P A U L A the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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P A U L A, 22 y.o.


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16 thoughts on “P A U L A the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. If you’re wanting general advice, you should take her side on things like this. Make her feel validated on why she feels sad and why she followed this person in the first place. If she genuinely likes an artist, then let her know it’s ok to. Be her support system, whether it be with words of affirmation, getting her some of her favorite snacks, or just asking if there’s anything you can do. From an outsiders perspective, this seems like a real petty thing for her friends to do and maybe she’s better off not talking to them.

  2. Welp your gf cheating on you will “enhance your relationship on many ways.” Just stick it out, you two are perfect for each other. ?

  3. 90 days. That's how long you were together. 90. Days. That's fuck all.

    Focus on getting home. Then see a therapist because it would help you immensely. Good luck to you and have a safe flight back.

  4. That is sexual assault – plain and simple. It's up to your husband whether he wants to report him to the police.

    You absolutely want to go no contact with this person. He's a sexual predator. (People can and do control themselves while intoxicated – there is no excuse for this behavior).

    I would suggest speaking to Rape Crisis staff – they can point you to a therapist who can help.

    That is sexual assault. Plain and simple. It's up to your husband whether he wants to report him to the police.

  5. He was fine with me going on his phone up until I went on his Instagram and unfollowed people and removed followers of his

  6. This is wildly inappropriate! I’m bi and monogamous. Imagine him being straight but he’d never had a chance to experience a relationship with someone of another race – should he expect you to allow him to explore a relationship with a woman of a different race? Absolutely not. He’s engaging in an emotional affair and the NSFW portions probably involve sexual videos and sexting sessions. How accepting would he expect him to be with that? It’s beyond wrong. You should be heartbroken. I certainly would be. He needs to decide what he wants. His life with you in a monogamous relationship, or separate/divorce so he can explore other attractions with men or other women. Him being bisexual is not justification for what he’s pushing you to accept.

  7. Of course. Yeah we have. I call her wifey sometimes not all ways, and she calls me hubby sometimes not always.

    We do talk about our future together.

    I don't see the point of dating and being together with someone if marriage isn't the end goal.

  8. if its something that bothers you you should talk to her about it. it doesnt sound like she is actively keeping a list, more that she was just thinking about it and blurted it out. have a discussion about it and you can both bring up if theres anything else the other one does that makes you uncomfortable, and then you can both be more mindful of each other’s feelings 🙂 honestly there are so many posts on here that i feel can be solved with a good discussion. you shouldnt be afraid of talking with your partner, its good to have the kind of relationship where you don’t bottle up your problems and you’re both able to tackle issues as they come up, rather than letting them stew until they explode into a fight thats way out of proportion.

  9. He is dominating the relationship. He thinks because you have nowhere to go given the situation (have kids, same house, etc.), he can act in whatever way most comfortable for himself, and can spend zero effort in maintaining this relationship (which usually greatly involves sacrifice and tolerance, which he leaves 100% of those to you). He 100% disregards you. Also, he acts to you like one usually does to someone one condescends and hates very very much.

    This is obviously an issue that needs to be dealt with, otherwise it's even worse than what you don't want to do (leave him), and would also be very bad influence to the kid. Not to mention the kid would feel absolutely miserable for all these interactions between you two (him telling you to STFU and insulting you and you feeling miserable). At least, you should hope the kid would feel this way when it occurs.

    You could try to protest against it somehow. You don't have to leave him outright, but you could, say, leave him temporarily. Go to your parents for maybe days or weeks to begin with (preferably with the kid because it seems the fiance may potentially be abusive to the kid with his lack of patience). You just need to fight back somehow. A vital requirement in anyone's relationship is “a balanced one”.

  10. Does that mean punch her in the head? Give her a strong drug? I don't quite understand what she's asking for.

    Maybe she could take tiny tastes of favorite foods?

    I'm sorry you two are dealing with such a trying situation.

  11. So you saw each other almost every day for a year and in all that time he was able to hide his kids? He couldn’t have been a very involved dad then. I wouldn’t want to be with someone like that, and that’s not even taking into account the HUGE red flag that he didn’t tell you about them. Also considering how close you are in age to his daughter, yeah it’s creepy. He took advantage of your youth and naïveté. Someone an appropriate age for him wouldn’t put up with this BS.

  12. Yo John is a fucking asshole. That ain’t funny in any universe and that photographer is super unprofessional too. You’re not overreacting at all by cutting him out

  13. If either of you has any sense you will not be meeting his children for a long time. That should never happen until many months (at least) in, and the knowledge that you two are considering being permanent.

    I don't think this is the guy or type relationship for you.

  14. This situation would certainly make me feel taken for granted, too. I need quality time in my relationship.

    I do not think you're being unreasonable.

    I think he is not giving you enough to make it a real relationship. If this is all he can give, it wouldn't be enough for me. my bf and i have been together for a similar amount of time, have opposite work schedules, and live! an hour apart. i still see him a few times a week, we text, we call, he prioritizes me.

    I am not trying to brag but trying to show the contrast and explain why I don't think you are overreacting. I'd react the same. It just wouldn't be enough for me.


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