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37 thoughts on “Thomas the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Yep. Maybe she's just being nice and polite by inviting you…so if you feel awkward, she'd understand.

    If, and in the very low chance IF, she gets mad or hurt you aren't coming, then ABSOLUTELY don't go. I don't think that's the case, but either way, it's not a bad idea… especially if it feels awkward to go, considering the kind of past you had.

  2. I would tell them what you just said here – you’re not a child any longer – you’re not the person you were at 6. You work really naked on yourself. Those kinds of comments are hurtful and I would appreciate it if you stopped speaking to me like that and saying those kinds of things. Sounds like your step-parent was too young and immature to properly function as a parent because every single child I have ever met is a drama queen at one time or another. That’s the essence of children. I have watched a kid come unglued because their shoelace was untied. And any adult who thinks who someone is at 6 has anything to do with am adult in their 20s lacks some kind of fundamental understanding of how the world works. My mom isn’t the most positive loving kind supportive human. When she says something negative to me I have reached the age and wisdom to just calmly say please don’t speak to me like that or it makes me feel bad when you say things like that to me. I wouldn’t bring it up but the next time she says it there’s an opportunity to talk it out? You’re not overreacting. Those are shitty things to say to anyone much less your stepkid ❣️

  3. They are both idiots, but she is the only one that is even slightly concerned about any possible ramifications.

    He's just plodding along and is going to be shocked, SHOCKED when they get pregnant after months of unprotected sex.

  4. The fact that they are THAT chummy should raise some red flags with you.

    Its entirely possible they still have an emotional connection and with them still being “friends” after nearly 5 years together, says she may have an open relationship while you dont. This soon after that much time together should be rather rubbing a raw nerve.

    Just say no, and watch how she reacts.

  5. Oh god how many signs of the universe do you need to see that y’all are NOT a good fit? Y’all had doubts about your relationship and still got engaged? Break up for the sake of both of you

  6. Hello /u/t4c3r,

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  8. I just personally couldn't never have entertained the idea of leaving my kids unattended in a public place. So many things can go wrong unfortunately I speak from experience, just not a public place

  9. Tell her. From my understanding you weren’t with her when she had other sexual partners, however, you were together when you did. That is awful to do to her,

  10. Sure 31 and living with parents is not a great sign, but the biggest issue is that she has no desire to move on with an independent adult life with a partner. It's a hill she literally would choose to die on.

    If she will only live there, and is not prepared to move away – it's a no hope relationship. I'm sorry, but her dependence on her parents, her unwillingness to move, it's just not going to happen for you.

    It would probably be best to break up now and move on with your life, there will be someone more suited to you out there.

  11. I did text him that I'm just waiting in a response! I have an anxiety disorder so I find I overthink a lot of stuff but I still remain calm and civil

  12. It’s so worrying that she just won’t accept the gravity of what she’s done. It doesn’t matter that her intent wasn’t to harm him, she DID.

  13. Fuck me you both suck. You the most because you're hypocrite. “You can't look because that's cheating but I can show off and it isn't cheating?”. Do you see how freaking exhausting and hypocritical you sound.

    ” I just want to act like girls my age” and he wants to act like guys his age lol.

  14. At this rate, OP get a lawyer and explain the situation.

    Personally? I would call this relationship quits. Have her move out and do so in a timely fashion before you may owe her spousal support.

    Sell the apartment, give her what she put in and you both part ways. That way, she doesn’t get what she likely used you for, and you can keep your head in a pillow at night not wondering if any of this will bite you in the ass in years to come. The main thing is to get your name off that mortgage. If she can’t afford it on her own, it makes no sense what so ever signing it over to her. She won’t even qualify for refinancing and all she will do is persistently nag you to help as you, “knew it was out of their budget”.

  15. I honestly don't have a problem with her lusting over other people tbh, we both do and enjoy it and discuss it with each other, it's just she never lusts over me which is the issue.

    And yeah. It has gotten worse over time 🙁 we've always been amazing together, but the sexual aspect has just never worked, it's definitely got harder over time.

  16. They've already had threesomes with a guy and a girl. Wtf is his problem now? They both need to grow up and accept the consequences of THEIR actions.

