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Room for online sex video chat PenelopaBoldwin

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39 thoughts on “PenelopaBoldwinlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I tend to agree with you. I’ve told him before that I feel like I’m not important when he’s, say, an hour later than expected – even if it was just to come to my place. I am busy and if I’m always waiting for him, it’s time I could have used to do other things.

    I think he gets it. But he just seems to think about time differently. He calculates based on best case scenario. I calculate to avoid lateness and pissing other people off!

    I hope it doesn’t get to dealbreaker status, but you key be right.

  2. Well first you have to protect yourself. Get picture evidence of his deception and then move your portion of money out of any joint accounts into a new bank account that he doesn't have access to. Speak to a lawyer ASAP. Only after, speak to him. Do this all today

  3. This is going to sound really bad but as a person who’s mother chose an abusive man as a husband and as the father of her kids, If you’re actually considering having a baby with the man who choked you, maybe you should rethink having a kid. I feel really bad for you being in that situation because no one deserves that, but Its nothing compared to how bad I feel for your kids if they had to witness all that or worse, be at the receiving end of his violence at any point in time. I promise you those are things kids never forget. I hope you’re keeping the other kids you do have safe and away from that man. If you really want to have the kid, make sure you’re able to afford it and don’t rely on him or any other man to come in and provide for both of you. There’s too many single mothers who had kids thinking the father would at least help them out financially but sometimes it never happens and the child is the one who suffers. Take it from me, my dad had a court order to pay my mom child support and he never paid a cent. And I’m sorry but at 8 months I really doubt you know everything you need to about this man and you seem to already have doubts. If you can’t trust him to at least be open with you with his phone I cannot even fathom how you are even considering the possibility of bringing an innocent child into the world with a father like that.

  4. He should rather say: “sex is emotionally meaningless TO ME but it is my choice to have it for physical pleasure (or may be physiological need). I understand if you can't accept this.”

    Then it's up to you to decide where your lines pass. If he does this for pleasure which he can control, that's too selfish and mark of character, I'd break up. If he does this because he can't otherwise (which is possible), you may give it a chance, but most likely you'd be better off alone, or with another partner who can and is willing to wait (there are such guys, need to discuss early on).

  5. Not if this woman is the way I see her. Bro this lady is not normal. She is going to do something to you that could really damage you. I would move out immediately.

    I have been in your situation exactly. I had lived with a lady. I found out she was messing around with another guy. I broke it off with her. She refused to move out. She was then breaking things. My lawyer who is a close friend advised me to get the hell out of that house and I did. I moved across town to my other house which was being renovated. She didn’t have access to it and I had a security system installed some time ago.

    She started blowing up my phone and I blocked her. Before I left she injured herself and claimed I had assaulted her. I had already left and made sure to be in contact with my attorney the whole time. The operative thing was I vacated the premises immediately.

    She called the police and they called me and I spoke to them and my attorney spoke to them. I went to the police precinct the next day. They demanded to know what happened and I gave my full breakout. But one little thing I never told my girlfriend I had cameras around my house. I had the feed shown to the police. The area where I supposedly attacked her had shown the fight. But I didn’t touch her. The cops questioned her. She didn’t get arrested or accused of filing a false report. I wanted to press charges but the DA didn’t take it any further.

    I then evicted her WHILE LIVING IN ANOTHER HOUSE. that evil piece of trash completely trashed my place before leaving. Costing me thousands to repair it.

    I will never online with a woman again. No cohabitation.

  6. Unfortunately this is so true. Cheating destroys relationships no matter how naked you try to repair things.

    I have a few deal breakers in my relationship and cheating is definitely the top of that list.

  7. Hello /u/user_name060,

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  8. First, you're not actually married. Second, she's just a teenager. What might have sounded cute in her last relationship when she was 15 or 16 now just sounds cringe and she probably realizes that. Third, why do you want the same pet name she called someone else? Insecure much?

  9. I think that you could greatly benefit from talking to a therapist about this exact situation. You need someone who can, hopefully, look at and question your thoughts.

    It's something that should be done sooner and before you make that decision to leave.

  10. Move to a new place. That’s an easy fix. And no, I do not mean a hilltop close to a non civilized lake and bears and wolfs. Move to a big city, and everything your stressing about gonna be fixed.

