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25 thoughts on “Scarlet the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. So you have sat there and sucked it up just cause it was easier to keep her? Why would you want to break up ? Maybe it's a rough patch. Why would parents be on her side?

  2. Wow. I know everyone is different, but I'm 5'6″ and at 130 pounds I was getting insane migraines and passing out regularly until I got up to about 140lbs. If my bf has insisted I stay that weight I would have dumped him. You are healthy. Please don't let him influence you.

  3. Talk to the landlord and have them talk to the other tenant about their excessive noise. If that doesn’t work, talk to them directly. It’s all you can do unless you wanna move to a new place.

  4. Growing and bettering yourself often includes a plan to try new dynamics in communication and relationship. Sometimes these feel too difficult with the same partner as you build up patterns, or just find parts of each other becoming less compatible.

    Independent of this specific guy, she may be doing exactly what she feels she needs to grow into a more fully herself version of herself.

  5. If she is making you feel bad for living your life, that’s the issue, not her disability. She’s still going through a grieving period so it makes sense. But it’s not fair. All couples do things separately, you need to be able to go out and do things with friends without feeling guilty. If she’s not already in therapy, she should start.

  6. So was she offering hugs and kisses before? Or where you the one always initiating? What has she stopped doing?

    It feels like you need a third party to sit down and discuss with you expectations but to also have the very hot question like “do you still love me”, because someone who loves you might say I think you are eating too many sweets and we should look at eating better and exercising together, because I love you and I care about your health. But to blurt out that which seems like she has been holding it in that she isn't attracted to you seems utterly bereft of compassion and care. How are you supposed to respond to that?

    Attraction that is just physical for me would be a dealbreaker. Because it is shallow and focused on looks alone. Perhaps she is still going through some kind of personal issue of her own about her body and feeling attractive and in some way has transferred that to “if my husband was super ripped then I would feel better about myself”.

    Which isn't any better, but may explains her comment?

    If you can get a counselor for the both of you to work this out then probably that might help. I can see that you are working naked, looking after yourself and care a lot about your family and that her comments kinda trash all that effort and maybe she doesn't understand that is what she has done in focusing on this one thing. Ask her what the positives about being with you are maybe helpful to balance this out a bit? See what she is thinking.

    I hope you get some help to talk to her in more depth, find out what is going on with her comment at least to be informed about the state of your marriage at this point.

  7. Hello /u/ThrowRA357452462,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. She’s not wrong about NM ???‍♀️ but it’s possible that she has unhealthy attachment issues and what she really means is that she will miss you lots. You can decide if you want to allow flawed people into your life or not and set boundaries appropriately.

  9. Been 18 years. Doing great! Daughters were 1 and 3. Grown now. Ironically was one of the best things that ever happened to me. But I raged for a bit. I became a much better dad than I was going to be. Became a better person.

  10. They're 20, and have been dating for 4 months. I'd expect this from a 14 y/o who's afraid of their mom finding out.

    How long should OP wait for her to be comfortable?

  11. Oh, hell no. This doesn't even sound like you'll ever find some middle ground. Personally I would be out the door and glad to have only wasted 18 months.

  12. It's done dude. She doesn't want a fresh start, and she admits it was wrong.

    She wants the attention and she wants you to be the doormat. Either end it now, get a divorce or I'd snatch the fucking phone from her hand or tell her to show it to me immediately just so that you can end it knowing full well she didn't change and you gave it every chance.

  13. I understand all sides of this.

    Your names are your decisions. No one else gets to choose this.

    I understand your FIL's disappointment. I too would be disappointed if my son ended the line of our family name but I would still love my grandchild.

    You have to be true to yourselves and what your FIL chooses to do is up to him and him alone.

  14. So he barely crawls over a bar that is in hell…okay?

    Leave him.

    Protect your kids. Staying with someone who doesn't even bother to train his dog enough to make sure it isn't biting your children is absurd.

  15. I can do this with most things (I lock my room all the time), but I do spend a lot of money on food. That food has to be refrigerated. He will throw that away :/

  16. Broken people break other people. That's why I stopped dating people who still have big issues they have to deal with. They cannot properly love someone else in a healthy way.

  17. I believe you can actually sue her for this. Look up your local laws regarding STD/STI. There's a good possibility that she broke the law as well. Also, contact a care provider ASAP on what to do about your health.

  18. Her behaviour is not that of a girlfriend that respects her relationship and her boyfriend. And he is not controlling he is putting boundaries that need to be put.


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