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Sammielove1169, 19 y.o.


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16 thoughts on “Sammielove1169 the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Yeah I agree. That one date sounds like a nightmare, and maybe she’s so far on the spectrum she doesn’t realize how cringe that is.

    Guarantee there are other women on the spectrum who would be a better fit, and might also struggle picking up and putting out the right signs

  2. Yeesh. OP, this relationship is done. Hope your name is on the mortgage so if the house needs to be sold at least you'd get half the profit (if any, market is still crazy in most countries). At least, I'm assuming you bought the house with a mortgage?

    As for why this is happening… probably one or more of the following reasons:

    Mortgage is a way to bind you to him and he feels he no longer needs to pretend. He's thinking he's the one being trapped by the mortgage / house and is trying to get you to break up because he lacks the willpower to do it himself and be the bad guy. He wants you to feel the lesser party in the relationship so he can try and control you. He's tired of you and either wants to or is screwing around, see 2 for his desired outcome.

    Whatever the case is, he's acting irrational, probably at least verbally abusive and showing you who he really is. And what he's showing sucks. You stating you feel you did everything for him, yet he did not do the same in equal measure means he's a lot less involved in the relationship you are.

    It's time to choose yourself as the priority and not him. It's time to break up, get your financials et all in order and either kick him out or move out yourself.

  3. I mean they were having an emotion affair while they were engaged and she was pregnant. She knows it was an EA, otherwise why would she cut off the “friendship”? Now they seem like they’re about to kick off another emotional affair and just “randomly” running into each other…..suspish. I honestly would forward the entire email chain to him. If it’s not important or he already knows he won’t care. But if he feels that this is a dealbreaker the way you do it would be up to him on what he wants to do.

  4. Hello /u/misery4324,

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  5. It is fine to have friendships with people you have been with. However, I don’t think that works when the person is actively trying to court them. This in addition to the regular lying makes it seem like a failed relationship unless she is willing to change and you need to set your boundaries clearly and stop giving chances if she continues to break those boundaries. Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship and lying is not good communication.

  6. You are allowed to say NO to anything that makes you uncomfortable. Furthermore, you are NOT responsible for other people's happiness. If you have to do things in a relationship (in any context really) to make someone else happy at the expense of yourself, it is not the relationship for you.

    Tell him that you don't want to do this. If he gives you a hard time about it, again, not the man for you. If he guilts you with the “If you loved me you would…”, again, not the man for you.

    Put yourself first, always.

  7. Two weeks or no contact is unreasonable when you are in a relationship, doesn't work that way!

    What is not clear to you?

    She explained to you what happened!

    Did she understood her problem and told you what next steps she'll take in order to never repeat the same mistakes again?

    Or did she blamed everything on the alcohol, then cried in order for you not to leave her because she can't control herself when she's black out drunk and it's not her problem?

    “we can’t just do nothing. There are problems that need to be worked out” – totally agree with you! But it's not on you to tell her what her problem is and what she should do! She needs to come with a solution and take appropriate actions to change. Don't tell her what to do, don't try to teach her manners, don't involve yourself into her problems, she's the one that needs to show you that she's remorseful by taking appropriate actions in order to change!

    “Very remorseful and crying her eyes out, saying that she’s scared of me breaking up with her” – she can cry as much as she wants but that's not being remorseful, don't be naive.

    Take your two weeks for yourself, you need it! Hopefully it's not her pattern to do something like that and if in the last 6 years there were no similar mistakes then you could consider staying. Hopefully you never did something similar like that to her!?!

  8. This is a shit show relationship.

    You're engaged after less than a year, and you're only 18.

    He still tries to put it in you. Lord.

    Have you seen a doctor about your UTIs?

  9. Oh. This is so common. You know that question.. what hill would you die on? There is no dishwasher fairy that moves the dishes from the sink to the dishwasher and from the dishwasher to the cabinets. I’m the effing dishwasher fairy. It’s highly unlikely that he’ll change. It’s his mom’s fault. I have 2 grown sons who both cook, clean and do laundry. That said, it’s now his fault. He’s a grown man who wants a mommy to clean up after him. He probably deserves to know that he’s on his way out if things don’t change drastically and soon. This is the last thing you want if you also want kids. That would be a nightmare. I’m just validating your feelings. He’s behaving like a child and it’s really really very hot to be attracted by that when you are a grown woman.

  10. We teach people how to treat us. If you put up with being treated badly for any reason, in any relationship, that behavior will continue.

  11. He likes making you feel insecure. He likes feeling like he has power over you. He doesn’t respect you.

    These aren’t jokes. If they were jokes, he would both be laughing. These are intentional manipulations to keep you off balance, and make you feel insecure and desperate for his approval.

    At three months, things should be awesome. This is him at his very best behaviour. You can do so much better than this. Find yourself someone who, at three months, is super excited to spend time with you.

  12. How is it suspicious? The landlord so the dog, issued the warning. Its a very simple trail to follow.


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