  11. First of all, I don’t think an arranged marriage in the context OP describes is either feminist or anti-feminist; it’s just a choice, and one her friend should have respected. What you and OP are describing isn’t feminism, but “choice feminism”, which privileges individual choice above all else. However, just because a woman makes a choice does not mean she has complete agency over that choice, or that choice is equal to empowerment. By simply applauding the act of decision making, we risk reinforcing the misconception that women are already emancipated, and that there is no need to make actual efforts to help us attain equal rights. Choice feminism can leave existing power structures unthreatened, if not strengthened further by catering to their power and praising women for “choosing” to lend it more strength. Since choice feminism argues all decisions women make are feminist, it allows women no room to identify situations in which our choices are constrained by our social context, thus leaving the status quo unchallenged.

  12. Setting a boundary isn't a threat. Implying that her having control over her own body is somehow threatening to her partner is disturbing. Clear communication is how we have healthy relationships, and boundaries are part of that.

  13. He would have if she wanted to. They we're naked together. No one gets naked and lays with another person for no reason.

    He's broken your trust twice now, so why do you want to give him a third chance to do it again? He cheated on you with this woman and plans on seeing her again. He wants to sleep with her.

  14. You’re seeking them out like a trophy? As an alt girl I vomit at the idea. Also my love youre almost 30 we should be focused on his career and such not necessarily the way he dresses. That means nothing . Sure it’s cute but seeking them out is something we see a mile away.

  15. It'll catch up to them in an even bigger way later down the road. I doubt they've learned anything from this, and they'll cheat on their next partners. They'll find themselves alone, wondering why nobody will date them because they did nothing wrong.

  16. OP, you say you are not a homewrecker but your actions when with him shows otherwise. He is also clearly interested in you Im sure you noticed or you would.not narrate your communications with him here.

    No professor will hugs and touch his student's cheeks like that. He is ready to bed you if you are. Im sure this is not his first time.

  17. Girl, he's basically saying he wants to have his cake and eat it and that staying with you would be boring. I'm sorry but I don't think he loves you as much as you love him. I think you've mentally checked out after those comments and I don't blame you… yes, I really think this is the end of your marriage. Better to find out now than actually at like 80…

    Find somebody who loves you so much that they would never say these things to you. Who couldn't imagine sharing you with anyone. Not saying that poly relationships are bad, I'm saying if that is what you want out of life, you need someone with that mentality about you. Stop being unhappy and go find that person, life is too short. He's a jackass.

  18. Please get over yourself. Any woman ever who has found out about cheating or crimes by snooping is the one more in the wrong? Goodbye

  19. Thank you for the ideas for a list of non-material items! I hadn’t thought of that before, but it sounds like a great solution given the circumstances

  20. Y’all are way too old for this BS…unless I’m missing something and one of the friends did something absolutely awful to the other (like stealing their girl, ruining property, hurtful slurs, etc.).

    Why do they hate each other so much?

  21. This sounds like the way my last relationship was going before we ended things. Communicating the hurt i felt when he would turn his back & reject me did nothing.

    Sorry man but people just lose interest. If you've already expressed your concerns and shes not sympathetic or at least trying to be more self aware of her actions towards rejecting you then its probably time to end things. Sexual incompatibility & lack of intimate reciprocity is a terrible path to go down in a relationship. Go to r/deadbedrooms and read some of the posts there, is heartwrenching.

  22. The question isn’t why would HE stay. The question is why would YOU stay. Seriously, WHY? This man has zero respect for you. He doesn’t want to pay child support or for someone to watch his kid while he cheats. He is using you.

  23. Go over there with the police. And press charges, because they had to know it was yours and that is receiving stolen property. You can always adopt another husband.

  24. What you described isn’t a marriage, it’s a bad roommate situation with paperwork saying you will stay together. Go to a lawyer, discuss your options and pick one. You deserve happiness in your life and you will never find it with her.

    As a fellow dog owner there’s two things to consider. 1. What would be the best for the dogs? You might end up crashing with friends or getting a small apartment which would make them miserable. 2. There are lots of dogs who need an owner who will love them sitting in shelters waiting for someone like you to take them home. Remember that if it works out that you can’t take them.

  25. Good thing you found out before you had kids. His behavior is not good. It says everything about him and nothing about you. This can't be the first time he has behaved so badly. Threatening your marriage is a means of controlling you. He expects you to beg forgiveness. Do Not Ask For Forgiveness!!! He is Waaay out of line. Consider giving him the divorce he is asking for.


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