  17. Sure this was a dumb decision on both your parts. I don't understand why everyone is being harsher on the OP. the husband wasn't coerced and they'd already had multiple three somes by the sound of it. Idk why ppl are ripping you apart. He had a choice but he didn't realize how it would make him feel. I do agree the marriage as you knew it is probably over and you're both to blame for that, I think that's why he's still being cordial with you.

    However, you can try to discuss going to therapy, I'd recommend a sex therapist if you can find one. They probably have the experience needed to unpack this situation. I think you need to sit down with him and tell him how you feel and say that it can't go on like this. There has to be a forward momentum bc you can feel the distance and its torturing you. There has to be a conversation, therapy, or a divorce on the horizon. You need to press him a bit more.

    This was a stupid decision on both your parts. You'll just have to see how it pans out from here.

  18. OP, I’m gonna give you the other part of this that is less second family and more real.

    I married my husband 2 days after my divorce was final. There were practical reasons to do this (insurance) and we knew we were it for each other. I did not tell anyone – my family, friends, etc, for an extended period of time. (In fact, there’s probably still people who don’t know.)

    The reason I didn’t do this is because I didn’t want to hear their judging lectures about how we moved too fast. I didn’t want to hear warnings about how I was making a mistake. I didn’t want to hear their opinions at all.

    So up until I got pregnant- my husband was my husband in private and boyfriend in public. Of course, he knew why I was doing this but I don’t think he really understood it. He just went along with it because he loved me and knew it was important to me.

    It’s honestly possible he’s just afraid of people judging how fast you moved – and he doesn’t want to have the conversation because he’s ashamed he’s afraid.

    Btw, funny story about all this – a side effect is that our parents think we have different anniversaries than we really do. ? What a mess, I should have just told everyone and said fuck off. Oh well.

  19. Tell MIL you appreciate her concern for your health, but you are an adult, you pay for your own home, and you are entitled to do what you like in your home. Where is the console, please.

    Just keep repeating where is the console, please.

    If she refuses, then say that unless she tells you where your property is, she will have to leave your house. If fiancée says anything, ask her to stay out of this, please.

    If they both gang up, both of them are out, or you are, and you will know you’ve saved yourself years of aggravation. If fiancée backs you and mum keeps acting up, you’ve got a wife worth keeping because she prioritises your life together. If mum realises she’s overstepping the boundary and you are not a child she can run, you’ve hit jackpot. And if mum backs down but fiancée doesn’t, she either accepts you are heading off a problem at the pass or see option 2.

    Good opportunity to clear the way for the future.

  20. Nobody deserves to be subjected to violence

    I disagree. There are a lot of people who need an azz whoopin to reorient their perspective.

  21. I want to but I don’t even know where to begin. I’m so afraid and just ashamed. I keep feeling like I have to make it work I come from a old fashioned family when it comes to marriage. It’s a bit naked to find the backbone to say I’m not happy and actively change it. My husband now I feel like there is to much resentment he has made me lose my job, my health. I’ve given all of me trying to make it work and supported him in his work. But still he lies to my face. Why am I wasting probably my best years being a piece of furniture. It’s a problem because financially I’m not independent anymore and I don’t have friends.

  22. What a coincidence that his fake therapist with whom he has an inappropriate relationship gave him a diagnosis that makes you too scared to draw reasonable boundaries. And what a coincidence that a guy who doesn't want to act like an adult chose a woman who was born when he was 21 because she would be unable to stand up for herself.

  23. He is married or has a GF and you are the sidepiece, or he is just using you for sex. Either way, you deserve better, so dump him.

  24. I think you’re being obtuse if that’s a serious question and I’m not going to explain his thinking to you here.

    Don’t jump to formed conclusions because you’re personally uncomfortable with subject matter.

  25. Or deep down she feels guilty about how bad they bullies him when they were younger. Op’s comments are disgusting. Doesn’t make his behavior good by any means but they’re both toxic

  26. Omg that is rubbish. He basically said he loves you as an object but doesn't love the person you are. I'm sorry that you're going through this. Please reconsider this relationship. Women are not humans to this man.

  27. Whatever is going on with this girl is one thing, lying about it is another and for me at least is a deal breaker. I think you'd be justified in taking whatever steps you feel are appropriate for you. You said you're “just about done here” – that could mean you're ready to try to have an honest conversation or you're ready to leave, I don't know. But your feelings are valid and the reality – untainted by any bluster or bullshit of his – would justify you taking whatever action you feel you need to.


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