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39 thoughts on “Naomi the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. This is a relationship deal breaker. Your bf is seriously lacking a moral center. I normally think people should err on the side of compromise in a relationship. But it’s really gross thar your bf doesn’t care that he’s surrounding himself with sexual predators.

    And part of me wonders if your bf has a capacity to be one as well. It’s well known that child molesters can gravitate towards partners who were molested as children

  2. I think that your husband has a problem with empathy and appropriateness. Saying things like this to your partner knowing that it will hurt them is a cruel trait. Often the people who say these things would not take it lightly if the same were said of them.

    There are things that are said that cannot be unsaid and I would ask myself if your husband said this hurtful and cruel thing to you in order to push you away. Because now you're going to carry those words in the back of your head every time he touches you or looks at a naked chick on IG.

    Only you know how much you can tolerate. You're young. Don't waste years on someone who doesn't respect you enough to make an effort to not chip away at your self esteem and self worth.

  3. At this point we know that the “safety” thing is just an excuse in order for controlling behaviors to creep in. When I’m worried about somebody’s safety I’ll maybe give them a quick call or message, see how they are doing, or ask them to text me when they’re back home. I’m not going to be asking whether they have eaten, who they are with (presumably he already has an idea), what they’re doing. He really has no grounds to demand such “updates” from his gf.

  4. Exactly, the reason he's delaying is cos he was looking for only s*x, he's realised he's not going to get it easily, & cannot be bothered putting in the effort for you.. sorry op but this guy is just not into you.. ditch him

  5. So he’s a sexual predator and an emotional manipulator. Those are two very good reasons to use your questioning on him rather than yourself.

  6. Did you even read the post? She's sitting with her phone every time OP comes out of the office. What part of that is her having to chase after the kid?

  7. Don’t ghost her, that’s the absolute height of disrespect and will be deeply upsetting to her. Sorry to sound harsh, but you need to grow a pair and do the right thing. Good luck to you 🙂

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  9. He’s basically telling you that you should not voice disagreement and that he wants you to be subservient. Are you okay with that?

  10. Yeah, we stopped a year ago. The counselor said SHE was in what is called an enmeshed relationship with her parents. He had her see a personal counselor and LIFE has been great. We are more of a team and she is a great person. But sex has always and still is lacking. I just accept it as she is an amazing person.

  11. break up with him. if you feel like you’ve reached a dead end, having sex with other people isnt going to change that. ive never felt that way about my boyfriend of 3 years, and you probably wont feel that way about the guy who is right for you. maybe you feel like you wont be able to handle it when he’s gone, but you just need a few days or weeks and you’ll get over him. he doesnt sound that great anyway… it just sounds like you two know your relationship is over but neither of you are willing to actually break it off

  12. ….I mean she’s not really being dramatic, you literally say in your title you strangled her and then you lied/tried to brush it away, I’m not seeing how her reaction is dramatic.

  13. I’m very hesitant to suggest a sex worker unless he’s in Nevada or Canada because it isn’t an ethical or viable option because a great deal of non-legal prostitution is provided by trafficked and or abused women/people.

  14. If she is going to the extent of calling a welfare check on you, then sorry mate but this relationship is over.

    Relationships should not be this naked and with her, it's been cranked up to 11. Way too much drama for any one person and even if you do get back with her, it'll just be more drama filled days ahead.

    I'm not a big fan of “leagues” but if you wanted to look at it this way, you are actually way of hers. You deserve someone who meets you both emotionally and intellectually and with the same maturity level as you. Your ex is not that person.

    So maybe in a way she has done you a favour by breaking up with you. You can now see her beyond the facade of the looks and see her for what she actually is. She is someone who likes the status, who wants the “stuff” and who thinks not in terms of love and honesty and respect, but rather as someone who sees others as things to accomplish, tick boxes on a life list, etc.

    Your feelings for her will disappear over time and one day you'll find yourself fine to start dating again. Give yourself a break for a while, work on yourself and send her one last message that you are blocking her and moving on and to please respect that.

  15. How people show interest in a partner is unique to each individual. It may not be that he's not interested, but rather that his needs are met as things are currently and he's oblivious that this is bothering you as much as it is. If you're feeling neglected or strung along, make your needs and desires clear: “Quality time is important to me in a relationship, so I'm going to put the ball in your hands. If you want to continue seeing me, we need to spend time together, however you decide to make that happen.”

    If he can't meet your needs, its not a problem with you.. but if you don't make your needs known, you're setting yourself up for failure. Get that peace of mind.

  16. Edit: No one is suggesting I stay with my wife. Instead everyone is hung up on my age.

    Why would anyone suggest your wife staying with a pedo cheater who lied to her for more than 7 years?

  17. Dump him coz he sounds, at the very least, rude as hell.

    However, I do wonder what “dressing better” means to you? In a more fashionable way, finding out your style or what exactly and how does it relate to your dysmorphia? You might want to explore that on your own and it would be better to have someone a lot more caring accompany you in that journey.

  18. You said you just went out yesterday, meaning today is the next day. Could she just have shit going on? Maybe she has class, maybe she’s cleaning, maybe she has diarrhea maybe any number of things. who knows? Don’t make it an issue until it’s an issue

  19. If I had known other girls would be coming, yes I would have liked to come but he clearly expressed he wanted to spend time with only the guys so they could catch up and have some « guy talk ». That’s my issue. If he just wanted to go out without me for one night, that would have been fine too

  20. Yeah, I don't want to regularly tour the museum of my boyfriend's former lovers.

    I'm sure some people are fine with it. It's not for me.

  21. Bisexual people are attracted to EITHER sex they don't need both at the same time. Sounds like your girlfriend is gay and giving real bisexuals a bad rep.

  22. Am I understanding you correctly that you think the photographer should refund OP because he allegedly slept with OP's wife in high school???


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