much, I meditated on this sentence with 7,5 grams on mushrooms and it helped me to accept that I don't have to do anything and I know I am a good person. I have to let go and love from a distance. At least I tried and showed that I cared.

  25. I got pretty toasted on NYE and got in an argument with my husband. He ignored my hurt feelings and hit the hay. So I turned all the common area lights in the house on and went to bed. Stupid, check. Petty, check. Causing someone else physical or mental harm. Nope.

  26. Normally I'd say it's not a red flag. I almost never have posted about my husband on-line, but I also barely post anything. If she has 10k followers then I'd guess this is a choice to seem more like someone guys like you want to follow. Doesn't mean at all that she's looking to cheat. Just looking for attention.

  27. It has been twelve years he doesn’t care about the wok you burned anymore and if he did care he already bought a new one. If it’s getting under your skin that he views your Instagram stories then remove him from your page

    You are currently engaged there is no reason for you do try to make up to your ex for an accident that happens over a decade ago and tell your friend to stop stalking your ex

  28. Move on. He was dreaming, it could have ANY context in the universe even one of a T-Rex he befriended on an island named Andrea.

  29. Or maybe it’s a really vanilla kink and is SO is shitty for humiliating him over it. If she’s not into it she could have just said that. This whole thing is silly.

  30. Definitely a breakup-able offence. And it is definitely abusive.

    But why has he changed?

    Has something happened at work? Has something happened in his family? Has something changed between you both (prior to his change)? Have you changed your attitude to him? Or has he finally had enough of how you treat him and decided to match your energy? (Not saying that this is the case, just listing different possibilities for his change in character) Or the most likely scenario, he is finally showing you his true self.

    So take a little time (say overnight) to mull over the possibilities, and then decide if you want to try talking to him about the change before deciding whether to leave or not. If you don’t want to talk, then just leave. Do it as quickly and safely as possible (a change in how he deals with anger has a potential for violence) If you decide that you want to talk before making a decision on leaving, also do that as safely as possible.

  31. Maybe he heard you standing up for yourself and thought you could handle it yourself.

    Men don't always pick up on subtle hints and need to be told, 'hey I would like it if you'd had my back'.

    Just tell him you wanted some support from him.

  32. Fair enough. I agree. All I know is that his daughter was briefly harassed on-line while playing a game and I stood up for her for a brief moment.

  33. There’s obviously way more to your relationship with your stepdad than you’ve typed up here. It’s impossible to really get advice on navigating this correctly, but I would say that this is a necessary boundary. This situation is weird and reeks of misogyny.

  34. You will be divorced in less than two years or your wife will cheat on you or you will fold and let her fuck other people. There is no good outcome if you are not on board with an open marriage of any kind. If you don’t have any kids, I would start the divorce process already.

  35. Bruh…know it all? I literally made the post because I know nothing about weed, i couldn't care less what you think about me, controlling or not I got my answers from better people and I know what to do now.

  36. I don think you need to ask people on Reddit what you need to do if you find your man lying to you and hiding a second phone. Either go to therapy after he admits his bs or move tf on girl, your too young to waste your energy on people who think having a second life is acceptable(having a second phone is obviously hiding something whether I exaggerate the situation, he’s obviously in a state of mind where secrets are okay)

  37. which stems from us keep breaking up and getting back together.

    I don't think you guys are ready married. You don't trust her and you're not wrong for that, but how can you marry someone you don't even trust? Do you think it will go well?

  38. Do your thing. Just as it’s not your job to atone for the sins of his girlfriends past, it’s not your job to manage his insecurities.

    The most you can do is be up front and honest, don’t start lying about perfectly normal interactions with coworkers because you’re afraid of his response.

    Reassure him that you love him, but don’t get involved in defending and justifying that you’re a normal human person who interacts with friends and colleagues.

    If he can’t deal with it, this probably isn’t going to work out.

  39. While it may be petty of you, there is a point to make here. She cares about him, and prefers to make you upset by retaining their contact then him, by cutting it. This indicate she is still emotionally attached to him.

    You can try to explain it, but I expect she will just defect anything inconvenient to her. At this point it might be better to look for some that is not openly attached to her ex or former fwb.

  40. OP my boyfriend is part of Mensa too and is just an awesome person in general which definitely felt intimidating at first because I struggled at first in university when we met. But I saw it like this, a really insanely smart and great person thinks I’m awesome too.

    We all have our own strengths OP! My bf is amazing with maths and coding and I’m really good at my work in mental health . We both learn from each other and lift each other up. I don’t think we could ever do each other’s jobs ? but we’re excited to learn about it (even if I genuinely have no clue what the maths is about in his work)

    Comparison is the thief of joy!

  41. OP never said she changed her party for him, only the initial idea was Vegas, and now its no. It's just speculation to assume she changed it for him, and OP isn't really responding to anything and it's a brand new account, this is probably not even a real post.

  42. Feeling like you’re falling out of love with someone isn’t really just a “one problem” kind of thing… but do whatever you feel is best. I just don’t think either person should stay in a relationship when they are that unhappy

  43. I'm confused, are you under the impression that only single people do BJJ?

    How long have you trained?

  44. He waited a year for you to lose weight, by now he thinks you’re set on letting yourself go and you’re only 27. You can’t force him to be attracted to you, either lose the weight (yes it will require making an effort) or break up and find someone who’s okay with your weight.

  45. Am I taking fucking crazy pills here??

    What heppened to consent can be withdrawn at anytime? (which is rightly so)

    You can't force someone to give you a child for fucks sake, and I can't believe this is the overall consensus and everyone otherwise being down voted.

    Do you even like this man? , or was he just a means to an end? 2016 was about yesterday when it comes to planning out the rest of your life.

    As a woman, I am severely disappointed by these comments tbh.

  46. Ayo bruh run from this girl like the wind. Jesus, this isn't normal. She is mentally unwell to be doing this and needs some serious counseling. Run away fast

  47. Yeah so… Leave him before you start to doubt yourself for everything and apologize for existing, cause that's where it's going if you stay


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