Natalya, ♥♥♥ 19y.o the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Natalya, ♥♥♥ 19y.o, 19 y.o.

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17 thoughts on “Natalya, ♥♥♥ 19y.o the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Thank you so much for your perspective, you’re totally right. I felt like I wasn’t getting the response I needed from my friends and now I have come to understand that emotional cheating is very real and that is what I did. I can now admit what I did to him so thank you for your honesty.

  2. I was wondering why it was such a big deal to him, but didn’t want to gaslight him or make him feel like he had no right in wanting to keep that to himself.

    He said that he didn’t understand why I was behaving the way I was. He said that I didn’t see the way I acted, I didn’t see the look on my own face, the tone in my voice, etc.

    I asked him if he wanted to leave and he said “do whatever you want”

    he told me that he was embarrassed by me and that I ruined it.

    I tried my best to hold back tears sitting there at the bowling alley

    It seems to me that he doesn’t really like talking about anything. When I said that, he told me that he was just going to let me say “whatever stupid shit” I was going to say and not respond, because he was done.

    i feel like he’s already mentally checked out of the relationship

    he lives with my family and i…money is tight for him because he’s saving for a car…mother has made things stressful….she’s always nagging about cleaning and stuff

    Read that back to yourself op.

    He's living with you guys, can save most of the money that would've been spent on rent to save for a car, has to be nagged into pulling his weight in terms of basic house chores and treats you like shit over asking “hey, what cocktail did you get?”

    Unless some major information is missing from this post, he's being needlessly cruel and openly disrespectful towards you.

  3. Reproductive coercion and not saying that you also can't have kids when discussing that you also don't want them are not equivalent. Not even in the same fucking ball park.

    He was going to try and force somebody who didn't want kids to be his incubator, and risk all the health complications that come with it, on you. It's assault. Please get out.

  4. yeah what you did was not right but her reaction is a little drastic. it sounds like you vie for her love and affection like a desperate mother tho with all the catering you do for her lowkey… she sounds spoiled.

  5. INFO: why do you need to know what genitals your sister’s partner was born with and how is it a breach of trust for her to not tell you?

    She obviously can’t trust you to blow up and out her partner to your bigoted parents (who you need to stop indulging immediately and cut ties with).

  6. You’re NTA you’re a victim and survivor of abuse and abuse at the hands of someone who clearly needs psychological help. Please do everything you can to protect yourself including restraining order and changing all locks and numbers and look into moving!

  7. There are so many comments with a variation on “this is why you shouldn't wait until marriage” and making remarks about purity culture, etc… but it's completely and utterly irrelevant here.

    She knew she wasn't sexually attracted to him before the marriage took place, but let it continue. If she had been honest in how she felt the mess could've been avoided.

  8. Cripes my dude… get some therapy for that anxiety. I married around your age and it turned out to be hell. I started over at 38 and got married again in my 40s. Wouldn't change a thing.

  9. It’s a gift made to and for you. You insure it.

    If you were gifted a luxury bag, the person already bought it and gave it to you. They have no obligation to insure it on your behalf. That’s your decision.

    This seems like a very MINOR thing to argue over…

  10. Moving to the US is challenging under an ideal situation. But moving here without knowing anyone and not having a way to support yourself sounds sketchy to me. I would avoid this.

  11. The gift is not the problem. The problem is she is one of those people who like to set you up to fail so that you will grovel to get back in her good graces. You will never win because she will constantly change the goal posts. Time to move on. There are lots of women who won’t constantly manipulate you

  12. I know you've gotten a lot of comments but I want to weigh in here as someone who is a bit older than you.

    Your girlfriend doesn't online with you, so she's a guest in your home. Do you ask all guests to provide money for expenses? Are you just expecting her to pay because she pays no rent? Do you remember being 23 in college at all? Did you work part-time in college and see that money drift away like nothing?

    Also, on the flip side, she might be paying no rent at home, but her part-time job might be paying for her school expenses plus maybe phone or other things. You genuinely can't expect a broke student who lives with her father to pay for your expenses like she's living there.

    One thing you should definitely do is stop bringing her grocery shopping. The other thing you need to do is consider dating women with jobs from now on. However, before you do that, consider that someone you've been seeing for three months that lives elsewhere even with a job will likely tell you she won't help with your living expenses since she doesn't on-line with you.

    I wish you luck because I think you're going to need it, OP.

  13. There is no reason your husband would be given custody of Madison, neither of you are related to her. Her father would be given custody as long as there is nothing untoward there.


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