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Scarlett Jaxon, 25 y.o.


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36 thoughts on “Scarlett Jaxon the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. He's an asshole. You're better off without him in every way. Take the time to process things then decide on a custody/child support plan.

  2. Fantastic response. Everyone should read this and appreciate it and figure out how to apply it, in some way, to their lives. Thanks for posting this comment. You have earned a new follower, my wisened dude!

  3. It’s a trap. Tell her you’re not comfortable taking her sister to something so intimate that was intended for her. Go with your guy friend.

  4. I wouldnt say so, I mean you guys can also keep your own lifestyle or also find activiteas that you both like to do. In that case nobody needs to flip anything.

  5. I can see that. And also, I’m glad you used the word “insecure” because it means you’re self aware. Relationships are nude, long distance relationships are usually harder.

    How old are you two? How far do you two live from each other? How did you meet? And how long have you been together? And have you ever met in person?

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  7. If a female friend of mine was physically abusive towards her partner I wouldn’t be ok with that either.

    And the solution to women getting away with physical abuse is not to let men get away with it, it’s to hold the women accountable. Your friend is not using any real political views, he’s just an asshole trying to justify being abusive

  8. Info: is the problem that he was masturbating to porn in general? like, is porn a very hot boundary for you? Or is the problem that you don’t know who it was that he was jerking to, like it may have been someone he knows or has interacted with??

    I personally don’t mind porn use but I would feel uncomfortable if I caught him using a friend/coworkers selfie or other nudes he’s been sent. Your boundaries in your relationship are valid and completely up to you though.

  9. I said nothing about the frequency of it happening, just that it's insanely stupid. Your comment is redundant.

  10. Hey, feelings are feelings. Some people don’t want kids and that’s a perfectly reasonable position.

    My child is on the lower end of the spectrum, so he’s pretty functional, but the behavioral outbursts and emotional tantrums can be severely draining.

    At the end of the day, I remind myself that he’s just a kid. He doesn’t know how to process big feelings, and even not being on the spectrum is very hot.

    But yes, it is draining, and I have a few close friends that I vent to on a regular basis to make sure I got my mind right. Sometimes I react with anger, irritation, or frustration, but just remind myself, that I am learning as a parent, and I need to be the example and the dad that he needs.

  11. My son is 2.5, and yes the abuser is his dad. We are currently setting up an apartment secretly so we can leave quickly.

  12. Buy the book ‘A woman in your own right’- learn to be assertive and hold boundaries. Patrick King does great books too.

  13. I feel as if I do this often and I guess it just doesn’t go as far to the point as I’d like due to wanting to make sure she doesn’t feel like it’s an attack when I should fully communicate it

  14. Remember, dating is an audition, not an arranged marriage. You’re looking to see if you’re compatible as partners. You don’t actually have to stay with them if it’s not working out.

    I never would have married my husband if he was hanging out in other womens’ beds. This is an ok line to draw.

  15. I dont.think it dropped. It almost seems like it was never truelly there. Like he'd always have rather done it less to enjoy the times he did do it. But yet watches porn on the reg. Which I don't think that has anything to do with me. That's his own thing. I know there's things that have happened to us both as children that could effect how we sexually behave today as adults. I tried talking to him about it very carefully. Didn't really pry. His love language = me cuddling, me cooking, me cleaning, and to me = me being mama. Lol. My love language is physical touch. I told him I'd do better and have been trying. But after a while of feeling like I'm giving and always the boss and giving some more…… I just feel empty and when I've tried to talk about it its like he has shamed me for it. As if I was asking too much. Idk. I told him i just want us both to feel loved. We still cuddle and kiss and laugh and joke. But every so often when I get so frustrated amd hurt it comes out of me as such.

  16. Well he could but also he could be wrecked by the fear and anxiety that it’s inevitable that you will or have cheated on him so he’s trying to fight that by making it all out in the open when really he’s just delusional.

    He’s probably in a great mood because you’ve proven to him that he’s wrong? Maybe. I have no idea. He doesn’t sound well either way.

  17. u are not.

    u would know if/ when u do.

    He IS rushing u lol. He is being impatient and annoying. and ruining the vibe.

