Super FUN the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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80 thoughts on “Super FUN the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well the cat is out of the bag. He has 1 of 2 choices. Work with you on getting past it or hit the road, Jack.

  2. He wants you to be HIS stripper. Unfortunately, this is going to be the mindset of most of the guys you meet. The industry you are in depends upon monetizing men's objectification of women. They visit clubs to do that very thing. Once you become his object, he's not going to want to share. That's what you're up against, and he is too. He's got to learn to appreciate the most important aspects of you, which aren't the parts you can” see”. If he's unable to do that, and appreciate the fact that you make your money with the parts people can” see “, then it just isn't going to work. I wish you all the best.

  3. Eh. Read this to my boyfriend and he said this – pictures live doesn't arouse him. He likes to see me naked but likes it more when I have underwear on. Also, he said if a guy gets arouse from pics live – he's down bad. For me it sounds like manipulation a bit from your husband. Idk, I personally think it's weird

  4. You did not disclose trauma in your childhood, yet your report very clearly

    underscores your doubt at being able to manage circumstances that

    proceed from your SO-s absence from you, either physically or even

    intellectually in your bedroom. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (see: PTSD)

    is essentially a severe blow to an individuals' ability to self-determine and

    self-direct for themselves. Unfortunately, if this were the case in your

    situation it would take more than just anti-anxiety Rx to relieve it. You

    would need to work with a professional to rebuild your self-management

    skills, and more importantly your confidence IN those skills. FWIW.

  5. Mind your business. You were a willing participant knowing he was in a relationship and now you’re going to hurt someone you don’t even know to make yourself feel better about your guilt

  6. Hmm I would leave unless you plan to be married and chained to his side forever and probably not allowed to see any friends or do anything without him. You can tell him if he'll never be the same or as friendly again then there's no need for you to come back to him after the trip.

  7. Couples counseling. You need to learn how to communicate with each other. It's normal to walk away from an argument until things calm down but the wanting him to chase you/ not chase you thing is wrong.

    He's got serious anger issues and needs help with that.

    You should also consider family therapy at some point for your kids. Because I bet they are hearing these arguments.

  8. I'm not dating right now but I did a few months ago nothing has changed I'm female here too fyi! OLD can be tricky with people taking advantage. Some women may excuse it as they have to buy their clothes and makeup and take ages looking nice etc… Well I hate to break it to them but men have to wear clothes and have their hair done too and most of the time their clothes and barber visits cost a lot more than what I spend!

  9. u/Picky_Poltergeist, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. Thank you! we find ourselves having conversations about our future all the time, this one just stumped us really bad. I think your suggestion is very good, I'll run it by her when she wakes up. thanks again 🙂

  11. Hello /u/Top_Bodybuilder6159,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  12. There's no reason y'all can't eventually be friends again, but it seems pretty obvious you gotta nip this one and get on with your life first.

  13. Look your already crying and stressing over someone whom you haven’t been dating long. Just there it makes this a toxic relationship. He pretty much already told you that it’s not going to work out long or short term. He is never going to fully accept you nor is his family. His with you for a fun time not a long time. Just cut your losses and next time find someone who loves you and accepts you for exactly who you are. This guy doesn’t and he is stringing you along and it’s not fair to you. You deserve better. No one is worth you crying everyday or having your mental health disrupted. NO ONE!!!

  14. just ask him straight up what he wishes you'd reply. either way he knows you're uncomfortable with it and shouldn't have sent that, but the reason behind it could vary. was he making fun of your labia? of your feelings towards it? or was he trying to get you to understand that it's just a part of your body and nothing to be ashamed of?

    also, the age difference, while not predatory necessarily, may be something you want to consider. is this your first relationship? is he the first person you've ever had sex with?

    i can tell you that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way your labia looks. i'm sure it's beautiful. i recommend you read the book “come as you are” by emily nagowski because you deserve to feel good about your most perfect place. and you deserve a boyfriend who not only respects your insecurity but also helps you overcome it. someone who worships the way you look down there. someone who understands truly how special of a body you have.

  15. The news could have given my father a heart attack or something like that. Our relatives would have humiliated us and and we would have been disgraced in front of our community.

  16. Why do you feel entitled to know about people's gender and sexuality? I'd just reach out in a couple weeks and try periodically to reach out. And I'd be apologetic as hell.

  17. Being bi is no excuse for his behavior. I’m sick and tired of people saying I’m bi or any other just so they can do whatever they want. Im bi I’m not here saying I wanna have sex with others. Im in a monogamous relationship and respect my partner. Jesus idk what’s wrong with people ?‍♀️

  18. I still care about him and wish him the absolute best but I’m no longer in love with him and I don’t want to work it out, the cancer explains some things but it doesn’t change things for me. It’s doesn’t erase the damage to our relationship and I don’t want to work things out anymore.

