mongolian_slut the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD
3Kmongolian_slut, 99 y.o.
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mongolian_slut, 99 y.o.
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To Start on-line video press there
With such an age gap, you were essentially raised as an only child, with extra adult figures. You might never have a sibling relationship with them, but you can set boundaries. They are not your parents, and you are an adult now, anyway.
How is your relationship with your parents? Are they as cold and controlling as your siblings? Given their age when you were born, is it possible you are actually their granddaughter?
Probably right away since your mind is made up. But what do I know ???
My only reason for thinking it isnt money, is because he is going with or without you. Without you, he is paying the entire share, where as with you, even if you can pay 10%, its still more savings than without you. I am probably wrong, I dont know him or you, and your description is all that there is to go on, but based on that description alone, it *to me* just seems like he wants this to be his trip. Without getting confrontational, you could simply bring up the points;
You cant afford half pay. You would like to be on this adventure with him. Any amount you pay is better than nothing if you do not attend.
Then simply asks if he would like to do the trip without you, and make it clear (but be honest about it and accept his answer), that you are OK with him wanting to do this without you, and would rather him just be honest if that is the case.