Powercouple4201 the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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6 thoughts on “Powercouple4201 the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I guess you just threw a good one away. You know you could work on yourself while being his partner? If you’re broken up honor his wishes of not contacting you. Your exes wasted years of your life and you did that with him.

  2. He’s not joking, he’s deliberately insulting people but is too much of a coward to own it openly. Hence all the “jokes.” He wanted to insult your sister and BIL but he’s too passive-aggressive to just do it so he hides behind “I’m just joking” whenever he gets called out on his bullshit. I bet he “jokes” with you a lot in ways that aren’t funny too, doesn’t he?

  3. Your boyfriend, whom you don't see very often, I assume because of the distance, is on a dating app, exclusively with the intent of meeting single women.

    And he says it's because he wants specifically wants female friends. Why does he specially want to meet women? If it's a friend, sex, gender, nor appearance should matter.

    Then when you point it out, he says you're the one breaking the trust. He is blaming you for the consequences of something he did.

    I've known people who downloaded Tinder while in a relationship “just for fun,” with seemingly no intention of matching with anyone. Guess what happened.

    I think you should talk to him about and be clear how it affects you and how it is not okay. If he continues to blame and starts making you think you're the problem, then I think you should start talking about it with a person he is not involved with, whom you trust. Like a family member or a wise friend.

  4. I'm sorry but you are absolutely being immature. He's realizing that you can't 100% say you'd get an abortion (ok, fine) but that he 100% doesn't want a kid right now (also fine) and since BC isn't 100% effective (very true) he'd rather double up with condoms too. Your reaction to this very mature and smart decision is to say “well if you're using condoms I'm going off BC” even though condoms also aren't 100% effective… Just because you suddenly worry he might be thinking about cheating? Grow up or stop having sex.

  5. Girl, this doesn’t sound like love and devotion. This sounds like pure obsession and possession.

    This isn’t romantic. It’s terrifying.

    These acts aren’t from a good guy in therapy. Get out.


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