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14 thoughts on “the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. cheating is one thing, you could maybe work it out, but then (possibly) having a child by who you cheated with is another, and usually a definite call for a break up. i say leave; it might be hard and crush you got a bit, but it’s better than staying. choose peace. you could always still be involved in the kid’s life if you choose!

  2. There are certain lines I dont cross, this would be one of them, and that's what I would convey to him and that would probably the end of it.

  3. I feel so mad that I told him my mom is going to be picking our kids up instead of me and he said I’m being overly dramatic and that we’re already divorced so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, and that he apologized so there was nothing more he could do.

    You're entirely justified in your anger, because this cheating gaslighting asshole wasted a year of your life pretending to want to save your marriage when he had already decided to end it. And then of course there's the question of how much his emotional (and let's face it, almost certainly physical) affair caused the divorce; it's incredible he has the gall to act like you're out of line for him being unfaithful, lying to you about it for a year, and only now coming clean. Halfway clean. Like I said, I guarantee you he was sleeping with her. He was comfortable lying to you for a year while you were still married about the emotional affair, he'd definitely be comfortable continuing to lie to his now-ex wife about a physical one.

  4. So much drama over a video posted on social media, my kids used to get upset over stuff like that when they were at school, they'd grown out of it by the time they got to uni.

    And what's the point of a gender reveal party anyway, since in this day and age gender is something the kid decides on when they're old enough? it's all just attention-grabbing nonsense.

  5. The thing about convincing is a grey area. It might work out great or it might end up like in your case where you regret it.

    The far far bigger problem is that he got mad whenever you said no and that he gaslighted you by saying it does bother you even when you said it didn’t. In your case it was definitely shitty of him and he is not a good man

  6. Please, do not get yourself manipulated by this a******. This is not an open relationship he wants. He wants to cheat without having to feel bad about it.

    Even if you say no, how can you be sure the side chick doesn't already exist and he just asked you for permission?

    Leave him and move on.

  7. First, I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. I get that you know only what you know and it’s scary to think about anything else.

    But here’s the reality; you’ve had 44 years of misery. I get that you’re 59, but you have to take a step back and honestly ask yourself; would I rather be miserable guaranteed forever with my husband, or would I rather have a chance to be happy?

    Maybe you’re single for a while, which I’m sure scares the shit out of you. Maybe you’re not. But again, is that really worse than being with someone who’s nothing more than a warm body nearby from a relationship perspective? Good luck.

  8. This gal sounds like a real piece of work and you're lucky to have gotten out of there before things escalated even further. I mean, she was physically abusive to you and was threatening to ruin your life and get you arrested? Are you kidding me? That's straight up crazy talk.

    Listen, it's not your job to take care of her, especially when she's treating you like that. It's not your responsibility to make sure she's okay, especially when she's been treating you like garbage. You need to prioritize your own well-being and safety. If you have to go back on the road, then you need to kick her to the curb, no questions asked.

    As for her threats, if she tries to get you arrested or ruin your life, you need to go to the authorities immediately. Don't let her intimidate you or control you any longer. You're done with that.

    And as for whether you're the ahole for leaving her at her lowest, dude, she's at her lowest because of her own actions. Not because of you leaving. She's been physically abusive, making threats, and holding your dog hostage. That's not you being the ahole, that's her being a freaking psycho.

    Take care of yourself, bro. You deserve better than this.

  9. You weren’t together and you weren’t exclusive. She didn’t do anything wrong. Neither did your friend. The only possible wrong here is neither of them telling you about it until now. And that’s more so on the friend than the girlfriend.

  10. He would not have posted this if it were not important to him.

    Did he post here when she lied about clothes making him look fat? About taking the last bite of a sandwich? No?

  11. I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find a comment pointing out the age gap. A 33 year old man pursuing a 21 year old woman is downright predatory and relies heavily on the power imbalances that come with a relationship having such a significant age gap. OP needs to reserve her judgment and support her sister. There is likely much she doesn’t yet understand, or is not privy to, regarding the dynamics of her sisters marriage.


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