Patricia & Tommy the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Patricia & Tommy, 25 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Patricia & Tommy the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. No worries. Life gets busy. I've mulled this over in my head a lot and I think I've made peace with certain things. I want to be ok with being alone. Hopefully this doesn't become something to deal with any time soon, but if need be, that's a goal of mine. I realize having absolutely no friends that I at least semi-regularly interact with might not be something I'm able to on-line with for the rest of my life. In fact, I seem to have made a friend out of a co-worker. Perhaps that will become a long term friendship. Perhaps we will drift apart. For now, I'm happy to chat with someone with similar interests and hobbies. Thank you again for your your kind and thoughtful words. This has felt significant to my personal growth.

  2. i think it's similar to what they said in their first comment:

    I know my wife has my back, and did so when I was broke. I'm 6 figures now, and she's been 100% on my team to get there. No way I'm letting any other person have access to that.

    like they won't leave each other for someone else and let that person get any of the benefits of their success

  3. If anyone, I repeat ANYONE asks me to choos between them or my cat. I'd happily watch them get the fuck out of my life. They are lucky to be in the presence of such Beautiful animals in the first place. Also, the question itself is so disrespectful, like who thinks they are more important than someone's pet aka child.

  4. Oh, it IS????

    Wait 1 second. Yeah, I don't care.

    I trust her interactions 100%, guys on here can be super shitty. So yes, if she needs me to tell someone off or she's feeling a certain way, moderation in full effect.

    But explain to me how a consensual relationship is creepy to you??

    Annnnnnd go

  5. Yeah i think therapy might be good, thank you. In the meantime i just am not sure how to move forward and talk to my partner about this

  6. Maybe that's the issue, she has to deal w it 24/7 but you wanted to end yourself from just doing it for a little bit. So you can understand why she's miserable, she's done it for longer

  7. As most are saying here, her behavior sounded reasonable and forthright. The key here is making sure that this is a one off situation and not a new “norm” of him visiting her and staying alone often. I’m not trying to plant a seed in your head but stay alert and be aware if they are interacting more than you realize. Right now, everything seems to be above board but clarify your boundaries and what you are and aren’t comfortable with.

  8. Oh gott, das hört sich echt nach einer Geschichte wie aus einem Buch an. Denkst du denn er könnte dir was tun? War er jemals aggressiv dir gegenüber? Ist er allgemein eher ein strenger Typ?

  9. I agree. The chair incident is very concerning. His display of violence and lack of self control is just the tip of the iceberg. It was absolutely him trying to condition her not to question him.

  10. If your boyfriend leaves because you were sexually assaulted he doesn’t deserve you. You did nothing wrong, but you should be wary of who you drink with from now on. Especially those “friends”

  11. Hello /u/Outside-Sun850,

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  13. Sorry if I misunderstood, didn’t you separate specifically to Ste and have something to compare it to?

    It doesn’t make sense for him to grieve the end of your relationship if he doesn’t think it’s over. You decided to take a break and have something to compare it to. He took a break and did exactly that.

    He can’t really compare casual sex to a long term relationship. Going out with someone a few times, seeing new years fireworks is not a huge romantic hallmark moment, it’s just something to do.

    If you two were only separating until august, how much time should have have spent not doing exactly what this time appears to have been meant for.

    You made it clear he maintains contact, still says he loves you. By freaking out it really sounds like you F’d up.

  14. Because it means OP is leaving out an important detail.

    Either that this is her personality and they regularly have sex, or that they're not having sex at all and his constant rejections of her are making her feel like he doesn't want her and isn't interested in her anymore.

  15. Odds are, he took it during a session with you. You don’t my word for it. Statistically speaking, viagra is the most widely sold drug in the black market for drugs. It’s not weed, coke, adderall, etc but viagra that tops the list, even thou you can buy this drug over the counter nowadays.

    Why are so many men buying viagra?!? Performance anxiety. Yolo

  16. Thank you. Hurts like hell. And now have to heal and deal with the silence since he walked out. But I’ll be fine

  17. No, you're not wrong – in fact, I can't see any other way forward for you, except ending the relationship. Your current situation is untenable, and having a mature discussion about ways to solve it is the best thing you can do.

    You absolutely have to be prepared for the possibility that she is unwilling to give up the dog – of course she has every right to make that choice – and accept it with a good grace if that's what she decides.

    If that's how it goes, I think your only realistic course is to break up. It sucks, but while you have every right to ask her to help you both find a solution to the problem, you have no right to demand she does anything.

  18. Well if that's the case then the relationship probably needs to end because they are not compatible. But then again she is not the same person as you, and she might decide to rehome the dog and not regret it. Either way, the difficult conversation needs to be had.

  19. Yeah I might eventually. At the moment I'm recovering from my fourth surgery in a year so I'm not in a state

  20. We do all that quite frequently. Apart from the lack of sex, our relationship is like that of a freshly fallen in love couple. I complement her constantly, but my worry is that the frequency of my complimenting might take away the meaning for her.

  21. this is just plain victim-blaming. you should be goddamn ashamed to say something like this to a domestic abuse victim whose husband just threatened to kill her.

  22. Totally get it and I absolutely agree with you, but I don't need to know anything, it's just that I worry and I don't want him to think he has to buy me things in order for me to be happy, which is the opposite of my personality. I'm happy with him, not the money he has or doesn't have.

  23. Go if you'll be alright even if it does just end up being a fling. Don't go if something more developing is the only way you'll think it's worth it.

  24. But we don't know if he did or if he did in a non confrontational way ie just not responding.

    I referenced the previous conversation because it colours OPs interpretations of bf's convos with this girl. Would she be this upset if it was a male friend or an unattractive lady for example or would she just eyeroll and be like “your mate” about it.

    Your partner's ex is a completely different kettle of fish because they are the ex. If they are trying to stay friends for whatever reason and there is ex history then of course you shouldn't even joke about it. You should also like not reminisce about couple things you did or whatever while two old friends chatting about friend days are totally fine.

  25. My parents argued a lot and had genuinely messed up marriage. Because of this I thought relationships were really naked work. I was your age, engaged to someone who wasn’t right for me and I moved out of state because we kept getting back together. I was single for a long time but I had a cool job, traveled extensively and just had lots of fun. If I had stayed with him I probably would have been divorced with a kid that he abandoned (he’d already done that with his first wife and child). Life is is too short to be chained to someone who doesn’t treat you well. And if I stayed with him I never would’ve met my husband. It isn’t easy but he is loving and respectful. We’ve been together for 23 years and I still adore him. Best wishes for a fun future


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