    Tell him what you wrote right here.

    It sucks that he has cancer, but you’re right that the cancer doesn’t erase the damage that was done to your relationship.

  19. She’s being irrational which is sort of the definition of crazy. Your mom is an amazing example of resilience and being slightly overweight but active and eating healthy actually probably makes her healthier than a lot of thinner people who eat junk and aren’t as active. Weight is only one determinant of health. Smoking, exercise, what type of food you eat, genetics, finances etc etc all play a role. You need to be kind but firm with your wife that her demands are unreasonable and she is not allowed to keep your mom away from your child. Your wife needs help to deal with her own trauma.

  20. So, your reletionship is feeling stuck. You're in a routine and need to shake things up, you need your reletionship a jolt.

    Plan to meet up. Spend a weekend or week together. Do something that can generate some excitement.

  21. So what was she supposed to do during the party to prioritize your relationship? Because you were both drinking during the party. How was you drinking enough to pass out on the couch prioritizing your relationship over drinking?

  22. I wouldn't think too much of it. I've given my number out when I've been in a relationship just to stop the person hassling me and to make them go away.

  23. I think your boyfriend might be my ex. This sounds exactly like some stupid shit he would do. Age matches up.

  24. I am aware you are legally an adult. That's what he likes. You will look an awful lot closer to a child than a woman his age though.

    I'm not saying he IS a paedophile, I'm just saying be careful. Alot of paedophile do this. They call it “barely legal”.

  25. You can talk to your mother and tell her how hanging out with your ex is making you feel. Other than that, you can’t control the actions of others, you can only set boundaries for yourself, which could be decreasing contact with mom if she chooses to be friends with your ex. Definitely block ex on everything, there’s no reason to still be able to reach her if she’s this kind of toxic and manipulative.

  26. The way he’s handling this is not healthy, and it’s disrespectful to you. Whether or not you online in the apartment is immaterial. The fact that he won’t even have a conversation about it is a red flag. True partners discuss things like this. He’s already threatening to leave you if you even bring it up, and worse, he’s threatening to leave you if his ex decides on her own to move out?! What?? That’s crazy. I’m sorry OP but this is not how conflict resolution in a healthy relationship should be. If he’s making a unilateral decision like this now, he will continue to make unilateral decisions for your family. I would reconsider the relationship if he’s unwilling to have a conversation with you.

  27. Your brother is not obligated to share any profit he might make from the house. Period. Your husband can either STFU about it or he should become an EX husband.

  28. I personally would not be with a man who can't even have a conversation with me about a very serious topic. Why won't he keep his own house that's clearly better? I would definitely like to know. If he can't even talk like grown up… you should be able to have conversation with your partner without him telling you it will be over if you do…

  29. Deal with your own insecurities & then you won’t care. It’s unrealistic to think your partner isn’t attracted to anyone else. I’m sure you look at people & think that’s a good looking person but not want to be with them.

  30. If you sell the ring you are opening yourself up to theft charges. Just send it back and be done. Next time don't make dumb jokes if you can't handle it in return

  31. Id definitely recommend reaching out sooner rather than later. Time will only hurt your chances of reconnecting since it’ll only get more awkward.

    Explain your reasoning for feeling rejected and insecure. Open communication is the best way to maintain relationships. And you’re both still young and bound to make mistakes.

    Just know that setting boundaries in relationships is healthy and important. Maybe you’re not as close as you once were and that is ok! Life ebbs and flows. The true ones will stick around regardless.

    Best of luck! Xx

  32. Lol you're a fool to think he will cut off contact with them all for you otherwise he would have done it by now. Either put up with it or move on.

  33. > apologize to your partner for ignoring his needs for so long.

    Mate, its a week out of every 18 months, lets relax now.

  34. And what about women who run too? Or the millions of women who accuse men of cheating EVERY DAY yet they stick around. If she didn't cheat, she can prove it and move on. What does she have to hide? Isn't that what women say when they accuse men of cheating? What's in your phone? If you have nothing to hide, then why act crazy and DESTROY the family just to make a point? Oh because you're offended? Grow up

  35. EXACTLY. As a church of Satan follower and practicing pagan who indulges in magic workings its honestly all just giving girl who watches too much tiktok. Also LOL at her calling herself a temple follower but simultaneously “practicing” magic, which the temple doesn't believe in the existence of

  36. I was an addict for a bit over a decade and I for clean 3 years ago. It feels so great to me, but also weirdly still new. Like I’m far enough to have solid advice for someone struggling, but new enough that some people still aren’t about me yet lol I haven’t found much jm addicted to afrer. But I got pregnant in sober year 1. So I’ve been busy asf with my toddler Lolol thank you. I’m glad you said that stuff so I can better understand, i appreciate it!

