RocknRose the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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RocknRose, 26 y.o.


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5 thoughts on “RocknRose the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. The best answer is always tell the truth. Be honest with all parties. I'd talk to the new woman upfront about how you feel first though. Just kinda be prepared, messing with a single mom's emotions is a pretty cruel joke and if you're not prepared in your life to take care of kids, it's worthless to pursue anything real with her.

  2. You probably also didn't catch your mom being nailed across the living room couch by a stranger? Or have your mom walk out on you to get laid while you have a severe panic attack I'm guessing.

    I'm hoping you grew up in a somewhat normal household with either both parents or a single parent that tried their best to be at least present. By the sound of OP's post he wasn't in the same situation as a lot of us more 'normal' folks.

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I have been with my husband for 5 years to be precise. Married for 2. I have known since like the first month of our relationship that he was the man for me. He always makes me happy, smile, be intrigued by him, is there for me when I need him. And all that stuff.

    But for a year now he always goes with his “friends” drinking every Saturday. And returns late. Late as in 6 AM or even later. I always wake up as he comes home. Though weirdly he never sounds like he is drunk at all, although I have not heard him being incredibly drunk as long as I have known him so maybe that is a me thing.

    Anyway, these “friends” of his always come by our house 7 PM sharp. I think there have been like 3 times or so that they haven't been here by 7 PM. And when I mean 7 PM sharp. I MEAN not a minute later. And even when they have been later it has at most been like 5 minutes only.

    They never address me unless I speak to them first and the 3 of them always speak rather quiet instead of a more party going spirit. It's really weird as to me you just get a weird vibe standing there with them. My husband is already dressed by the time they come so they leave in like a minute or 2 and then as I mentioned my husband comes back alone at 6 AM or so.

    At times I have asked to come along because I grew suspicious they may be going to shady places like a strip club of some sort because my husband never sounded drunk, but also never went alone. Unless these “friends” covered for him.

    You see, my husband has cheated on me once, but it was in the first year of our relationship and at the time he claimed to be immensely depressed because a lot of his family members died that year and he couldn't confide in me because I was abroad for most of that year unless there was a vacation, that I then spend with him because I knew it was a naked time for him.

    I knew that while not a good reason neccesarily, people make bad decisions when they are left to grieve by their own. So after some thing we both agreed to move on and forget all about it. Until this year when he all of a sudden made these “friends” of his and has been spending every Saturday night with them (Supposedly).

    When I did break under the pressure of not knowing what he was doing. I did begin to ask things like, can I scroll to your phone for a second. Or almost interrogating him by asking what things he was doing the whole night and why he always came back so late.

    He always casually gave the phone to me with no problems and I couldn't find anything even after scrolling on like 5 separate times. I knew I was going too far but he somehow didn't mind and said he had nothing to hide. However, this also is were the weird stuff begins to show itself.

    He doesn't have any real conversations with these “friends” of his beside the 1 message saying they are coming for him on Saturday night, every week, between 6:00 and 6:30 PM. They all message him this at this 30 minute interval every week and have no conversations nor a reply from my husband back to them of any sort.

    I have also asked to tag along, but this has almost always been denied. And when I was allowed to come (2 times). We just went to the bar and drank like he said he would. His “friends” still didn't talk to me unless I spoke to them first and they barely drank anything. Maybe like 3 to 5 beers and that was it. Then at 5:30 we all went our separate ways and me and my husband would go home. Him also only drinking like 4 beers or so. Nothing of note happens which just makes it feel even weirder. Especially when my husband just casually talks to me but barely speaks to his supposed friends at all. And when they do it almost feels like no energy is being put into the conversation. Just casual talk like you would do with a coworker. Nothing like anyone else I have seen go to a bar with friends do. There just isn't any excitement or fun to speak of. And the times where I do get to tag along it always had to be a week in advance as well. Never on the day where his friends are at my door.

    I'm telling you it is just the weirdest thing to me. And I don't know If I am just crazy because I think something is up or there actually is something going on that I just cannot get a grasp on. Any advice would be appreciated very much.

    TLDR: Am getting suspicious of husband of what he does every Saturday night.

  4. You are her only sexual paetners and she was sexually abused in the past. These dreams might not be going away.

    Problem is also that she might think that while she has all these issues having sex with she might wonder if it would be easier/better for her with other people. Obviously not, but it is not something she can know for sure herself.

    Pair it with what she has already told you about not wanting you to be her only sex partner in her life, I think your relationship is doomed for either, break up, infidelity or being opened at some point in future.


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