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Sarah Luxor, 28 y.o.

Location: United States

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22 thoughts on “Sarah Luxor the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. It depends on price. You've been together a month. I'd get a nice wallet with the theme of the show he likes no more than say $50. Then next year if your still together get the sword

  2. There are more red flags in this post than there are words.

    I wouldn't even know where to start trying to move past any of what was said and done

  3. Damn, I am so sorry. Honestly, this is on your parents, they suck so much for not telling you earlier.

    Your half siblings are traumatized by this, I can assure you. That’s not on you, that’s solely on your mom. Their resentment was misplaced, they were kids and hurt you in their pain. I do understand that you resent them for that in return, but the main evil in all of this are your parents, sadly.

  4. Holy fuck this just kept getting worse. A massive series of bad decisions. For the record, I don't think you should try and get Aish back even as a friend cus fucking hell she deserves better. But if you WERE to begin, you need to understand first why you were wrong.

    I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have lied. But my lie was for a reason. Why is Aish so offended if people know that I dumped her? It just makes me sus the more I think about it.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My gf and I have been together for 7 years. I've always assumed we'd get married 'one day' but I've recently decided that I'm pretty close to being ready to pop the question.

    I want it to be a surprise, but I also want to get a ring she really likes. I know she is somewhat particular from ring conversations we have had previously but these have always been initiated by her and I feel it would seem Hella suspicious if I suddenly asked 'Hey, do you like the look of these rings?' Because of said conversations I feel I'm not completely lost but I definitely want to be more confident.

    TLDR; How do I get engagement ring preferences without giving the game away?

    EDIT: Just wanted to clarify that we have talked about marriage, we both believe it to be on the cards for the short-medium future. My problem I'm trying to solve is how to get information on ring preferences without ruining the surprise of the proposal and the ring itself.

  6. I can empathize with you on this one. The world convinced you that the grass is so much greener on the other side…. Or at least that you’ll be miserable if you don’t roll in it to find out. You broke up with the guy you call amazing for no other reason than you wanted to find out if it was better with someone else. Start with realizing how hurtful that was to him. Then because you are still tied through friends he had to know you were following through with it, more hurt. Then icing on the cake, you picked an absolute AH who is rubbing every second of it in his face with graphic detail. And you think you’re going to fix this mess? You need to get out of his life, right now. You’re the one that did this, you should be leaving the friend group and try to meet some good people. I’d recommend don’t date for a while, get past the good and the bad you’ve experienced so far so you can start fresh with someone new.

  7. So you value birthdays more than him. He didn’t reciprocate to the level you wanted.

    He values his freedom more than being part of a relationship and he’s shown this to you countless times, which you’ve accepted by staying with him.

    Plus you’ve allowed him to drive drunk with you as a passenger and instead of leaving him you say you’re hurt and disappointed?

    If someone made it as clear to me as he had that he doesn’t want to be in a relationship and tried to kill me I wouldn’t be asking how to communicate; I would have left him. I’m sure he’s wondering why you are still keen to be with him so he won’t be surprised when you leave.

  8. Comment Rule 1: All comments must be on topic and focus on the OP, in good faith. Derailing arguments, fights, and moral whataboutism is not allowed. Advice given must be good, ethical advice. Remember, the goal is to help your fellow human.

    “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.

  9. Honey, things are going to change. He's going to move far away with girls he's been crossing your boundaries with. It's over. He's using you for something until he leaves. Maybe it's sex, maybe it's other services, but he is avoiding a scene by dragging you along and making you desperate enough to beg. I'll bet you've been extra nice to him recently.

  10. You deserve a thousand times better. Don’t think of it as 12 years wasted, think of it as being paroled early and having the next 60 years of freedom.

  11. Why on earth would you try to make a marriage work when you are a prisoner to this loser ass husband? Get the fuck out of there. You deserve better than this shit hole he has you in.

  12. No, scuffles are not something that “sometimes happens” in a relationship. I've been with my husband for over 20 years, and we've never had a scuffle. We get a little snippy on occasion, but that's the extent of it. He's prepping you to expect it from him like it's normal.

    It's not.

  13. Sooo… if she feels used shouldn’t you further ask questions?… Is it lack of intimacy/cuddling after sex? Is it because you don’t spend quality time with her except for when you’re being sexual? Do you have date nights with her? Do you get her presents on special occasions? Do you get her things that she likes (ie. Favorite drink) just because? You need to be more proactive about this… I hope you had a longer conversation with her than just finding out she felt used and then showing relief ?

  14. How many times will be enough?

    What will have to happen for it to be enough? When he hurts your kid physically? Because I can guarantee they are already being damaged mentally. And you’re allowing it.


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