  37. OP, I will share a similar experience I had and then give my honest opinion/advice here.

    I had a really good guy friend who I actually knew at a young age. I was 6 and he was 8. When I was 19 and he was 21 he did as your friend does. Love bombing and trying to change my mind of what our friendship was. I never gave him any ideas or signals that I liked him more as a friend. I was honest and never said I love you, not even I love you as a friend. He got mad and ghosted me for days before coming back like nothing had happened. I often let it go and didn't want to handle it, because as a friend he was very loyal, but in the end I had to cut him out. It grew toxic.

    He tried gaslight me. Demand emotion that didn't exist and even stalked me everywhere. When I tried to create distance between us, he even got jealous that I was around my brother too much.

    He wanted to contoll and limit me, but I never allowed him. He tried threatening suicide but realized it wouldn't work.

    I want you to avoid the hardship and mental strain of these issues so my advice is It is time to let him go. He is showing red flags and bad signs. He won't listen to reason, so you can't do more than you already have.

  38. I had that happen to me too. I would have these long intense dreams that seemed like I was re-living my past relationship with my ex. So I decided to contact him and meet up. He gained a lot of weight, lost all his hair and still lives with his mom. Never had those dreams again lol.

  39. If you are unhappy, you are unhappy. The choices you can make are. 1. Tell him that you feel unappreciated and ask of him to show more appreciation. Tell him what he can do that makes you feel more appreciated. If he cares about how you are feeling, it wont not be so hot for him to start doing these things. 2. Dont tell him and break up. 3. If you have told him and he hasnt changed. You have to decide if it is worth staying.

  40. He cares for you…..hopefully you see this. People besides family can love you….just wanted you to know.

  41. Personally i believe for myself a marriage can be repaired with work from both sides. Except abuse & cheating.

    I say it sucks but you're better off without him. Its take A LOT to fly out and meet up with someone.

  42. The first time he brought it up in passing was about 5 months into our relationship. He didn’t start making frequent comments until a little over a month ago.

  43. It’s true finding someone nice isn’t super quick. But I can guarantee you that you’ve set the bar low, and you will find someone you like even more.

  44. seeing he already cheated on you.

    What you think is easier have 2 girlfriends to have sex with or have a girlfriend and search for other girls live to cheat with

  45. seeing he already cheated on you.

    What you think is easier have 2 girlfriends to have sex with or have a girlfriend and search for other girls live to cheat with

  46. You just fucking stop.

    And you fucking leave and run far away from that.

    What the heck is this?

    How much disgusting filth can you even be? No matter ahat the answer is, “he” breaks the record.

  47. I agree with you. Life circumstances change over a decade. Yes a promise is important but keeping a promise like that at for the sake of it is not the best course of action. There are real world life situations that are complex and harder to deal with than he broke his promise. Let’s be relistic, you promised to support him through thick and thin by marrying him. You be breaking a bigger promise to him by leaving him for changing his mind. While it doesn’t solve the conflict, it would be quite hypocritical to do.

    Money for one. He has created a job and a career that he would have to start over moving back. That’s means your financial ability as a couple is less. That is not trivial at all and can lead to divorce by itself. Let’s be realistic.

    Another is that while your biological family is important and it’s good to be available to help, picking your biological family at this point over your husband makes me question your commitment to him and the marriage in the first place. Outside of simply wanting to be closer to your family, whats the benefit. You married him. In my humble opinion, being willing to leave someone over a ten year old promise, even one like this, is a tad ridiculous. That said, who am I to say why someone should leave their partner. I mean divorce rate today tells me people don’t care a

  48. I don't want to bring it up and sound annoying and high maintenance

    It's extremely normal to want your partner to actually spend time with you when you hang out with them, especially since you're driving an hour to see him and ESPECIALLY since he's unemployed and could be playing games at literally any other time in his life.

    Bring it up and tell him you want to actually spend time with him and not watch him play games all day. And if it turns into him whining or simply waiting around until you leave so he can game, why date someone who doesn't even want to spend time with you?

  49. We’re from a small town and his family has a lot of influence. Once the gossip spreads pretty much no one is going to want to be seen with me. Maybe I’ll pack the car and drive to florida lol.

  50. She’ll take all that shit from you while you pay for it. Get out while you can and take the cat with you. And take picture of her infidelity in case people in your circle wanna talk shit. Trust me

  51. i know my relationship with my father is really great and i really love him and know that he wouldnt ever touch me and my siblings in a sexual manner, and even if that memory or thought really happened im sure he got carried away because i remember my father always used to bring the laptop with him and browse on it so im sure he got carried away

  52. i know my relationship with my father is really great and i really love him and know that he wouldnt ever touch me and my siblings in a sexual manner, and even if that memory or thought really happened im sure he got carried away because i remember my father always used to bring the laptop with him and browse on it so im sure he got carried away

  53. There's literally no need in life for petty revenge. It says more about your own character than whoever you're acting out against.


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