    It's not because he wants to be last just for the sake of being last. But he's being impatient and kinda either acting like he cares for u to finish like putting on a facade, ignorant to how long it takes female to finish (but wants u to) or honestly maybe wanting u to lie for his piece of mind?

    ways he can please me can be done after his orgasm, but he doesn’t seem into it. He needs to have the final orgasm, I think.

    He doesn't want to do those other things and seems to be lazy IMO.

    regardless tho, having u finish is important so he needs to get it together and listen to what ur saying.

  18. Just your title alone is so wrong. She isn’t “forbidding” you. She’s telling you that you’re emotionally cheating on her. You refuse to see it. You refuse to admit you’re a liar. You refuse to see you are the problem and are instead painting your wife as a B-word.

    Does anyone else feel like OP is trying to gaslight us into agreeing with him? ?

  19. I'm not sure whether to be relieved or not that this does seem to be two different people. Because if it's different people then that means that there are other unhappy people out there. (Which I know happens all the time, but still.)

  20. This is a huge incompatibility. You can't expect someone to change their mind because they have gotten older and you can't convince someone by babysitting.

    You are still young so moving on is likely a good choice.

    I would first suggest having a conversation with her about what having a child means to you, and see where she would like to be.

    Also, the secret family option is NOT an option.

  21. “he's my husband and I need to get over it”

    this can be fixed. If the unwanted sexual contact (sexual assault) continues, than file charges if your in a place you can do this. If not than get your finances in order and make a plan to get out of this.

    No one should have to tolerate this kind of abuse

  22. Believe what you want, but the guy is literally delusional even before this sleep/alcohol thing. Might as well believe in the tooth fairy.

  23. You need to start living your best life.

    Absolutely. As far as anyone knows, this is the only one you'll get. 24 feels young, but you'll wake up at 44 real quick and wonder where the last twenty years went.

  24. Right now, call the police. He has no right to lock you out of your own residence, and they can help you get back inside. And have the incident on record, if you ever need to file a TRO against him. And then move into the guest room/ office/ whatever, until you can make arrangements to get your own place. This relationship is over, as heartbreaking as it is. Sometimes, a huge loss can forge people closer together – more often, not.

    I hope that drunk driver is burning in hell, and you can sue his estate for everything he used to have. Especially if you live in the US in one of the pro-life states, where now a fetus counts as a human being right from conception – then the guy committed vehicular manslaughter.

    He took everything from you – I hope you'll in time be able to rebuild something. And encourage his family to get him into therapy – he seems to be spiraling into a mental breakdown.

  25. And you didn't waste a year, HE did. He's the one pulling this shit.

    Dump him, and think of this as a learning experience.

  26. And i had mentioned getting a fleshlight before but she said that and porn are close to cheating because it isnt her. But i cant even get to her so idk she really wants me to stare at a blank wall at night when im horny and that kinda hits the pride a bit ya know

  27. I don't think you're trying to be a dick, I think you maybe don't have an understanding of domestic abuse.

    Do a Google search of “why doesn't she just leave” and you'll find a wealth of info on how complex abuse responses are.

    The only way attitudes change is to learn and it's actually a really great thing to do to understand these things.

  28. Isn’t weaponized incompetence when they do it partially or poorly with the intent of their partner just giving up and doing it? This is just refusal.

  29. What do you mean listens to me? I’ve been tested for everything that could be causing my irregular periods and it’s all come back negative. I’m not aware of any options that would 100% surely regulate or get rid of my period altogether. The only option is hormonal birth control, which hasn’t been effective at regulating me. I’m on a higher dose now than I was, and that “regulated” me for like 2 months when I started but honestly I think it was a coincidence.

    Even IUDs have different effects for different people.

  30. If it's true:

    You said it yourself, lying is a deal breaker.

    There isn't an excuse he can use that would make this okay. He could have said, hey we have a sexual history, I can't disclose all of it since it involves other people's privacy, but here is my part. He didn't do that AND that person has been in your life this whole time.

    I would not be able to get over this myself.

    The reality:

    Having said that, do you trust the source?

    I would write down questions you want answered and then sit down and talk with him. Give him a heads up that you need to have a serious conversation with him and then be open to what he has to say.

    If it turns out to be the truth, then I don't really see any answer that would make this okay for me.

    If it's not true, then you really need to think about why it was so easy to believe.


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