RonnyPonny the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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RonnyPonny, 28 y.o.


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7 thoughts on “RonnyPonny the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. There's a big difference between being second or third to being fiftieth, or finding out your new girlfriend had a gang bang in college. That's where value conflicts happen. Lying only increases the probability that he would find out second hand and feel tricked.

    Some guys are not bothered. Very few expect their partner to be a virgin, but many would not choose a relationship with someone whose history is a double figures list of casual hookups. If you hide that then you are storing up trouble for later. Finding out early if you are compatible or not saves heartache later.

  2. There's a lot of options for child socialization that are far cheaper than the thousands it costs for daycare if you have a non-working parent. I'm not saying sending your kid to daycare is a horrible thing to do if they can afford it (which OP said things were tight so it sounds like they can't afford it), but dishes, laundry and yard work are not tasks that are taking 8 hours a day, so wtf is this man doing all day with no kids and no housework that forces OP who works full time to be spending her evening and weekends cleaning, and her kid also having to wake up early and spend the weekends cleaning.

  3. Forcing an attempt at intimacy every two weeks.

    24/26 something popped up that nixed the attempt before the kids were even in bed, the other two times she voiced that she was able to not tense up and enjoy it, but both those intimate moments were closer to teenagers making out in a movie theater than what I’d view as being completely intimate.

    Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s going to take time to right the relationship, and that intimacy is a spectrum and I was appreciative of her effort to be open to trying, it just all seems like wasted emotion if she’s pulling out what is probably one of the most impressive “sorry I have a headache,” I’ve ever been made aware of.

  4. So what you're saying is…his Tinder got “hacked” by someone who has his exact interests and goals he recently told you about.


    Look if you want to stay then stay but be prepared for the possibility of him physically cheating at some point, if he hasn't already. If you're willing to risk it, all the power to you, but I'd be gone in your situation. There are so many men in the world, I don't see the point of dating someone who is most likely a cheater.

  5. They hadn’t had the timeline discussion though. She never stated when she wants to be married or have kids. Discussing marriage and kids is normal on the first date or second as you want to see if those match before you spend more time with each other. When time progresses (I’m not saying a year and 2 months is perfectly fine) then state your timeline goals. She went straight to making those decisions without discussing with him. “So this is how I see my future pan out, I would to progress to living together after a year relationship, married 2/3 and have kids within the 5” is how you go about it. Your showing your expectations for the relationship. “I’m moving in with you in 10 months” isn’t. That’s you telling them without their input and making unilateral decisions without them.


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