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28 thoughts on “Tina the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Socializing with your coworkers is quite normal and often leads to personal (friendly or romantic) relationships. This isn't bad, and someone isn't disrespecting work place etiquette by making friends. You mentioned you're a sex worker? That most likely gives you a skewed view of what other jobs would have normal socializing.

  2. agree…when i was married i never let my ex refer to me as her biggest kid.

    it also irks me when men say they are babysitting their kids. dumbass- you’re their parent, not a babysitter.

  3. Watching it together feels kinda weird to me, and we also have some varying preferences. One of his fetishes is actually kind of triggering to my ED and it’s just not a good idea

  4. So from the post it would seem you should leave him. However I wonder how much of this is caused by your former jealousy towards his other friends. Other than that you haven't really described him as a person and how was your relationship in general going. These are relevant informations.

  5. A lot of people on the younger side are caught up and blinded in the emotional pull, hoping things will be better before anything happens in action. They might be fine two months from now and when this emotional event wears off he might come to realize how disrespectful and careless she was towards him and their relationship, and exactly how she was going to give that up. Especially when he questions what she will do if she has those feelings again.

    These things take time and often you have to marinate on them. He is already learning boundaries and hopefully what he will do if they are crossed again, which is to leave the situation entirely.

  6. I say we went out as in not being a couple but on dates just like how you would have a first date with someone off tinder or smfn. We first met on an agreed first date to the Christmas markets so there’s definitely no doubt that they were dates. You can obviously 100% go on dates and not date the person

  7. Sorry your mom sucks. Good news you have a couple more years there. Make an exit plan. Get out of there. Join the Army. Apply to colleges away from where you live! and figure it out. You can do it!

  8. My husband had a similar conversation with me about a year into our marriage. I took the role of a new wife so seriously that I forgot about friends, hobbies, etc. And as a result, he felt kinda pressured by it. Like he constantly had to be around to keep me company, keep me entertained, etc. And I had no idea I was doing it at the time.

    And don't get me wrong, we love spending time together and still spend 90% of our free time together. We share some hobbies, but we give each other space now to do other things. I have a career that I absolutely love, I go visit my family once a week, I go out with friends every couple of months. Even now as I'm typing this, He's upstairs playing video games and I'm relaxing on the couch with a book and our dog. I don't have to be glued to his hip to be happy.

    You cannot make a person the center of your world. Your husband is right you do need to get out and find some happiness outside of him. Pursue some new hobbies, maybe find a career path that does excite you.

  9. You're a loser and you're choosing weed over your actual family.

    You deserve to be ejected from the family unit, amigo.

    Snap out of your bullshit.

  10. He thought you were about 24 when he met you, which if you were that age, would be a nine year difference in ages.

    33/2 + 7 = 23 it follows the rule it's not creepy, they're both adults

  11. Thank you. This is how I feel. I put just as much info or home and we worked hot for yeeeaars before hand to save for a good down payment. I'm growing stronger every day. Getting out of an abusive cycle is naked.

  12. Just call the non emergency number for your local police. Tell them she admitted to watching CP and you're concerned. They'll look into it. I wouldn't go further than that though.

  13. If ever there was a response worthy of being upvoted 100K+ times, with dozens of awards, it’s this one right here.

    OP, head out of ass please. You know EXACTLY what you did and you are way too fucking old to play this dumb. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She doesn’t owe you her voice because you want her to speak on command, she’s not a goddamn dog.

  14. Literally on-line in a dark place with chronic depression. I've never had the urge to stalk or rape anybody.

  15. The crypto is still almost worthless because you were stuck holding the bag in a Ponzi scheme.

    It has nothing to do with the market and everything up do with you gambling on a Ponzi scheme.

  16. She was also on a trip abroad and the population could have been majority black while she was on her sexcapade. That doesn't mean preference that's just convenience. If she was in Sweden the list could have been majority white, if she was in Nigeria then that could have contributed to the majority black. We don't have enough information to conclude it was preference over convenience.

  17. This is the thing, I can criticise friends she’s known since birth all day every day, but as soon as I mention that he’s imperfect she jumps to his defence. It’s flat out wacky to me.

  18. He also may not be into oral as much as other men bit I still think that's rude to “rate your pussy”. He has no concept if what this can do to a woman's confidence. Kind of an odd conversation..

  19. My cousin has FAS

    He’s nearing fifty and has never looked after himself completely independently. He lived with my aunt and uncle until he was 35, at which point they had to move him into an assisted living facility because they were simply too old to keep taking care of him. He’s generally chipper and very good with kids, but struggles to handle adult topics and conversations, has had a permanent stooped posture for as long as I’ve been alive (I’m turning 35 this year).

    He can’t drive, he can’t work more than 12 hours a week, he can’t form meaningful relationships with women

    Is this really the life you want for your child?


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